Adhithya Sakthivel

Drama Action Others


Adhithya Sakthivel

Drama Action Others



27 mins

NOTE: This story is based on Rayalaseema Factionalism. I did several research and analysis in order to write this story and it was a toughest challenge to finish this story having been a controversial subject.

TRIGGER WARNING: Due to the excessive violence and gore, the story is recommended for parental guidance, if shown to the kids.


MAY 2018:

A head constable comes towards a tea shop and asks for a tea. When drinking tea, he speaks to another man telling: “It’s almost three months, I have slept peacefully sir. When I close my eyes, I tend to hear someone shouting from distance. Is there any ghost sir?”

“Compared to human beings, where can we find a ghost or Vampire sir!”

“My name is Surendar sir” said the Constable, to which the man tells: “Surendar sir. To make you rid of this house people’s fear, may I tell you a story, that resembles 8 to 10 feet life of Hanuman.”



The arid, backward area of Rayalaseema in Andhra Pradesh is home to violent factional families that clash frequently. Kurnool is headed by MLA Bhuma Nagi Reddy of Telugu Desam Party. MLA Vivekananda Reddy of YSR Congress was the head of Banaganapalli, Kurnool district. 

After finishing his post-graduation in Osmania University and working in a software company, Bhuma returned to the family avocation of factions, when his father MLA Bhuma Reddy was brutally murdered by Vivekananda Reddy.

As a revenge, Bhuma Nagi Reddy went along with his henchman to Banaganapalli, where Vivekananda Reddy’s father Nagendra Reddy was travelling. Nagendra Reddy was ex-Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. He serves as the opposition party leader of Andhra.

“Except Banaganapalli people, everyone else get down from the bus da” said Bhuma Nagi Reddy’s henchman. As Everyone gets down, Nagi Reddy’s henchman brutally murdered two people of Banaganapalli. While, Nagi Reddy slits the throat of Nagendra Reddy. The factional feuds continued to haunt the place of Rayalaseema for 35 years.

Bhuma was well known for maintaining a private army that followed him even to Hyderabad and Delhi. He hit the national limelight when he contested as a TDP candidate against the Prime Minister P.V.Narasimha Rao in the National parliament by-poll. He had six cases, including murder and an SC/ST case, belonging to Banaganapalli.

The word Rayalaseema will likely run a chill down the spines of members of Andhra Pradesh’s business community. Government officials and teachers have dreaded postings in interior towns of the region. Rayalaseema is a law unto itself, a region of violent factions and gangs whose words reign supreme. According to police records, in the last 35 years, nearly 8,465 civilians, including 970 Congress and 560 Telugu Desam Party workers have been killed due to factional violence in this region.

Crude country bombings, hackings and gory murders are part of Rayalaseema’s culture. Since the 1980’s, violence has been on the decline in the districts of Chittoor, Kadapa, Anantapur and Kurnool, although factionalism still rules large.

At this period of peek violence and continuing feuds, Bhuma Nagi Reddy decides to stay away from politics, insisted by his mother Yeddula Sumathi Reddy. She says to him: “All is enough Nagi. We doesn’t need factional feuds. Nothing good ever comes of violence. Because of our act, it’s the life of common man, that’s always affected.”

However Reddy consoles his mother and decides to resign from Telugu Desam Party, due to their dark side, that he have came to know. Bhuma Nagi Reddy resigns his post as an MLA and additionally quits from Telugu Desam Party. He decides to support BJP, being impressed with their good efforts in reforming the nation from violence and feuds.

Meanwhile, Vivekananda Reddy decides to use this as an opportunity to take down Bhuma Nagi Reddy and his family so that he may not be opposed for the next election.

During this time, Bhuma Nagi Reddy’s son-daughter: Bhuma Nikhil Reddy and Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy decides to come for Rayalaseema. Bhuma Nikhil Reddy completed his post-graduate course in Humanities and Arts at London University. He is stepping inside the bloody region after 12 years. While, Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy is doing her post-graduate course in Sociology.

