praapti majumdar

Horror Tragedy Others


praapti majumdar

Horror Tragedy Others

What A Deadly Nightmare!

What A Deadly Nightmare!

3 mins

I had gone to bed pretty early after spending the entire evening alone at home. My parents still hadn't come home and I kept the lights on to let them get in later on. By that, I fell in a deep sleep and had a nightmare. Here's the experience.

A family was living in a very cold place, it was in the middle of the island. There was a mom, dad, brother, and sister. They were struggling to keep themselves warm with as many coats they could try and got ready to go out for dinner. They had to take a boat to reach any place nearby. "Come on children, we need to hurry or else the gate will be closed in 1 hour or so," The dad said, his teeth were chattering due to the cold as the children got in the boat. They got in the boat and the dad rowed it. In a distance, they could see a bright light shining. 

The dad rowed faster in the direction of the light and saw a small house as he neared it. It was a small restaurant. Quite a weird place for a restaurant. They parked their boat and got inside the petite restaurant and sat down at a table. It was a very stuffy restaurant and a person came to take their order. The man was weird and one eye of his wasn't matching the other. They ordered their coffee and biscuits and felt the warmth of the coffee take over them. 

They were talking and relaxing over there for some time and the dad checked his watch. 1 hour was going to be over in 10 minutes He got up and paid hurriedly. He got out with his family. He was unlocking the boat when the waiter came out and said, " The time is over. You are too late," in a demonic and heavy voice and the dad tried to untangle the knots of the boat. Meanwhile, the mother and children got in the boat and waited for their dad to get in when there was a shooting star in the sky. They saw it pass by. Splash! The dad got in the deep water and the waiter was also nowhere to be seen. The children started freaking out. 

The illuminating light from the restaurant made the water changing color from black to blood color. They saw the waiter coming out of the water, missing an eye, mouth bleeding, and laughing like a ghost. The dad rose up and got lifted into the air. The waiter stabbed the dad in front of the family as they started sobbing helplessly. The waiter was about to stab the entire family when more voices from the water started coming and a lot of other dead people who were stabbed surrounded the family and started dismantling their bodies and eating them apart. There was a lot of blood and as the sun rays set on the river, the entire river was blood red as the dead bodies started to float. The children, mother, father, waiter, and many other strangers who had been murdered here. The unknown spell that was set, was finally gone and the river was named as the "Death River".

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