anuradha nazeer

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anuradha nazeer

Abstract Others

There Is An Obligation

There Is An Obligation

2 mins

Our scriptures are considered “by means of knowledge”. Our elders speak of all the elements of knowledge and enrichment within the scriptures. He is a witness to the knowledge of the astronomy planets, the same speech. It is obvious that the West, and today the study of the scriptures is based on this fact.

In these scriptures, the atomic movements of all the objects in the world are said to have been recorded as "algebra." In many places, mythology and legends emphasize that nature can quench the wrath of God by systematically spelling out these spells and appealing to the gods by the power of the dead. The Vedas are the most widely respected in Bal and Bharat. Even in our Eelammani Thirunakkal few such lives. Their contribution is essential at this time.

Many of the temples are locked up toda

y, fearing the onslaught of the Corona fire. I don't agree with that. I feel that the act of gathering people in the temples should not be stopped and that the rituals and rituals that he enacts should not be stopped.

Therefore, the worship of the temples should be done more than ever by the Vedas. I am sure that the magical effect that arises in them will certainly alleviate the wrath of nature today.

There is an obligation to someone else who does not have Vedic training. As they are in their homes, they should recite the five-syllable chant, the eight-syllable mantra, or any other mantra that they wish.

Vinayak Agaval, Thirumurukarupatti, Thirunarutha Padakkam, Kolaurupadikal, Abhiramiyandathi, Ramayana Vaadu rhythm, etc., should be recited daily or individually with family.

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