The Curse
The Curse

With tears streaming down his face, struggling to keep his head in his hands from the trembling of his knees and the paleness of his skin all that circled in his broken messed-up mind was who, what, where when, and why did one boy's fictional dream turn into the same boy's real-life nightmare, how does hope of peace and harmony cause the total destruction of the world as we know it and bloodshed never heard of throughout all of history, how can one man's dream turn into his global fight for survival.
This particular Saturday night was just like any other normal Saturday night for little 16-year-old Billy Brighton or so he thought,little did he know this particular night will change young Billy's and the rest of humanity's life forever, he'd wait till his dad passed out on the couch with an empty bottle of vodka in his hand and alcohol running down his chin,then Billy would sneak out,first slowly and quietly skipping down the old carpet less,dusty and woodworm ridden stair case missing the odd step to avoid the creaky floorboards and potentially waking his dad then crawl on all fours round the back of the couch while moving and stopping to the noise of his fathers snoring then climb over the back fence and up the tall hill,to stare at the stars while day dreaming about another world with technology so advanced we cannot even begin to imagine with cures to our most deadliest dieses and unthinkable alternatives to abolish fossil fuels,starvation and dehydration forever.
With no clouds in the sky and the rustle of the leafs in the background from the cold nights breeze blowing is all a young Billy can hear and feel as he sit on the top of the hill,behind his home the highest point in his small secluded village grasping His telescope so hard and gasping so much he nearly choked on his own saliva with excitement of shooting starts flying by and the sky glimmering up like the reflection from hundreds of multi coloured lights bouncing from shiny Borbals on a Christmas tree by staring through his telescope looking at the starts and sky visualising that one day he could explore Beyond earth and discover new and innovative amazing things beyond the earth we know.
You see Billy has always been an explorer from digging up his parents back garden as a child or spending hours exploring the forest around his village with his dad ,his dad was a simple and troubled man he loves the out doors and seemed to have passed that love on to Billy he worked in the local post office and always tried to be there for Billy untill his demons made it one of the hardest tasks in the world, while his mother with no know family an orphan,as an infant she was left at the steps of the village orphanage wrapped in a tatty and dirty old pink blanket with a solid gold snake like pendant round her neck with a note pinned to the blanket that read "the bloodline runs deep in this one,only the pendant can keep her safe",
Unfortunately she passed away when little Billy was just 13, with cancer, as she lay in her hospital bed with her skeleton-like body rapidly deteriorating only covered by the thin white hospital-issued gown knowing her end was imminent, she held little Billy's hand so tight while grasping her solid gold and old ugly snake shaped pendant attached to a dull gold necklace between hers and Billy's hand,
Billy always hated this necklace and could never understand why his mum never took it off till this day and told him always bring positivity to the world and chase your dreams,as the days went by and as Billy could feel his mothers hands get colder in his and her grip get weaker and weaker,Billy vowed to do good for humanity and explore the boundaries beyond our human capabilities while discovering lifes unanswered questions by going above and beyond all human possibility.
As the sky gets darker and the breeze gets colder Billy folds up his telescope and stands and stares like a statue for a good ten minutes at the twinkle from the nights sky before whispering under his breath " one day,just one day,ill find the answers to our world,I know,I just know the answers are out there somewhere".
As young Billy took his last look at the in night sky and his last breath of the cool nights breeze,he turned his head to the bottom of the tall hill that always seemed twice as steep to Billy at night, in the direction he was heading back home,he starts slowly making his way down the hill,avoiding slipping as the vast amount of moisture from the grass reflecting from the star lit sky was making the Hill like walking down an ice rink,as Billy got half way down the hill he could see the top of his rear kitchen window just above his rear Garden fence ,Billy noticed the light was on,"did I leave it on?" Billy asks himself,while speeding up walking down the hill faster,hoping his dad hasn't woke up and found he's left the house.
as Billy speeds up down the hill while his mind worries his dad will find out he's sneaked out,there's a flash of light as the light spooked Billy he slips on the grass just as his feet fly into the air and Billy's body drops towards the ground he sees the flash again and a tall figure stood over him,as Billy spent hours dreaming of what an extraterrestrial would look like and what his first encounter would be like,little did young Billy know the identical human looking figure with caramel skin and long bright blonde hair blowing in the night breeze and human like eyes but with all white pupil apart from a green glowing circle in the centre no thicker than a strand of hair that glowed so bright into Billy's floating body,just hovering above the ground.
As Billy stay's in a comatosed state hovering above the ground the figure strokes the head of Billy backwards and forwards briskly and repeatedly and grabs his hand as the figure grabs Billy's hand and slowly leans forward to the left ear of Billy and in his moms voice whispers in his ear "everytime you have watched the stars,we have watched you back"then a light blue snake like figure appears with a body covered in scales glistening like little diamonds shining so bright due to the reflection from the star lit sky and the shine from every water droplet hanging from each blade of grass projecting from the scales creating the brightest blue light man had ever seen,while starting at the shoulder of the Carmel skinned figure and slithers slowly onto the arm of Billy while getting tighter and tighter as the snake like figure get's higher up Billy's arm wrapping itself around Billy's neck and stares directly into Billy's eyes, Billy couldn't believe what he saw,he saw glimpses of what looked like the past the future and the answers to everything he ever questioned since the day he was born,but as Billy stay's memorised ,the snake suddenly shuts it's eyes tight and opens its mouth showing two bright solid gold thangs and producing a hiss so high pitch,it all went black and Billy's eyes rolled into the back of his head.
