The Brave Decision
The Brave Decision
The lady doctor comes with an injection into the abortion room, but Sanjoyita stands up very quickly and says, "Doctor I changed my mind. I decided to bring the child into existence and stay with him. "But have you thought of society, of what they're going to treat you ." She replied with anger: Doctor of what society you speak, in that same society I have been raped. They ruined my life and made me accidentally pregnant.
That's why my boyfriend broke up with me. I was advised by my parents to commit suicide. My friends are distancing themselves from me. Police and lawyers asked me questions just like they made me practically naked. People are staring at me and saying that she was raped. No one wants to marry me 'cause I'm raped. And I am thinking about that society. I never remember my child calling me in the womb. But today, I've decided to stay with the baby and I'm going to bring it into the world. I'm going to burn my past and move on."