Saumya Sunil



Saumya Sunil


The Fate Of A Werewolf

The Fate Of A Werewolf

4 mins

Khasith was the Burundian God of Creation and Nature. As he was all knowing he could sense that the world was about to end soon and to protect the vitality of the universe, he decided to call upon his dedicated task force of demigods and decided to descend on earth in human form to guide them about their upcoming assignment. He decided to bring his wife, Sheovanna to take care of his disciples (the disguised demigods) and to help him make plans for the creation of the new cosmos.

Sheovanna and Khasith incarnated as a hermit couple and the demigods, disguised as their disciples, came to live in the forest of Thal. Khasith picked four of his strongest disciples, Leona, Shomo, Atakata and Ikuti for the task of rejuvenating the earth after destruction. He instructed these four to gather sources containing the four principal elements, air, water, earth and fire. These would be used to produce energy and to give birth to the constructive spirits. The four of them actively set out to gather the required resources. Ikuti, decided to procure water from River Manchango, the purest river in Thal. Meanwhile, the Shomo and Leona set out to the heavens and to the nether world to seek out fire and air. Atakata stayed in the forest to gather a sample of earth which wasn’t polluted by the feet of mankind.

Sheovanna remained in her husband’s home for the remaining period of 25 years, which was considered the requisite time to make everything ready. At first, she used to get bored, especially when her husband wasn’t at home. Soon, she found a new interest in Ikuti, who was the most good looking celestial being. She confessed her love to him one night as he stopped by her home to have lunch. “ But you are a married and committed woman. I can’t dream of having you.” She implored saying that she would aid him in his search if he accepted her as his romantic interest. Tempted by her offer, Ikuti agreed to meet her every day at five in the evening. 

They started to see each other every day after that incident and Ikuti began to negl

ect his duties. One day, Khasith returned from home early and saw his wife and his disciple holding hands in the courtyard. So great was his frustration and rage, that he cursed Sheovanna to be a werewolf that breathed fire whose thirst could not be quenched even with water. Later, modifying his curse, he added that she may get liberated if Ikuti was able to locate water from river Man hango at last. Khasith knew that Ikuti, however powerful he might be was still empty headed and dull. So he thought it was as good as punishing his wife for eternity.

Sheovanna became a raging werewolf burning down forests and disturbing life in the human villages nearby. Ikuti soon became a hopeless wanderer, with his hair tangled and face maimed with the scars of lovesickness. During his numerous evening wanderings, he spotted a young maiden bathing in the waters of an immaculate river. Her beauty was as pristine as the river. However, this vision was jarred by an ugly crocodile who stuck out its repulsive head, leering at her. It was about to approach her and finish her in two bites, when Ikuti stabbed it with the fang of a snake and crushed the crocodile completely. He took the maiden by her waist and lifted her out of the water. Comforting her with sweet words and making sure she was safe, he took her to a nearby tree and stayed with her till sunrise. 

Impressed by his sincerity, the maiden asked him from a boon revealing that she was the daughter of Egusi, the god of the oceans. He asked her to give the purest sample of water which could remove the worst sins of any being. The maiden started crying and collecting her tears, gave them to Ikuti. She replied that it was as pure as any water drop on the earth as she bathed and drank in the river Manchango daily.

Overjoyed, he took the water source to the cursed werewolf and drinking the water, she soon assumed her divine form and slipped back into heaven. Ikuti soon disappeared from the surface of the earth as his mission was completed and he was reunited back with his master.

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