BANG BANG "get up we'll be late for church" shouts Billy's dad, as Billy pulls the blanket off him and sits on the end of his bed staring at his phone looking at the date and time and trying to figure out what happened last night,only remembering a small fraction of what appeared in the eyes of the diamond glistering bright blue bodied snake-like figure?,did I bang my head and was abit concuss?,what was that dream about?,was it a dream ?,how did I get in my bed ? Did my dad catch me ? he asks himself.
Billy and his dad weren't religious but since Billy's mum passed they went to church every Sunday for morning service,as it was the one of many dieing wishes of Billy's mum in an attempt to keep the faith in Billy's heart when she was gone, where Billy always sat in the back where he was out of sight.
Billy stands up From the corner of his bed with still the repeated bang from his drunk dad down stairs still with the tatty old cloths he was wearing the night before, hair a mess and fear and confusion all over his face,wondering what has he just experienced a dream or reality and what it meant and why him.
he stiffly walked like Frankenstein to the bathroom to brush his teeth just waiting for his dad to shout at him about last night,in a way hoping he would so Billy could get a better understand of what happened,
As Billy leans over the bathroom sink while trying to pieces together his memories from last nights while staring mindlessly into the old glass mirror with a crack on the top left and right corner and a rusty metal frame,he picks his tooth brush up and starts to apply tooth paste while still staring mindlessly into the old rusty mirror,as Billy raises his brush to his teeth he hears a loud bang and his dad shouting "are you ready yet",over and over again like a scratched cd as he repeats it getting louder with every word .witch spooks Billy and he drops his tooth brush on the floor.which in return Billy loudly and with such anger the veins around Billy's neck and on his forehead appear in mass and bulge to the movement of Billy's shouting back "fuck off" which makes Billy stop in his tracks and skin turn instantly milk white as the banging stops due to his dads shock and amazement of Billy's out of character outburst.
you see Billy is a quite lad and has never raised his voice or stood up to anyone from the likes of benji the local school bully putting frog spawn in Billy's lunch jam sandwich to the gym teacher that singles Billy out most lesson for his pale twig like arms,skinny tooth pick legs,two left feet and his un athletic body,
Billy looks to the bathroom door waiting for it to burst open like a can of Pepsi been shook by a jack hammer, and his dad to burst through in a furious mad Billy stand there as the second's feel like hours as he hears the creek of the landing steps get closer and closer and the heavy breathing of his dad gets near,
his mind goes into a state of panic he turns toward the mirror in panic looking directly into it repeating the words"please dad no I'm sorry,please dad no I'm sorry" as the creek of the stairs stop and the floor boards outside the bathroom creek the door bursts open with the Sound of metal clanging like a bell ringing due to the solid brass buckle at the end of the black leather belt hitting the metal door handle, held with an aggressive grasp from Billy's red-eyed alcohol intoxicated farther stood in the bathroom door way as Billy screams into the mirror "please noo".
as hope seems lost and the sound of leather hitting Billy's pale white frail body is echoing around the bathroom,he stares helplessly into the mirror as Billy clinches to the sink with his vision obscured by the red blood splatting from his battered and bruised body into his lifeless emotionless face.suddenly the cracks in the top left and right of the mirror produce a bright red light and the rusty metal frame shines like a star in the night sky, Billy's reflection in the mirror disappears as the glass turns black, and the frame forms itself into the face of a cobra ready to strike its prey,then two solid gold thangs appears in the blacked out mirror and the bright red lighs slow down and the cracks open up to revile the flame red fire blazing eyes of a creature not of this world a serpent living as a servant to the devil in hell,very similar to the serpent he encountered previously that night on the hill behind his house but instead of the bright blue glistering diamond like eyes it had evil fire red eyes and a dark evil ora that would make any man,women or child to suspect it's agenda here can only be to manipulate and feed from humanity's pain and destruction. But at this very moment, Billy also realized what he thought was a dream had just become reality.
While one eye fixed on the belt scaring Billy's back with every vicious blow and the other eye on the half empty vodka filled hip flask in his left pocket Billy's dad unaware of the serpent from the pits of hell about to strike with such aggression and speed towards him while he just started to reach down for his half vodka filled hip flask,then with just one furious strike the serpents solid gold thangs ripped through Billy's dads skin and neck muscle like a knife through butter and a loud popping sound like someone stamping on an inflated balloon from the shatter of his spine causing his head to be ripped from his shoulders with such ease as his lifeless, limbless and headless puppet like corpse drops to the blood soaked bathroom floor and with his head still rolling around at the bottom of the serpents mouth,Billy stays with his head firmly fixed forward with confusion and amazement just watching this monster come out from the mirror like watching a 3d movie,slowly slither backwards,back into the mirror,
As the serpent retreats back into the mirror Billy stays still even holding his breath hoping not to be seen or heard, with the blood of his dad dripping over Billy's already bleeding and scared back and head from the chin and solid gold thangs of the bright blue serpent as it passes over Billy's head and retreats back into the mirror, dropping his dads head out its huge dark blood soaked mouth into the bowl of the sink inches from Billy's face.
As the frames starts to transform back to it's original rectangular shape and the shine of the frame begins to fade with the rust beginning to reappear,and the wide dark blood covered mouth slowly fades away, with all a confused,beaten and scared Billy can see in the reflection of the mirror is a horrifying bloody massacre behind him starting to appear in the reappearing reflection of the mirror.
