The Devil Queen
The Devil Queen
On a dark night, upon the sky 4 baby are ready to be born on the earth by the destiny Angel. She was the Angel who decides the birth and death of a person. As per the order of the Angel three babies were born correctly but the fourth baby had born as a two-month-old baby without a mother. The baby was completely opposite to nature but it was done by the destiny Angel. Later the destiny Angel sends mya who was the magical Angel to take care of that baby. So may take more care and growing that baby. She gave a name for that girl baby it was 'Dev'. After many years passed Dev was very happy there and she got many blessings from many powerful Angels on her each birthday. Later many years one day the mya dead, on that day the destiny Angel came to Dev and asked her to kill herself but the Dev was in confusion state. The Angel took a magic stick and with it, she killed the Dev.
In an icy forest a girl falls down from the sky it is dev. After 2 minutes she started thinking who she was yet means Dev lost her total memory. With fear, she ran out of that icy forest soon. When she came out she saw the destiny Angel standing in the made of a small peak near. The Angel had given her a clue for a treasure as a code and she suicides Her self from there. Dev was shocked she did not even know her name and what to do. She saw a city near to that forest. She ran to reach that city with tears in her eyes. When she reached that city she fall down by something hits her legs. She saw what was it, it was a human head skeleton. Dev had staked there and she started walking inside the city. There are no trees only mobile towers are there. No ecology is there where only technology is filled. That place can be called a non-ecology centre, not a city. Technology gives only money and destroys greediness for humans. No water is there all or drinking an energy drink instead of water. All or high-tech and humans or that addicted to internet internet internet and an imaginable thing that was the happy death for rich one and the horror painful death for poor one. Even a two years old baby had lost his playful mind and mingled into the mobile. At lost a great shock for Dev it was there was no oxygen. She cannot breathe and she did on a Noman road.
Once upon a time, I happy big family was there and a girl baby had born newly. She was called devshri. She have a different colour in her body it was from her hip to bottom it was black in colour and on top of her hip it was fully white in colour. It knows only for her and her parents. She is started growing up. She was so silent girl and so less social girl. When she reached her teenage she feels discomfort with her. The events which had happened above which means only that destroyed City event had come as a dream to Dev and by it, she finds out the clue that the destiny Angel gave and she found a book by that clue. In that book, she came to know who is she and her duty to do now. The duty was she should turn the current world before it reached that dead point. Dev went to the current city and observed the starting stage of that point. All unknowingly started that. Dev requested and even begin to all the people in all ways but all those people teased and throw her away. As all hope is gone. She took a decision to save nature, not these greedy humans. As per the book, she was the next destiny queen but she became the "devil queen ". As per the books way she became a non-human. She t
ook a magical rope and controlling magic stick in her hand and she became the great devil queen. And arrested all the humans and their activities. She starts to roll all over the world with her power for a long year. And the destroyed world's state time had come. But by the rule of the devil Queen, the world still being as greenish and all the nature was saved. Now as per the book's rule she gave her all powers and duties to the great nature and at last, she killed herself.
On a dark night, all quiet was found everywhere. Lightning for beating the sky as a bright kite. On that day upon the sky, the magical place which cannot be seen by anyone was there and it has the power to let a new creation to this earth. It can make the creation as anything it wants. It can create that creation as a Good one to change as all as good or it can create a bad one to change all as upside down. In fact, it can be called the God home of the world. It was so valuable for this word. There was up to one person to control and even right the future of that magical place. The top one who ruled that creating home was the great "destiny Angel". Her main work was to decide the birth and death of all the creations. not only this she can also decide the duty of that creation and how should that creation should grow in which surrounding it should grow For which mother should this creation should be born. For what reasons did this creation had taken place on this earth. What are the achievements should this creation done. That creation's loss and gain for that birth. The body structure and the face pattern of that creation. As like this all the destiny of that creation was in the destiny Angel's hand. On that night she planned to give 4 babies to this all these babies the top to bottom lifecycle had written. All four babies are ready to be born on the earth. The time came and as one by one, all the babies were born on the earth by their own mother. All the three babies were wanted as normally how all the babies had been born on the earth before. But did the fourth baby have a bond in an inode away which anyone cannot expect? it was, that baby did not come to the earth by a mother. When that baby was entered into the world it was a 2-month-old baby. And the baby was born in a dark forest where no humans can see there. The total world had shocked by that baby's birth. It cannot be able to believe for all the other gods of the earth. They started to think about how this baby can be born on the earth without any mother. And the other matter on their minds was, this baby cannot be a human being it can be a strange creature that came to the Earth for destroying the earth. Also, it can be a semi-human which was a great power in strength that has a unique mindset and which cannot able to live with any human beings in society and it has different habits and altitudes. With the more black and bad marks that the fourth baby had wanted on the Norman forest. Among all the commands that the other gods gave the only one thing true was, that baby was unique unique unique. But for this only one person can give the reason. That was the destiny of Angel. The one who should do their work for the growth of the earth event did the unknown work. So all the other gods asked the destiny Angel about that baby. The destiny Angel told only a single matter. It was, this girl baby was the new starting point for this total world .her birth was not decided by me. It's all by the TIME.