Besides Bhuma Nagi Reddy’s family, Vivekananda Reddy’s son Yogendra Reddy too was waiting for the arrival of Bhuma Nikhil Reddy and Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy. As they comes in the train, one of the men from Rayalaseema stops the train by pulling off the chain, after which the duo enters outside the train.

Realizing that, the arid and violent place have come, the train driver steps back and starts the train again. Unlike Nagi Reddy and his younger brother Aravinth Reddy, Nikhil Reddy and Vaishnavi Reddy are polar opposites. Nikhil wears full-hand shirts and pants. While, Nagi and Aravinth Reddy either wear Pijama or dhotis.

“Stopped the train in between dad. Doesn’t the train have a break ah?” asked Vaishnavi Reddy, who is cute looking, wearing a costly Sari, bought by Nikhil Reddy.

“No ma. They can’t wait for you patiently. That’s why!” said Nagi Reddy. Nagi Reddy’s men takes Suitcase and other materials from the duo. While, Nikhil Reddy is driving the car, Vaishnavi Reddy, who is sitting in the front side of the car asked her uncle Aravinth Reddy: “What Uncle? Is there any problems?”

“Nagi Reddy sir have resigned from his post. And he is supporting for BJP people, distancing from politics la. So, we have to be careful. Since, Vivekananda Reddy is a bigwig in the society, like us la” said Aravinth Reddy.

“If Vivekananda Reddy’s strength is power and position means, our strength is trust and sincerity. You, keep quiet” said Bhuma Nagi Reddy. While driving towards the roads of Nandyal through a bridge, consisting of Goat on either side, a goat comes in between, causing Nikhil to stop the car.

Nikhil Reddy senses something danger through the bridge, after seeing the big stone. He sees bombs downside the bridge and asked his uncle-father to get down from the car. However, the stone hits one of Bhuma Nagi Reddy’s henchman and he dies. People emerge from the goat side along with their weapons and knives. Nagi Reddy suffers sudden Cardiac Arrest, due to the shock and he died inside the car. While, Aravinth Reddy is shot by a henchman of Vivekananda Reddy.

Violence erupts between the groups. The whole place turns like a “bloody land” with everyone stabbing and hitting themselves. Seeing this, Vaishnavi Reddy and Nikhil Reddy enters outside the car. Seeing both of them, Vivekananda’s henchman stabs the duo in their back with the help of a hammer.

“Hey, someone have stabbed our boss’s son-daughter da.”

While one of the henchman subdues and murder the stabber, both Nikhil and Vaishnavi shouted in pain, unable to bear the depth of the knife, which entered in their back.

“What! Sound seems to be young. Are you both Bhuma Nagi Reddy’s children?” asked Vivekananda Reddy, who is sitting somewhere to the other side, smoking cigar.

Nikhil Reddy and Vaishnavi becomes angered due to the death of Bhuma Nagi Reddy. She says to Nikhil: “Brother. None of the people, responsible for our father-uncle’s death should go alive from this land.”

Nikhil unsheathes the hammer, stabbed in his back and chops off the hands of the henchman, who killed his father and uncle. With blood oozing out, the henchman cries in pain. One of the henchman alerts everyone saying: “Hey. He chopped off our brother’s hand da.”

Nikhil angrily starts to murder the henchman of Vivekananda with his fierce eyes by stabbing their abdomen and slitting their throats. He turns violent as the other henchman march against him with swords and knives respectively.

Holding two of the henchman gaze, Nikhil Reddy called one of his henchman: “Konda Reddy. Doesn’t we have a sword or strong henchman?”

As Konda Reddy throws a sword to Nikhil Reddy, he chops of the fingers, injures the ear and abdomen of Vivekananda’s henchman. Blood oozes from their hands and they shouts in pain. With the help of a spear, Nikhil Reddy kills one of Vivekananda’s henchman.