As Billy looks away from the reflection of the headless body and blood soaked bathroom down towards the decapitated head of his dad staring back at him with his lifeless eyes so wide open his pupils where nearly popping out of his head and the blood pulsating so fast out of the severed neck that it started to run over Billy's hands and down the side of the sink.all of a sudden a bright white light flashes and a hiss so loud it shakes the old glass mirror so much it falls from the wall and smashes while hitting the face of Billy's dad while the head still lay in the sink causing it to smash into a thousand piece's and blood splatter everwhere,at that moment Billy knew the figure from last night is here ,but why and where?.
As more questions start to flood Billy's head and he rapidly turns his head from left to right,desperately trying to see even just a glimpse of the figure again, the hiss gets louder and the bright white flash reappears,causing it to go all black and Billy's eyes roll into the back of his head while going crashing into a dark red puddle consisting of both Billy and his dads blood on the bathroom floor .
BANG BANG "get up we'll be late for church" shouts Billy's dad, as Billy pulls the blanket off him,no scars no blood and a dad living and breathing and with his head still safely attached to his body.he sits on the end of his bed staring at his phone looking at the date and time,confused shocked and dazed wondering if his phone was broke as the date and time are exact of what Billy seen before in what he still could only acknowledge and justify as a dream.
he once again stiffly walked like Frankenstein to the bathroom to brush his teeth,with a huge feeling of dajavu coursing through his body, he opens the bathroom door and stares at the cracks in the rusty old mirror mounted above the sink,where Billy can only picture the blood pouring down each side of the sink and the severed head of his dad sat in the centre of the blood filled sink bowl,he quickly slams the bathroom door shut and shouts down "ill be ready in 2 minutes" not giving his dad a change to repeat any of the actions of Billy's so-called dream.
As the thought of entering the bathroom makes Billy stomach churn and sweat pour from his pale white skin he runs to his bedroom to get the old crumpled up packet of gum from the bottom of his school bag leant against the end of Billy's bed, then sprints down the creaky carpet less,dusty staircase,while creating clouds of dust from the tight grasp of Billy's hand sliding down the dusty loose wooden hand rail,while eyes firmly fixed at the originally white pvc door now turned yellow from the years of smoke abuse from Billy's dad, where his coat hangs on a hook in the corner of the wall and his shoes in the center of the matt.
As Billy pulls his coat from the hook, and as he puts his arms through each hole of the well worn colour fading red coat while putting his hood over his head in an effort his dad doesn't see Billy's pale face and bloodshot eyes,as Billy slips on his Black fake leather brogues while day dreaming, he leaned on one knee to tigh the hard leather black shoes,that Billy hated but was forced to wear due to his dad buying them for him when they started to go to Sunday service.
Only to be brought back to reality by the smell of vodka and BO as it makes it's way up Billy's nostrils and to no amazement he sees his dad stumbling towards him barely been able to keep himself upright and a face so red he could be mistaken for the rear end of a baboon.while pulling the car keys out of his pocket nearly dropping them as he pulls them from his pocket,while Billy opens the door and sprints out the house and waits next to the car for his dad while watching him stumble out the front door and towards the car.
And for the fist time ever wanting to get to church as he just wanted any distraction from his thoughts and mind working a million miles an hour with question after question while watching his dad scratching the already scratched and dented car door with his key trying to get the key in the lock of the car door to open it.
Finally as they begin to drive off,with a long thick black trail of smoke bellowing out of the rusty barely stable tail pipe at the back of the crappy yellow hatchback from the driveway at the third attempt due to Billy's dad being so intoxicated he stalled with his first two attempts.
With The crackle of the untuned radio and the loud tapping of the engine from the crappy old beaten and barely road legal car is the only noice easing the awkward drive. As Billy's dad rambles on with such a drunk slur Billy cannot work out a word he's saying, with the only noise Billy is making himself is a wrenching noice while holding his mouth tightly shut and lips tight attempting to stop himself projectile vomiting all over his dad and all over the inside of the car due to the hip flask falling from Billy's dad's left pocket while opening up and spilling all over the centre console and rear foot well of the car creating a really strong vile Nauseating smell,
luckily the roads and sidewalks are empty as the babbling red faced intoxicated dad of Billy in the beaten and battered car is swerving left to right on and off the sidewalk all the way on there drive to the church,
as Billy huffs with the biggest sigh of Relief as his dad pulls up to the entrance of the church car park,unbelievably with the car, Billy and his dad still safe and sound and in one piece. Billy's dad's blurred drunk vision struggling to park the car in the huge empty church car park like someone trying to fit a elephant into a mouse hole and the sound of the gears grinding as Billy's dad rags it into gear from first to reverse and back again trying to reverse park.finally he parks up in a mainly horizontal position over 3 parallel parking space white lines.picking his empty hip flask from the rear foot well and shaking the Last un spilt drops into his mouth,before him and Billy get out of the car and walk towards the entrance of the church.
As Billy dragges his feet across the over grown stone flagged grassy path leading to the big matt black raw iron gates Towering in front of the church entrance,while his dad slowly follows stumbling behind, Billy looking up at the old tall decrepit church roof,with what Billy can only guess are stone gargoyle statues in each corner of the roof so badly eroded by years of acid rain and weathering they are near impossible to identify.and the glass stained windows,originally showing illustrations of saints and kings and stories from the bible where so old and faded and the peeling colour makes the glass look more like an infants attempt at paint by numbers.
