Where It All Started
Where It All Started

It was the day when everything in my life changed, when life snatched everything from me. My name is Matthew Cullen.
I was returning home with my father in our old Volvo truck. My school was in the city and we lived 5 kilometers away from city in Rathaspeck. I was 8 at that time and my father was an engineer. He did not earn much but it was sufficient for 3 of us. My mother was a house wife who did some odd jobs like sewing. Her name was Emma Cullen.
It was about 2 o’clock when I reached home with my father. Our house was small but there was enough space for the 3 of us. We had shifted about 4 times before arriving to this house and my mother was pretty annoyed about that.
My father would do most of his work from home. There were many books and notes about physics in his room.
It was February and the temperature dropped down to 8 degree Celsius. The heater in our house was not working so my father and I had to repair it. My father was trying to see what was wrong with it until I found out that its tungsten filament was over heated. My father replaced one.
During dinner my mother argued with my father.”Thomas, “she shrieked, “this is last time we are shifting, I cannot handle this. I was in my room and I happened to overhear their heated argument. As soon as I got out of my room they both stopped.
After that we had dinner and after completing my homework I sat near my bedroom window and glanced at a star. It was always there and it’ was one of the brightest stars up there. I sometimes wondered that thousands of years ago, light had started its journey from there to reach to me. When I told this to my father he rudely replied that I was indeed foolish. I saw something outside in the bushes in front of my house; but I ignored by thinking that it must be a dog.
I was restricted to go in his room or to go out and play with anyone or attend a phone call and even to open the door.
The next day was a school holiday my father came home in evening hurriedly and asked us to pack our stuffs in order to relocate. My mom however expressed her disagreement this time and said, “Thomas this time we are not going anywhere."
My father annoyed by her tantrums yelled back, ‘Damn it I am protecting you and our son, why don’t you understand emm....”
My mother packed some food and took all the money we had, my father took all his notes. I thought what I should take. But I didn’t have anything.
At that time my father saw some flash lights outside our door so he switched off all the light of house. To his response one of the people banged the door and cried out, “We know Thomas you are in there, open the door."
My father took both of us out of the house from the back door and tried to escape in our truck, as soon as he started his truck we heard a gunshot. He started the truck and drove it towards the port nearby.
My mother asked, ‘Thomas where we are going?"To which my father replied that we will take a boat for Fishguard in U.K.
It was 15 minutes or so everyone thought that they have lost us. We had covered around 4-5 miles. But it was just the start.
We heard another gunshot. My father got hit by one of the bullet in the left shoulder, and we crashed in a tree.
Car was upside-down and my father crawled out of car from the road side.
I and my mother tried to escape from other side taking my dad’s notes and all the money. It was all trees around us we both tried to make it to port.
Then we heard a gunshot, another gunshot, one more. I insisted my mom to go back and look for dad but she said that I was more important then.
We almost reached the port. We both heard a sound in the bushes and a man leaped out from the bushes I could not see his face because of dark.
He shot my mother at her leg. We both ran for our lives but when we reached port my mother said, “Matthew I love you. Your father also loved you he was concerned for your safety, we both love you; take your dad’s backpack and the money I will hold him off. "To which I replied, I will not go anywhere leaving you mom, you are coming with me.
She barely could stand. She said that, ‘Matthew your name means gift of the Lord, one day CHANGE all these, I love you my son NOW GO.
Unwillingly I ran towards the boat nearby and I heard a gunshot. I knew he would come for. I tried to unhook the hook of boat. Then I heard footsteps.
It was him he shot me in my arm and I fell in water, I was conscious and I remembered that he tried to shoot me again in water but he couldn’t.
He was gone and I tried to go back to the shore but there was a huge tide and I nearly choked. I thought it was my end.
I thought I was dead but dead doesn’t sound like sea. I was grasping for breath at that time, when I heard two men talking in some language. However I could understand some words cause my mother use to teach me Forth and Bargy dialect. Seeing me moving both of them approached me and asked comment allez-vous?
I told them that I didn’t understand French then one of them replied to me in French accent “You are tough one boy”. I asked them what had happened to me, when I tried to move my shoulder was paining very badly. One of them replied, “Boy we found you in St. George Channel. You were lucky we found you right in time else you would be dead by now. You were on a wooden plank, and we found this backpack is this yours?” One of them asked me. “It’s mine”, I replied. One of them said that his name was Martin and his friend’s name was Karl. I wondered whether Karl was just worried hoping that that he doesn’t get into any trouble .Martin asked me that what had happened to me.”I was escaping with my mom and dad when someone killed both of them and tried to kill me as well and thought I was dead.”
Karl told me to take some rest and asked Martin to come aside. I could clearly hear their talks although I couldn’t understand much but I knew it was about me. The old ship was very beautiful; I guess it was made of oak and eastern white pine.