On one side, the dry river bed is having full of henchman, lying in the pool of blood. On the other side, Nikhil is chasing the henchman of Vivekananda on either sides angrily. As one of Bhuma Nagi Reddy’s henchman alerts about the location of Vivekananda Reddy, Nikhil goes to the other side, after causing Vivekananda’s henchman(who are coming in a jeep) to hit in a stone, by killing the driver.

Removing his shirts, he takes the sword on other side. Like his father, Nikhil Reddy is having strong six packs and strong body muscles. One of the henchman’s throat is slit by Nikhil and seeing this, the other three fears, that’s seen clear through their eye expressions and facial exposure.

Their hands shiver and the three tries to run, only to be stabbed brutally to death by Nikhil Reddy. Seeing this, Vivekananda asks for a gun and bullet. He tries to shoot Nikhil Reddy, only to kill his own henchman to death. After witnessing Vivekananda Reddy, Nikhil runs towards him, slitting the throat of henchmen. As he loads bullet in his guns, Nikhil Reddy runs straight to Vivekananda Reddy and stabs his neck, with the knife. Like Yamunotri Glacier’s hot spring, blood flows out from the neck of Vivekananda Reddy. He falls down after staring at Nikhil and tying up a towel in his injured side of neck.

Seeing this, Yogendra Reddy shouts in anger and tries to kill Nikhil Reddy, only to back off, after seeing his bravery and tough expressions. As the killings continue, police officials come to the place asking the factionists: “If you all kill yourselves, why are we there here?”

As Nikhil Reddy stares at him, police officer’s hands shiver and he consoles Yogendra Reddy. After some peaceful talks, Nikhil Reddy exits the place along with his henchman and Yogendra swears for revenge. Vaishnavi becomes upset upon seeing the condition of Rayalaseema region. Yeddula Sumati Reddy becomes upset upon seeing her son’s death and scolded the god asking: “Why are you giving these many deaths? Isn’t there an end to these violence and feuds?”

Yeddula Gomathi Reddy cries seeing Aravinth Reddy’s death and her son Bhuma Vishnu Reddy’s brow tightened with his eyes turning red. He promises his dad by saying, “I would avenge his death by killing the whole people, belonging to Banaganapalli region.”

Hearing this, Yeddula Gomathi Reddy becomes furious. Crying out aloud with tears flowing from her eyes, she asked her son: “Go da. Go and kill. You have knife, sword and gun right? Why then speaking in words?”

As he sees her emotionally, she showcases her husband’s shirt full of bloods and tells: “I used wash his bloody clothes da. You know? Bullets are for morons. The brain is mightier than a billion bullets da.” Bhuma Nagi Reddy and Bhuma Aravinth Reddy’s dead bodies are wrapped up in a big leaf and were cremated with full of securities, surrounding the whole place.

Following the mourning, Nikhil Reddy and Vaishnavi Reddy sits inside the house upset. Nikhil Reddy goes along with his men to meet few of their men, who are been treated in the hospital for their injuries. Police officers refuse to bail the people out, due to the fear of violence bursting out again.

To mourn the death of Nagi Reddy and Aravinth Reddy, 16th memorial day is kept in the house, where servants and loyal securities eat the food.


The landscapes, weather and food habits are a bit different from other regions. Water problem is the major problem in Rayalaseema. Rayalaseema consists of other districts such as: Anantapur, Chittoor and Kadapa districts other than Kurnool. This particular region of Andhra Pradesh covers the major part of the mighty Nallamala forest which is very dense. You can find a lot of greenery in Nandyala and Srisailam surroundings.

Food is influenced a little bit by neighboring states North Karnataka style in Ananthapur and Kurnool districts “Uggani Mirchi”, “Jonna Rotte” and “Oligalu” also called as “Reku Bhakshalu”, Chittoor district has little bit of influence of Tamil Nadu. Spice levels are high in the food here. Kadapa has it’s famous non-veg dish called “Chennur Mutton Biriyani”, there’s a variety called “Tadipatri Dum Biriyani” also. “Nati Kodi Pulusu” is famous.