They enters the church.while Billy takes lead ,leading his dad to the very back corner seats, the only seats the daylight shining through the old shabby church stained glass windows doesn't shine on,while making sure not to make eye contact with the old frail priest straining his neck and with his white collar at the center of his neck resting over his large Adams apple nearly popping of his full body black robe in an attempt to interact with Billy and his dad as they pass him at the entrance.
As Billy watches the rows of seats in front of him fill ,while starting to feel the damp from the saliva from his dads mouth and the weight of his dads head as he begins to fall asleep drewlling while his head falls onto Billy's right shoulder as they still sit near impossible to see in the dark unlit corner of the church.
While the the pipes of the organ bellows out the most depressing tune and the frail old priest steps forward towards the alter,that stands towering over and facing the now near full church seats.
As the sound bellowing from the organs starts to quite down and the thumping of the foot steps stop,as everyone is seated and the large Adams apple of the old frail priest begins to quiver,while opening his old leather well used bible to a page which has been book marked by a thin red silk lace attached to the top of the bible while placing it onto the wooden top of the altar.
As the priest opens his mouth with the most deepest toned voice you've ever heard,looking directly into the direction of Billy hidden in the back corner,sat there still with the hood of his old worn red coat over his head covering most of his still pale white and blood shot eyed face.
"(Genesis 3: 14-15) The lord god said to the serpent,because you have done this,cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go,and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. I will put enmity between you and your women, and between your offspring and between her offspring.".
reads the priest while projecting every word with his crystal clear deep voice for everyone in the church to hear.while still keeping his eyes fixed on Billy in the dark un lit back corner of the church.
With Billy's hood now down for the first time since coming to church, Billy's bloodshot eyes glued to the movement of the priests lips and his ears firmly fixed on the story of how Adam and eve got banished from the Garden of Eden and god himself cursing them there offspring and their offspring's offspring to a life as a snake like serpent ,to travel forever on there belly's, while eating the dust of the earth with every slither and so on until the end of humanity.
As the Sunday morning service starts to come to an end the priest begins to carefully close his old fragile worn bible and steps back away from the alter while making his way towards the exit of the Church,everyone seated begins to stand and make there way out, with each and everyone of them turning there heads towards the dark un lit corner seats of the church at the sound of Billy's dad's loud snoring as they leave through the exit of the church and past the towering raw iron gates ,with Billy and his dad as usual last to stand from there seats and leave due to Billy having to repeatedly tap and shake his dad to wake him up as he stays drewlling and asleep on Billy's shoulder throughout the entire service.
Finally with a deep mumble and loud sickly burp from Billy's dad, he eventually wakes and as Billy starts to drag him up from his seat and out of the church,with only the priest left, standing still at the exit blessing and thanking everyone who attended his service as they leave.
As Billy drag's his half asleep stumbling dad back up the over grown stone flagged grassy path up towards the gates with the priest stood in the centre of them making sure the gap between the two towering gloss black doors of the gate and his long black robe isn't wide enough for Billy to pass without having to Interact with him.
As Billy and his dad got closer to the exit and inches from the frail old man in his large black robe blocking it, Billy realized the only way past is to interact with the priest, as Billy raises his pale covered head with only his nose visible due to Billy putting his hood back up when leaving the church and pulling the strings so tight it covered the majority of his face. As Billy's head tureds towards the direction of the priest just nodding his head up and down in a hope him and his dad can pass with minimum interaction, as Billy steps to the left in an effort to get passed the priest the priest suddenly and rapidly steps to the side blocking Billy's path, as Billy stops due to the old frail man blocking his path while putting both of his hands on Billy, one on each of Billy's shoulder's, whilst staring deep into his eyes, as the strings of Billy's faded red hood loosens and his eyes start to appear staring directly back into the eyes of the priest.
Once again as the priests large adams apple begins to quiver and his extraordinary deep crystal clear voice say's to Billy "I don't know why and I don't know how but what I feel with every bit of of faith in my body is you have the curse, you have been chosen, the society has chosen you as sacrifice to keep there honor to the deal,a deal that has created the worlds most powerful and elite since the beginning of time, a deal with the devil,that started as a punishment from our creators or who some refer to as there god to create and curse the first ever human bloodline also known as the serpent or adam and eve bloodline humanity's most elite,kings queens of the world, world leaders and influencers throughout history all linked, with every other human being been unaware of the serpent bloodlines existence, and the deal that has already killed and hurt so many while creating new and powerful serpent world leaders .while The devil pulls the strings that created this evil fear feeding world elite running humanity from behind the shadows while been a puppet to a century old deal so evil with a creature said to be taller than any man made skyscraper and skin with scales constantly lit with the bright light and excruciating heat of fire so hot it can only have come from the Pitts of hell and a mindset so deceptive any deal made would only end in mass death pain and torture".
As Billy's body starts to temple and the priests grip getting tighter on Billy's shoulders basically holding Billy up preventing him from dropping to the floor like a rag doll as Billy tries to register what he'd just heard, not understanding every meaning behind every word the priest said but enough to know his dreams are reality and if he doesn't find out everything and stop this so called curse it will cause constant torture and pain untill there's no more torture and pain to give.
Billy starts to tremble more vigorously while still looking into the priests eyes "what, what, wha, wha, what" reaping over and over again only to be stopped by the priest shouting over Billy's confused and stuttering voice "go my child".
As the priest remove his hand from Billy's shoulders and steps to the side while brushing his long black robe behind him to create a opening for Billy to walk past forgetting his dad was stumping behind him still too drunk he's unaware of anything going on around him.
