The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-5)
The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-5)

After calming myself down again I see Amanda's still on the phone, I was going to be a talk a bit with her, but I guess that wouldn't be a good thing right now, I already kind of pissed my boss off, I don't need anything else to go wrong today.
I look around towards were Mr. Claiborne told me my office would be, and I spot two doors, smaller wooden doors just like his and I can only assume that's going to be my office, I don't want to disturb Amanda and I definitely don't want to have to double check with Mr. Claiborne.
Smiling at Amanda when I pass her desk, I'm happy to see that she returns it and I head towards my office, slowly pushing my doors open to have my first look inside, this is my new home away from home, don't ask me why I said that I just always wanted to. I know I'll be spending a lot of time in here and I know that businesses like these sometimes evolve late nights.
Looking around the room I take in my very own office, well not mine but you know what I mean. It's small obviously but it's pretty looking, doesn't have many decorations but the desk is a dark oak along with a brown leather chair and a fancy looking lap sitting on top of the desk, it's not much but I'm just so excited to have a job, that I would take a broom closet honestly.
I slowly let out a shaky breath and take a seat at my desk, loving how comfortable the chair actually is. That's a good thing, who would want to sit at an uncomfortable desk for a long period of time.
Not this girl.
I place the files that I got from Mr. Claiborne on top of my desk and started looking for the file labeled calendar. I found it after a few seconds of looking around, take that Claiborne I snort inside my head as I press the left button on the mouse making the blue screen change into a big calendar.
I stare to run over his meetings today and I see that he has a lunch meeting at Rocky's restaurant at one pm with a man named Logan Hall. I bend over and dig around inside my purse until I feel my little sticky pad, pulling it out and finding a pen I quickly jot that down, bringing my eyes back to the computer I see that he also has a meeting with another man this time it's a Jack Simon in the board room, I add that to my sticky note and double checking making sure I didn't miss anything and of course I did, I missed that he has a business call around 3 with his father.
He has to actually schedule time to talk to his father. That's horrible and makes me feel bad about not really talking on my own due to me being so busy, we should both be fixing that.
You never know when it's going to be someone's last day.
Once I make sure again that I didn't miss anything, this time glad I didn't, I push my chair back grabbing the files, seeing that I have a coping machine in my office makes things a lot easier, walking to the machine it takes me a few minutes to understand how to work the darn thing.
Why does everything have to be handtouched and so dang fancy, not to worry though. I figured it out and made several copies just in case. He didn't say how much he wanted.
Once I'm finished
with that, I take the main copy and head towards the filing cabinets along the right wall of my office and locate the M section. He said the file name was Mendoza so I would assume he would want me to file by name, I slip it into place then close the file cabinet. That didn't take me long at all and now I don't know what else I'm supposed to be doing. I guess I could go give him the run down for his day.
I grab the sticky note and the extra files and walk back out my office, seeing Amanda finally off the phone, I take that opportunity to have a little chat with her. Maybe I can make me a working friend, he'll make me my first friend here in New York, it would be nice.
I could have someone to do things with instead of being alone on the weekends, at home watching TV with Poohbear by cat, a lazy boy. He was still sleeping when I left this morning.
"Hey," I say to Amands as I place the file and stick the sticky note onto it before laying it down on top of her desk.
"Hey. How did it go?" She asked, Amanda is pretty she has red hair, and she wears glasses and she seems to be an easy-going person.
"It was okay, he was a little grumpy about me being late but I guess it could have been a lot worse" I tell her with a shrug, playing it off. I don't need to tell her that he scared the living crap out of me and made me as jumpy as a baby goat.
"Yeah, you're lucky. He fired the last one for that, poor girl. Was her first day, he could have been a little more understanding if you ask me" she said with a whisper.
I guess she doesn't want him to overhear her.
I don't blame her.
"Really?" I asked completely interested in the conversation now, anything to know about my boss is better to help me.
I would like to keep my job after all.
I was late on my first day, so why didn't he fire me?
"Oh, yes. Mr. Claiborne has been through about 8 assistants in the past 2 years" she says.
"8?" I asked, making sure I heard her correctly. Why is he going through so many, I mean yeah I read that on Google but to actually hear that it is actually a real thing I can't help but wonder.
"Yes. I know it's shocking, but I watched them all walk out that door crying" she says as she flings her hand to the front of the room.
She must have been here for a couple years then, I can't believe she watched them all cry. Is she serious about that? I don't think I actually want to know the reasons for that.
"How long have you been working here?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"Oh, I started working here the last year that Mr. Claiborne's father was still running the business, his a sweet but hard man. I'm sure you will meet him, his family visits a lot, she shrugs as she tells me and the phone starts to ring a few seconds later.
I wave my hand letting her know it was okay to answer grabbing the file from her desk I slowly make my way back towards Claiborne's big doors, slightly dreading it.
I can't believe his assistants would leave here crying, I could say one thing you know, he probably never met a country girl, and we are stronger than we look.