Martin told me that they are local fishermen and they didn’t want to invite any trouble so they would take me to the local police station in their neighborhood. I replied to them that I was not safe in hands of any official. I needed place to stay. I could do any work they would give me. Listening to my words the disapproval on Karl's face was quite visible.
Martin told me he could take me to his house but he was not sure about his wife’s decision. I could hear the chirping of birds. When I asked them about the birds, Karl told me that he has two Redwings which are beautiful.
I experienced seasickness. My wound was paining for which Martin gave me some painkiller which has some hypotonic effects because of that I didn’t know when I had gone to a long nap.
When I woke up it was duskiness; the sun was setting for a beautiful nap. We arrived at the shore; however there was no coast guard to notice us. We walked about 900 meters to reach our destination. Martin asked me stand out for a while. I saw someone staring at me from the window of attic of the house.
Martin was around age of my father. His wife came outside and Martin introduced me to her. Her name was Ellen. She warmly welcomed me in her house. She gave me some blanket and some clothes and even a hot chocolate. She asked me everything about my past, about my parents. I saw a boy behind the door. I asked Ellen about the boy. She called him and told him that I am Matthew. She told me that his name is Tom. He was 3 months younger to me. She was worried about my wound. I told that it was due to a gunshot. I saw Martin bringing his first aid kit .He gave me anesthesia and I didn’t remember much about that situation. When I got up it was 3 in the morning. My wound was still fresh and it did pain a lot. I saw that I was asleep with Tom in the attic and my clothes were changed and my wound was dressed.
I was not in a condition to stand up on my feet. At that time I realized that my backpack was not with me when I came with Martin. I had left it in the boat. The backpack was more important than my own self. My parents died saving me and those notes. It definitely had some significance.
Everyone was sleeping and I thought I should bring that on my own. I slowly got down in the hallway. Before going out I saw a gun wear Karl was sleeping.
I took it without telling anyone one else, cause what happened back there after that I knew anything could happen to me.
I saw a scarecrow in the middle of the field. It was corn and wheat field. The cold wind was trying to tell me something. As if it was some kind of warning. I reached near the boat. But wait I saw someone near the boat checking it and he too had a shot gun. I was not in a condition to take one more bullet.
I slowly limped towards the boat. He saw me and shouted "who are you?" He was at the gunpoint and I didn’t drop my gun.
I told the stranger that I didn’t intend to harm him all I wanted was my backpack in the boat. He saw the backpack and searched for something valuable in it. He said me that if I wanted my backpack back I needed to give him anything I had. To which I replied that I had nothi
ng. Luckily I remembered that my mother had given me some money. I had few left in my pocket of my jacket. I gave him all the money I had and took my backpack. He rudely asked me to get the hell out of there and when I said that it’ was my friend’s boat he replied that it’ was none of my business. I rushed back towards the house and my presence alarmed Karl.
He asked me that where I had been. Hearing him Martin and his wife also came in the hallway. I explained them the whole scenario. Karl was not happy hearing all that. He told Martin that they were the traitors. Karl grabbed his gun from me and said Martin that I told you we couldn’t trust a stranger. They both rushed towards the boat. While leaving Karl said me.
It has been an hour Karl and Martin has not returned. Aunt Ellen was having a bad feeling about it. Then we heard Karl voice banging the door I ran and opened the door and saw they were fine. They said that they had no encounter with the bandits. They must have run away said Karl. Karl questioned me that why had I taken his gun stealthily and ran away in the corn filed. To which I replied that I had forgot my notes in the boat and I can’t risk them because my parents died for this thing. Martin told me to go back to bed. I was looking out from the attic window I saw a mysterious creature far away but it was just for a second. I could not identify it that it was a man or animal. That thing ran into bushes. I was looking at the stars and I remembered that my mom told that when people die, they become a star I was trying to find my mom and dad but I could not. I said good night to my star and slept.
It was 8 in the morning tom woke me up and said that he wanted to play a game with me to which I replied that I am in not a condition to play. Life was already playing with me. I changed my clothes and after having some breakfast I asked Ellen that what work I should do to which she replied that go easy on your first day. Take some rest she said. I got out from the house and roamed in the corn filed. After a short walk I came back to house and tried to read my dad’s notes. I tried to understand them by myself. I understood few things but I could not understand everything. It was dinner time when Karl and Martin returned.