Billy walks closer to the car looking back at the priest and the priest looking back at him while saying just loud enough for Billy to hear "not every chapter is shown or written,some have been forgotten and some have been hid due to there dark evil nature and power gaining potential.a bloodline that hold the oldest and most precious secret know to mankind. only a select few are chosen to possess its knowledge".
While the frail old priest watches Billy and his dad get into the batter
ed old yellow car,and drive off while losing vision of Billy from the thick black smoke bellowing from the tailpipe covering the car and it's windows as Billy and his dad drive away swerving side to side down the road away from the church on there journey home.
With the sound of the engine tapping aways and the silence from Billy's dad as his head Bobbs up and down like an owl struggling to keep his eyes open and head up desperately trying not fall asleep at the wheel, Billy sits in the front passengers seat also silent with two questions and multiple answers running round his head, "have I lost my mind or is there something so deeply dark and sinister going on that's actually reality and not fiction with it's origin been the key answers to so many of lifes unanswered questions and some how I'm at the center of this unbelievable age old phenomenon ?".
As the old battered yellow car screeched into the driveway with Billy's dad slamming on the brake's with all his strength and attention preventing them from crashing into the front of the house at the end of the driveway,as they come to a screeching holt just inches from the front wall of the house, Billy rapidly jumps out the car leaving the passenger side door wide open and his dad with his eyes closed and his head resting on the top of the steering wheel, Billy sprint's towards the front door of the house, nearly tripping over the loose shoe lases of his brogues wrapping round his shoes nearly tripping him up while he desperately tries to get through the front door up the stairs and to his bedroom so he can start to try put the pieces of this puzzle together.
Billy tries the front door and to no surprise his dad hasn't locked it,he busts through the front door like a mad man on a rampage and sprinted up the stairs and through his already open bedroom door slamming it shut behind him and shaking the whole house.
Billy go's straight to his computer that sat on a dusty chrome metal desk in the far left corner of Billy's bedroom. Turning it on while pulling out his tatty ripped blue office chair from under his deck and sitting down with his eyes fully focused on the glass sand filled hour glass spinning on the screen of the computer while he waits for it to load.
As the computer finally loads and Billy moves the mouse with his skinny pale white sweaty and shaking hand making the cursor on the screen of the computer move towards the internet symbol at the top left corner of the computer screen, as the cursor sits over the internet symbol, and as Billy is about to click enter with his finger hovering just milometers above the front right enter button of his mouse, he freezes in his tracks reluctant to press enter due to that many questions running around Billy's head and with still no real information,explanation and knowledge of what is actually happening and how he's involved, he cannot think of what to search where to search and how he will know what Is fact and what is fiction.
With the pulsating thump from his head and questions suffocating Billy's cluttered and messed up brain he pulls his sweaty pale hand from his mouse and swing his body creating the tatty blue chair to swivel clockwise about 90 degrees untill Billy stamps his feet hard on his dirty black bedroom carpet,creating huge clouds of dust from the carpet stopping himself directly in front of his school bag still lent against the end of his bed,while leaning over from his computer chair into his bag pulling out a note pad and a few half chewed and snapped pens, to try organize and make sense of the questions to ask and to know where to search and what to search by writing them down in an attempt to transfer some of the wild, extraordinary and most of all unbelievable questions from Billy's brain onto the note pad.
As Billy once again twists his body about 90 degrees this time anti clockwise while stopping directly in front of the dusty old computer. With Billy using his right hand to aggressively punch his mouse to the side making the mouse fly off the side of the desk and go crashing on the dirty black bedroom carpeted floor,creating the cap at the bottom of the mouse holding the mouses ball in to snap off while the ball of the mouse roll's under Billy's bed just to create a space to place his note pad on the old rusty metal computer desk.
As about ten minutes has passed and Billy's tongue and lips covered in blue ink and Billy three pens in from him chewing them in concentration while eyes fully fixed on the still blank note book that still lays in front of him on the rusty metal computer desk. Finally Billy moves what's left of the chewed up pen to the blank note pad with only faint pre printed black lines running vertically across the white A5 sized note book,
Billy starts by putting blue dots horizontally down from top to bottom of the blank page, between each of the faint black horizontal line to use as bullet points, then moving his blue pen from left to right scribbling a blue line tracing over the top faint black horizontal line to create a underline for his title.
Who, what, where when and why he writes above the blue scribbled line,writing in bubble font to slow down him having to face what he's about to learn knowing deep down once he enters this rabbit hole it will completely change his perception of life and potentially cause alot of pain and misery while entering a world he knows he should stay away from.
After each bullet point, Billy starts to write random words that continuously fill his head like, world elite,Adam and eve curse, cursed bloodlines, genesis, serpent,the serpent society, etc...,
As Billy's mind begins to empty and the once blank note pad rapidly filling with word after word and question after question with crazy and potential theories filling every page. Billy stops writing and rolls backwards on his chair away from the computer he then takes a huge gasp for air and mutters under his breath to himself,"lets do it" as he finally builds the courage to start researching deeper into this dark and evil beginning of time phenomenon that he is somehow the centre of.
