



The Bond Of Love Between Broth

The Bond Of Love Between Broth

5 mins

I always wondered as to why we give so much significance to festivals, for in our religion there are so many festivals, but the importance of one festival taught me a lesson that unlike other festivals this festival was different. I was  Vice President sales in a company, that involved meeting people, and promoting my company's products. So being a bachelor, helped for the simple reason I could dedicate a lot of my time to sales. It was in one of these meeting's that I first met her, She had joined our company, from another company, she was in sales so was told to report to me. She entered my chamber, stood there looking at me , I was looking at her CV "she said Good morning sir, I am Rashmi," I looked up smiled and said sit down.  said welcome to "New Vistas"I see from your CV you have enough experience in sales", "Yes sir, she said don't sir me call me by my name I said. Ok, then she paused, Rohan I said, Rohan she said I am familiar with sales figures of our competitors, thus started a  relationship of profit, In six months she had proved her self in sales, Gaining the respect of her superiors, Every thing was going smoothly, Till one everything changed, she dropped a bombshell, She came and told me,  that she was quitting, the news hitall of us like a thunderbolt, we were devastated, but inspite of requesting she did not heed our words, Just settle my account today she said,I will be grateful for I need the money,  that was that. As she had come, she left the company working for six months, Time passed I was promoted to president of company. But I always thought of her, I had a conference in another city,  a sight seeing tour was arranged , with a few of my colleagues,  before we got into the bus, We were introduced to each other by our host, it was then that I saw her, nearly three years, had passed but I could recognise her,  she was accompanying one of our guests holding on to his arms, He was introduced along with his partner, This is Rameshan and his wife Lakshmi, I stared at them, she gave a dazzling smile said hello, we got busy with the sight seeing trip it went well. I had a feeling she recognised me, but was bent on avoiding me.As the conference came to an end I wanted to meet Rashmi, just to know why she left our company, I called on my host and asked him, about Mr. Rameshans wife, she looks familiar, you mean Lakshmi he asked, yes I said, you interested in meeting her, What do you mean I asked, some body's wife, My host smiled, she is not any body's wife, But, I said you introduced me, Rameshan is big honcho, his wife is in Chennai, whenever he is here he asks for her, to escort him around, Ok I said in that case arrange a Meeting. I stayed back till the host arranged a meeting in my hotel room. Once we were seated she said, I know you would arrange this meeting, Ok shoot she said, First why did you leave all of a sudden, Without any notic

e, I will tell you Why, You see my brother was convicted for two years on possessing drugs, On that day he was being released from prison, I had to go meet him, and take him away, I knew that if anybody knew who my brother was, It be embarrassing, and also he might go back to his old company, I also knew I could not hide the fact that he was a jail bird, I could not face you all so I quit, took my money, and left, for If I stayed back, it would mean facing all those  snide remarks, That is why I took up the job for six months, Took my salary and on day of his release collected my dues and left.what are you doing now this I asked, Thus I could not go back to my old job, My brother finds me high class clients, And I act as an escort,  I said we at the company really missed you, Its Ok we are comfortably placed she said. I wished her adios, then in a sudden movement she turned and hugged me then left. I went back to my life, told my colleagues that I had a wonderful trip, One day a year later, while meeting a client I saw her once again, she was escorting him, No body recognised her, She came up to me and said how are you, Good I said, Ok I am free in the evening we will meet

When we met, I am planning to settle down she said,  her brother had passed away in an accident two months back, so she was feeling lonely, Is there anybody special I asked her, Yes she said the next time I come, you both will meet. About three months later it was rakshabandhan day when all my female colleagues at the office were tying rakhi on my wrist, then as they started leaving I noticed Rashmi with another woman, They both came up to me, Lakshmi introduced me to the newcomer, she said this is my elder brother Rohan, The girl smiled and acknowledged me. Then she said this is Reena my life partner, whom I am going to marry, then taking my hand she tied a beautiful Rakhi on my wrist, Now she said proudly, I am your sister, you will give me away to this lady whom I have chosen to be my life partner. I took out my diamond ring from my finger, which had been gifted to me by my companyas a gift for improving sales, then handed it to  her my gift I said for my sister, let me see you put it on your life partner's finger. She started crying, Did I hurt you I asked, no she said, tears of happiness, I think this festival does  it to all brothers makes them emotional,  then she took her partner's hand and put the ring on her finger, will you marry me, Rashmi asked yes her partner said, I have always wonderd why we give so much significance to festivals but on this Rakshabandhan day, Rashmi showed me that bonds can be cemented for eternity, without being siblings related through blood , I learnt the importance of Rakshabandhan,for this festival was different, in that, it seals the bond of love between a brother and sister.

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