Oshion Londhe

Horror Thriller


Oshion Londhe

Horror Thriller

The Mysterious Island

The Mysterious Island

1 min

It all started with a messy morning, where everyone was busy in their own work; suddenly an invitation arrived at our place, which was for spending our vacation on a mysterious island.

We arrived at the Isle, which was more horrifying then we thought. I and my family took our luggage and went to our rooms. The vacay was about a week, so we made plans for the whole 7 days. At night I and my sister decided to stay awake, but who wondered the night was gonna be so scary. The next morning we all gathered in the dining room for breakfast. Later on, we came to know that we were the only family, who was on vacay at the Isle. That news gave me a pretty bad shock.

Somehow we completed our vacation. But who knew it was gonna be the most horrifying, terrible, dangerous and so on. We came back from the island, the next morning, no one remembers what happened in the past 7 days. I was not able to say a word. Because we all got the same dream, which took us to the Isle and brought us back. I still wonder what happened that day...

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