Billy turns his head and full focus to the computer screen while putting his hand on the empty mouse mat, feeling around not realizing he's knocked it on The floor, Billy looks towards the mouse less mat and then to the floor and sees the mouse and the snapped ball cap laying on the floor he reaches down to pick them up while tilting his head to see under his bed for the mouse ball,as Billy picks up the mouse parts from the floor and places them on his computer desk,so he can use both hands to feel for the mouse ball under his bed,as Billy get off the tatty blue computer chair onto his knees and leaning his head down and his arm fully extended reaching under his bed while blindly feeling around the pitch black underneath of the bed in an attempt to find the mouse ball. As Billy blindly moves his arm's and hands under The dark bed moving his hands from side to side his fingers brush the ball causing it to roll further under the bed and Billy's only way of retrieving it is to crawl further Under the bed.
As Billy beginning to shuffle forward under the bed on his belly, he sees the ball at the very far end of the bed as Billy begins to reach out to grab the ball it started to glow and shine so bright and as the ball splits in two creating a mouth showing 2 solid gold teeth looking like a diamond covered Pac man and forming eyes so fire red he knew it was happening again,as Billy finds himself memorised and an unable to move with shock at this fire blue eyed serpent forming from this object in font of his eyes.
Suddenly a familiar voice, a voice Billy hadn't heard for years until that night on the hill once again whispering into Billy's ear appers from no where , " I Know the answers you seek and I know the evil behind it,just as i did your mother and just as i did for your mothers mother i will be here to teach you and give you answers and try help you protect yourself from being another innocent scarified soul and becoming another serpent slave to the society,you look for answers to the secret century old bloodline curse and the society of serpents who gain power and influence and uphold this evil curse, but that's just the start,this curse created a war between good and evil,between man and gods and between heaven and hell, and with the world elite a organization that call themselves the society of the serpent leading and pulling the strings of your leaders the chosen gate keepers to the real world among humanity's knowledge with a main agenda to create a world of hurt,death and pain to keep their own power and survival growing ,and keeping honour to the deal ".
A bright white flash appears lighting the whole under of the bed like flood light shining directly into Billy's face, what was once a mouse ball now has fully transformed into a diamond glistering bright blue bodied serpent, that looked to Billy to be the same snake-like serpent he experienced on the hill behind his house.
As the voice fades and each diamond scale of the serpent glistens brighter and brighter in Billy's eyes as it slithers closer to his terrified pale white face.
while Billy terrified and scared with sweat dripping down from his forehead desperately trying to wiggle backwards as fast as he can trying to get from under the bed and away from this creature rapidly slithering towards him, suddenly as the serpent glistering blue eyes get inches from Billy's face. It opens its mouth with a high-pitched hiss projecting out from the dark empty hole it calls a mouth while showing its solid gold teeth causing Billy's body unable to move,as if he was in a paraletic state giving the serpent a chance to wrap itself once again around Billy's neck and like dejavu staring directly into Billy's eyes, but this time what Billy saw in the eyes of the serpent was unbelievable, unimaginable but also answered Billy's minds most continuos desired questions that have been flooding his head of the questions who,what,where,when and why.
It started with a young girl sat alone at a well used old brown wooden table on a old wooden chair,with Billy unable to tell if he recognizes the girl as she has her head leant downwards, causing her long un brushed brunette hair to drop down covering her face as she sits fully concentrated on the book that lays wide open in front of her on the old school table, in what Billy can only make out to be the local village school library but only different with a shaggy orange carpeted floor no computer section,no mrs Lennard marching round the perimeters of the library like a prison warden in the yard at free time and even the way everyone was dressed,flairs and jean jackets with tie dye shirts the only time Billy had ever seen teenagers dressed like that was when he's looked through his family photo album of pictures of his parents when they where teenagers at school.
As the sound of the school bell starts ringing breaking the unknown girls concentration she lifts her head and brushes her long unbrushed brunette hair to each side reviling her face with Billy instantly recognizing the face of the young girl,from hundreds of photos and videos shown to him throughout the years by his loved ones and relatives,the young girl appearing in this vision projecting into Billy's eyes from the snake like serpents glistening blue eyes was his mom but no older than Billy is now, as the bell rings she suddenly slams the book she was so fixated on shut reviling the front cover which was covered by a snake like symbol the same symbol as the pendant that Billy's mum wore round her neck while quickly shoving the book in her bag then grasping the bag and her pendant that's round her neck tightly while standing up from her chair and turing to the direction of the dark un lit back of the library in the opposite direction of the heard of students stampeding past her from the back of the library to the exit door as the bell signals the end of the school day.
As the library empties and the only person remaining is the young teenage version of Billy's mum, she walks toward the dark unlit back of the library, and as the light fades the darkness takes over. She walks closer to the dark back section of the school library, and as she walks to the very rear corner of the library now fully consumed by the darkness she looks around making sure she isn't been watched or followed.
As soon as she realizes the coast is clear she leans over grabbing and pulling back the corner of the library's shaggy orange carpet reviling nothing but old rotted floor boards, but the top three floor boards looking slightly more worn than the others as if they had been disturbed, manhandled and removed and replaced multiple times. As Billy's much younger mom with an expression of fear and confusion on her face, two expressions Billy had never seen on her face before gets on her knees and starts to remove the top three floorboards, as she starts removing each board one by one starts to reveal a very old solid gold and diamond encrusted chest with a number of different looking gold serpents and human looking beings and creatures that evil looking humanity has only seen in their nightmares covering every inch of the chest.
on one side of the chest were serpents with blue diamonds incrusted into the heads of them to represent their blue diamond glistering eyes while next to them stood the most beautiful creature man had ever seen skin colour and hair colour not noticeable as she represented as a full golden goddess figure bulging out the side of the chest with bright green diamonds replicating her eyes.
