former lecturer,qualifications:MA(Utkal University VaniVihar),PGDCA. Author of 3 story books. AMITRAKSHYARA, ATHARVA ISWARA,MUGDHA MRUGATRUSHNA and a Novel THE COVETED SKY.
The melancholic epic of my entire life is written by two drops of tears. The melancholic epic of my entire life is written by two drops of tears.
The soft scent of the winter dawn, and the chirping of the birds, pulled Vaibhav out of bed. Sun was... The soft scent of the winter dawn, and the chirping of the birds, pulled Vaibhav...
A dream is life and life is a dream. A dream is life and life is a dream.
So many beautiful damsels may be waiting with garland Casanova. Charlie. So many beautiful damsels may be waiting with garland Casanova. Charlie.
Remind her, that someone has returned to the sphere of gunpowder to free their country Remind her, that someone has returned to the sphere of gunpowder to free their c...