Martin asked me about my wound to which I replied that it’s better than before. We all had dinner. After having dinner Martin called me outside the house and taught me how to use farming equipments. It was a great experience learning how to drive a tractor. We were late when we heard a man heading towards the back door. I brought a shovel from the back of the tractor but he noticed me and pointed his gun towards me. Martin tried to ask him what he wanted to which he replied that he wanted me. He hid his face behind a mask. I could not see his face. He asked me that where are the notes to which I replied that I don’t have the notes. He laughed and said Mathew Matthew stop playing your stupid games with me I know the past and I also know that the notes and the back pack are they are in the attic. He ordered me to bring the notes and backpack from the attic or he would shoot Martin. Karl noticed him and he tried to hit him from the back and I ran from there in the house. I heard 2 gunshots and when I looked from the attic window I saw Karl was lying on ground. I grabbed all the things I needed and headed with Tom towards the main entrance. Ellen said Tom my son, me and your dad love you and take care. I had heard this thing 2 days ago and now I was losing my new loved ones the one who took care of me. I locked the main entrance door from the outside and ran towards the back door. I saw that person entered from the back door and tried to attack Aunt Ellen I was seeing her from the window but I could not do anything rather than running. As soon as we reached back door we locked it from outside. Martin was also shot on his chest. He called Tom and said that he wants both of you dead run towards the shore and takes our boat.
We headed towards the corn field and tried to reach shore as soon as possible. We heard 3 gunshots after interval of 1 minute. We both reached the shore within 10 minutes. We saw that our boat was not there. We both saw a stranger in a small boat. He called us in his boat and asked as that do we have any problem. To which I replied that someone was chasing us and our boat was missing. He said both of us to get in the boat.
It was 2 hours since we had left the shore I did not know where we were heading. Tom was sleeping holding my backpack. I knew that 5 people died because of me and this backpack. I did not know how long this chase was going to go on. I blamed myself for death of people.
It was nearly 6 am when the old man woke me up and asked each and every detail. He was terrified when I explained him the whole scenario. He wanted to help us but he could not. I asked him about what does he do. He said that this boat is his home. He was a local fisherman. He said me that he was headed towards Rathaspeck. I never wanted to go back where it all started. Unwilling me and Tom had no other choice to go with the old man. It was 7 in the evening when we reached the shore. It took us too long to reach back home or its just me feeling that. As soon as I saw the shore everything happened started in my head. A voice inside from my heart said me to go back home. I told Tom everything happened back here. Tom insisted me to go back and have a look. I followed the same path for my home. I saw the car of intruder near shore where I left my mom. When I reached home everything happened was happening in front of me. It was in my head. I saw myself, my mom, my dad and the intruder. I sat in place where I use to sleep and saw that star and thought that there is something more all this is happening is for a reason. Something brought me back here for a reason. As everything was happening in my head I remembered that my dad was searching for his dairy. I and Tom searched the whole house for that book. I found many notes of my dad in the shelf. Below that shelf I found my dad’s dairy. My soul and mind was in shock when I read that diary. Each and every event happened till date was written in that book. How my parents were killed how I met Tom and in today’s date HOME was written. I thought that there is no chance that someone can see future.
I heard a voice “You are totally wrong Matthew”. As soon as turned around I saw someone was sitting in my dad’s chair. I knew it would be him and I was scared but I knew Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. So I gather some gut and said I know it’s you, turn around. He turned around and said that enough of this cats and dogs. He looked similar to Tom’s dad. He was a holding gun. I asked him who are you to which he replied that that you know who I am; I am your friend Tom. I removed Karl’s gun and we both pointed gun towards each other. I told him that if I am going to die you are going down with me this time. He told me that you won’t kill me until you know why I am chasing you. He threw his gun towards me and said that kill me if you want but you won’t know anything with dairy. I told him that it is not possible that you are Tom. He removed a dairy from his bag and threw it towards me and say have a look. That diary was similar to that of my dad’s. Everything was ditto same. And it ended with Home. He said that because of that book I knew where you were going.
He said that “You are very intelligent Matthew; actually the most intelligent person. So was your dad. He was a great scientist. These notes are of time machine. He made these notes on his own. He was thrown out of his job because other scientist thought that it was a foolish idea. But your father did not stop. He did multiple tries. But in the end he made a Time Machine. He got many awards for it. But good things ended very badly. He was assassinated. His invention was hijacked. They used this machine to go into future. The time in which they went, humans are very intelligent and had contact with alien life form. That time is too intelligent compared to today or even my time. Those people thought that they had control over time; as they can go to past and change it. They can go to future and then change the past. No one should be allowed to meddle with time. After they came back from future they sold these things to rival nations. This triggered World war 3. In this war 46% of humanity was wiped out. They not only brought technology but also deadly viruses. These viruses killed 90% of remaining people. We were 6 people including me and you. We somehow made your lab a safe house. We had a year’s supply for 10 people which we extended till 2 years. But it took you 3 years to make Time Machine from your Dad’s incomplete notes. During this we lost one from our group. After everyone alive was finding you or anyone connected to those people so they can access Time Machine. You send me back here and gave me order to stop creation of Time Machine and to stop all this.”
Mathew “So I send you to kill me. Ok so gone on kill me Tom or I should say Future Tom. Go on complete your task why you stopped.” He said, “I cannot kill you because I cannot go back in my Time, because the Time Machine is broken.” To which I replied that. “So what do you want from me.” He said