Harikrishna Manigandan



Harikrishna Manigandan


Scary Days

Scary Days

3 mins

"I completed my bachelor degree and wanted to continue in masters but I wasn't financially strong. I decided to support my family and also continue my education by going for a job. I attended several interviews and got rejected. Finally after several nights of hard work I got a job. I thought it's going to be the greatest turning point in my life.

I didn't have a two-wheeler to go for my office. I had to go by bus. The first day when I saw the rush in the bus, I was completely scared. I anyhow managed to get inside the bus and get outside. 

"I hope now you understand why I don't want to stop the staff bus getting operated daily. "

These all were told by me (Developed entrepreneur) to my husband when he asked me to stop bus service for staff to save money.

"Even though I run out of money I would try to tally it by other moods but not by stopping the bus service to staff" , I ended.

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