While at the other side, the serpents had fire-red diamonds as eyes with a creature stood next to them bulging from the opposite side of the chest five times the size of the green-eyed goddess facing directly towards this creature with diamonds changing colour from red to orange and back again covering its whole body.
While creating a scene with what looked like the beginning of a vicious battle as both groups of different coloured-eyed serpents face each other from each end of the chest with an expression of hate and anger on their faces and the formation there placed on the chest making both sides looking fully prepared for war.
As Billy's mum is reluctant to remove her hand tightly grasping the top of her bag has no choice as she struggles to lift the lid of the chest having to use both hands to lift it due to the weight of the solid gold lid.
Once the chest is open Billy's mum takes one more look around making sure she is the only one in the library she then rapidly unzips her bag pulls the book out and places it in the solid gold chest while slamming the lid down as fast as possible.
She then replaces the three rotten wooden floorboards back down one by one, by forming her hand into a fist shape in an attempt to quietly use her fist to hammer the floorboards back into place, while stopping after every hit to check if she had been heard before pulling forward the orange shaggy carpet once again covering and hiding the chest and it's contents.
As she stands back up and starts walking out of the darkness and back into the light in the direction of the exit door, with a large single-glazed window vertically covering most of the wall while only running horizontally down the front section of the library on the left-hand side of Billy's mum as she walks back up to the front of the library and towards the exit door.
Just as she gets meters away from the exit door just the whistle of the wind blows through the old rotted wooden beading barely keeping the window glass secure and preventing it from falling out and shattering everywhere. the lights at the front of the library rapidly start to flicker on and off and as Billy's mum turns her head from the exit door to the massive single-glazed window to the left of her watching it as it begins to suddenly frost over and the sun outside disappearing with just pure darkness is all Billy's mum can now see through the now fully frosted window.
As she stairs into the darkness through the frosted window ,the pitch black sky begins to turn red and the road outside starts shaking to the degree of a ten on the rector scale cracking and splitting the ground in two as the hundreds of students, teachers, parents and pedestrians all screaming and trying to run and drive away from the earth beginning to shake and split with the smallest and weakest men and women been dragged to the floor in the mass panic with no chance of survival as the massive heard of terrified and scared people desperately trying to escape the danger stampeding over there helpless body's crushing there bones and shattering there skulls while the pressure from hundreds of peoples body weight running over the heads and rib cages causing each rib to crack while impaling and puncturing there lungs and there skulls to flatten no thicker than a pancake with what's left of there pink wet squeegee brains laying splattered all over the floor with the desperate drivers speeding through puddles of blood and guts splashing and covering the heard of people while not stopping and hitting every predestination in there path and the suspension working to its maximum as it drives over the mass of dead and wounded body's covering the road as they replicate an off road rocky mountain like terrain while they lay there helplessly while the cars wheels drive over the dead and wounded creating a popping like sound that is so over powering it drowns out the hundreds of helpless screams of every man woman and child still standing and trying to run to safety as huge balls of lava burst from the cracks in the floor hitting the mass crowds trying to escape from the horror with lava falling from the sky like rain hitting the crowds of people dropping each terrified and scared human in agony and pain as the down pour of lava melts through there skin like fire melting through butter and the vile smell of burning skin fills the air as the continues lava and intensifying flames continue shooting from the centre of the cracks in the ground, as Billy's mum stays hypnotized in the memorizing view of flames and lava shooting from the deep dark holes bursting up from the cracks like fire works flying through the sky while listening to the screams of the few remaining helpless souls covered in the bright orange and red flames while the lava hits there skin and clothes instantly melting whatever it touches while they attempt to run away from the danger behind them ,suddenly from the deep dark holes created in the road a serpent like snake figure starts to appear as it slithers up from the crack In the ground and through the fire and flames toward the single glazed window that Billy's mums stands at the other side of.
Just like before the serpent had a blue diamond glistering scaled body and two solid gold thangs at the front of its deep dark pitch black mouth But just like the time with his dad in his bathroom this serpent had evil fire-red eyes that started to appear as the fire red eyes glow brighter than the flames it appears behind and the evilest and sinister look on its face, once again looking like a cobra ready to strike its prey. The serpent begins to slither from the crack in the road and through the blazing fire and molten larva that is flying out of the crack into the sky with gravity then pulling it back to the ground while landing on cars trees and road signs melting every object instantly in its path.
As the serpent slithers closer to The still frosted window decapitating the very last remaining people in its path Billy's mum still stands unable to move, frozen with fear at the other side of it as the pendant round her neck begins to glow a bright blue and as the red eyed serpent gets closer the blue glow of the pendant gets brighter and brighter and as the serpent reaches the single glazed frosted window creating a screeching sound as if someone was dragging their nails down a black board as it scrapes the tip of its solid gold thang up and down the library's single glazed window while breathing directly onto the glass melting the frost creating a clear view between itself and Billy's mum.
With the glass starting to crack as the serpent continuously scrapes its solid gold tooth up and down the window, Billy's mum steps forward towards the evil looking fire red-eyed serpent grabs her pendant from around her neck, and points it in the direction of the serpent that is seconds from breaking through the glass and getting to Billy's mum.
As the glass smashes and the serpent opens its mouth wide and places itself in a position ready to strike the blue glowing pendant shoots a bright blue beam of light out of it, hitting the body and face of this serpent from hell creating it to produce a loud high pitched hiss and cower away from Billy's mum and back off towards and down the lava filled fire pit created in the cracks of the road, as the snake-like serpent slithers back down the crack and the cracks begin to reverse and once again form a fully formed and functioning road and the lava melted cars, trees, and road signs returning back to normal as if they where brand new, with once again every man woman and child going about there day unaware of the horrors that just unfolded.
