To the boy from flower shop
To the boy from flower shop

Dear boy from the flower shop around the corner,
Let's make one thing clear: I hate roses, or flowers, in general. Yet I bought each twice a week just because you loved them, or it seemed from the way you talked about them. I still don't know your name or what do you do or why are you here but all I know is your love for roses.
Why do you love them? Because your grandmother put them all the time in her hair just because your grandfather loved to put them in her hair. I think that's how senseless love is right? We start to fancy the things we hate just because it is associated with someone we love. I think that's why the fragrance I couldn't stand, I've started to adore, just like your smile.
I don't think if you remember how it all started, how I came at the wrong address yet I acted it was where I was meant to be. Seeing your smile as you asked "What can I do for you?", maybe, after all, I was meant to be there. Maybe I was meant to know that yellow stands for friendship and red stands for love for if I didn't, how could I know which one to gift you?
And from the moment I saw you, I knew someday I would. I made it my ritual to visit every Tuesdays and Saturdays to take a red rose from you and why I did it? M
aybe to rejoice in the romantic idea of getting a rose from you or maybe to go home and play a game of 'he loves me and he loves me not' or maybe to practice asking you out in the mirror.
And one day I did, I rehearsed the lines perfectly and brushed my teeth twice, all set to confess. Oh how strongly I was willing to give this a chance that I memorized you shift timings, I apologize for being so creepy but there was something about you that gave me sparks from head to toe - the way your cheekbones rose when you grinned or the way your humble eyes responded to help. I think that's where you went wrong. You always cared too much; about your grandmother, about my fake relationship and about the child for whom you died, saving.
"I am growing through thorns to become a rose," you told me last time, packing me a blue rose. Is that why the world chose the days of roses to take you away? Is that why you are covered in a garland of roses? You told me every color of rose has its event, "but which one should I buy on a funeral? A white one I think because it matches the colour of your shroud. Today I came with a lot of questions but I remember nothing but one, "can you please help me buy a rose for you? "
Yours lovingly,
That rose girl.