And Once again, the only sound Billy's mum can hear the whistle of the wind through the rotten wooden windows in the school library and the sun shining through the unsmashed window, she's then turns her body and begins to walk towards the direction of the exit door, as she starts to extends her arm and opens her hand to grab the dull silver metal door handle to open the door and exit the library
the images projecting into Billy's eyes go all white and a flash of light brings Billy back to reality with him still lying on his belly under his dark unlit bed. But alone without the voice of his mum in his ear and the blue diamond-eyed serpent vanished as if it was never there.
While Billy still lay under his bed with his head resting on his bedroom floor and eyes closed making it easier to reminisce the visions that had just been projected into his eyes from the blue-eyed serpent.
The visions of his mum and the truly terrifying scenario that's just unfolded with the book that hopefully still sits in the solid gold diamond-encrusted chest hidden under the floorboards at the very back corner of his school library while hoping the unknown being that projects his mum's voice and what seemed to be its serpent servant or pet showed him that vision in an attempt to guide him into the right direction to protect himself and help him uncover the full extent of this ever-growing phenomenon.
Billy now understands his mum's reasoning behind wearing and never taking off what Billy Thought was a pointless and ugly pendant.
And knowing that the most important thing he needs to do first is to find that pendant, Billy starts to wiggle like a snake on the ground finally getting out from under his bed while grabbing his tatty ripped blue computer chair and pulling it towards him and dragging himself up onto the chair, thinking when and where he last seen the pendant that he hasn't seen in years since his mum was alive.
While Billy sits on his computer chair thinking and With tears streaming down his face, struggling to keep his head in his hands from the trembling of his knees and the paleness of his skin all that circled in his broken messed up mind is who, what, where when and why did one boy's fictional dream turn into the same boy's real-life nightmare, how does a hope of peace and harmony cause the total destruction of the world as we know it and a bloodshed never heard of throughout all of history, how can one boy dream turn into his global fight for survival, before wiping the snot and tears from his face and he begins to compose himself as he slumps back Into his computer chair while muttering to himself "the pendent cant be missing surely not, when was it I last seen it ?" Says Billy with a now puzzled look on his red puffy-eyed face due to the vast amount of tears and snort that have streamed from his eyes and nose covering his face while placing his hands on his chin while rubbing his thumb and first finger backward and forwards in deep concentration trying to remember the last time he saw the pendant. Billy starts to think of every memory he ever had where the pendant was there trying to determine the last memory involving him and the pendant, as he sits there with memory after memory of him and his mum, from the time she taught him to ride a bike, to all the times she sat next to his bed all night every time Billy was ill with medicine at the side of her and constantly checking Billy's temperature while dapping his head with a cold wet towel every time his body temperature rises or falls above or below the standard temperature of the human body, with tears streaming from Billy's eyes as he works through the years of memories involving the pendent he comes to a day, the memories of this day he'd spent years trying to forget but now having to remember and explore every little detail of this day to try to solve the location of the missing pendant.
Around three years ago when he sat in that hospital room on the end of his mum's hospital bed while watching his frail and pale-skinned mum with tubes and monitors hooked up to her with different coloured bags attached to one end of the tubes filled with unknown sedatives and medicines hangings on hooks on trolleys located at each side of her bed pumping directly into her veins.
The sound of beeping starts to fill the entire ward of the hospital as it gets faster and louder and the numbers and graphs on the monitors rapidly begin to climb due to Billy's mum using what strength she had left to push herself up from her hospital bed just managing to barely sit upright and taking the pendant from round her neck while placing it in the palm of her hand then grasping Billy's hand with her weak grip and skeleton-like hand placing the pendant between both hers and Billy's hands.
With the tears once again starting to steam from Billy's eyes and down his face as he replies that heartbreaking day over and over again in his head, Billy remembers something his mum Said to him something he never understood what she meant by it, and ignoring it due to him thinking that she's just talking random nonsense due to the amount of medication pumping out the bags on the hooks down the tubes and into her pale white and frail body.
While they both sit on the hospital bed interacting with each other for the very last time facing and staring directly into one anothes eyes ,both grasping each others hands and the pendant in the middle tightly, she said quietly and slowly having to stop after each word to gasp for air "my darling Billy,the world we live in is full of amazing and life changing opportunity's for you to grasp and you can do or be anything you want while changing the world for the good if that's what your heart desires, but the obstacles you will face to achieve these goals and your maximum potential while discovering and having to face unimaginable evil and discover parts of history that the majority of the world will and would never want to know ,this will make or break you my love,with what we hold in our hand been a weapon of good crafted from evil not a destroyer but a repellent of evil, keep it close my dear and if you looses sight of this powerful object look toward the stars as you always have and let them guide you to the things you most desire".
She pulls her hand away from Billy's still grasping the pendant tight in her palm lays back down on her hospital bed and closes her eyes for the very last time while taking her Last living breath with the beeping of the monitor now stopped now replaced by one continuous beep that echoes through the hospital ward with the lines on the monitor graphs now just a flat horizontal line and the numbers on the screen all at zero.
Billy begins to shake his head trying to blur the final pictures of his vision as he now has the answer he needs while slipping off his old tatty ripped blue computer chair and falling to his bedroom floor.