There are many “seema biddalu” whose eyes will glow when they drink “seema neeru.” Their ancestors used to apply “chameli ka tel” to hair whereas the rest of the South India applied Coconut oil. The fights between factions involved loud slogans like “addanga narikestha” and “niluvuna cheelchesta.” Before going into fights, the ladies and elders would motivate the men in the house by screaming “thoda kottara magada” and “thippara meesam.”

“Seema Biddalu” will not sit and remain calm while travelling. They will be doing warmup by swinging their swords, sickles and long knives outside of TATA Sumo windows.


Two days later, Konda Reddy meets Bhuma Nikhil Reddy, who’s standing besides the photo of his mother Yeddula Lakshmi Reddy, who died in a Car crash accident, after winning the election seat for getting MLA post. He says to him: “Our mother didn’t die due to crash boss. She was killed by Vivekananda Reddy’s men, as she won the elections. Father didn’t want you and our mam informed about the true incident. Sorry boss.”

As Konda Reddy insists to clear off Banaganapalli’s people and bring the region under their control, Yeddula Sumati Reddy comes in and asked everyone to go outside. After the guys went off from the place, Sumati Reddy says to Nikhil Reddy: “Nikhil Reddy. A leader is someone willing to give his strength to others. Find people who share your values and you’ll conquer the world together.” As he remains stubborn, Sumati Reddy says: “Your mother and father died due to factionalism and violence. You want our new generation to be away from politics and bloody factionalism. But, you know? If there are more weapons, there is less happiness. More guns, more misery.”

Nikhil looks at her through his intense eyes. While, she says: “Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war.” Meanwhile, a pregnant women comes to Nikhil Reddy’s house. She insists him not to bail out her husband, fearing for his death and goes from the place.

Upon seeing this, Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy decides to go back for her work, despite being stopped by Yeddula Gomati Reddy and Yeddula Sumati Reddy.

“Brother. This region is a dangerous place to live. Not because of the people who are evil. But because of the people who don’t do anything about it. The ultimate sufferers are the common man.” Hearing this, Nikhil gets up in the mid-way, while eating his food.

Bhuma Nikhil Reddy decides to leave from this gory region of Rayalaseema to Coimbatore(to find some peace) along with his sister Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy, after thinking about the violence and problems, for the whole night. The duo seeks the blessings of their grandmother, before leaving Rayalaseema.


Meanwhile, Opposition party leader of BJP Keshav Reddy enters outside, his Personal assistant Siddhappa Naidu greets him. Keshav Reddy says: “In Nandyal, Bhuma Nagi Reddy’s mother is ill it seems. For his wife, there’s no tongue in her mouth. While his son is not inter

ested in politics. In their house!”

“Sister” said the PA. He asked him to convince her to file for the upcoming election nomination so that, it can be a sympathy vote.

“Sir. Bhuma Nikhil Reddy wants to talk with you.” He gives the phone to him. Sitting somewhere near to the tea shop with his younger sister Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy, he says: “Within this one year, I will try to do something for ending this 35 year long feud. Don’t try to do any kind of politics now. I will tell what to do next. No, impossible if any words comes as such, remember! The knife, that I used to stab Vivekananda Reddy’s neck haven’t been washed yet. So, be careful.”

Leaning his beard, Keshava Reddy obeys his orders. While, Bhuma Nikhil Reddy takes his things and goes along with his sister Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy. While heading towards Hyderabad Junction, he sees his TATA car, given for sale to someone.

He goes near to them and says, there’s a hole in the fuel tank and asked, not to buy the car. Two of the sellers seems to have known Nikhil Reddy and they runs away fearfully though they initially opposed his words about the car(broken glass and everything has been replaced).

“Thank you sir. If you have not come here, I could have been cheated.” As Nikhil Reddy is going, he asked him: “Sir, sir. Come to my home once sir.”

“No sir. Let’s meet when time gives us another chance. I have to go for Coimbatore. Already it’s time” said Nikhil Reddy to which, the man says: “I too, going for Coimbatore only sir.”

They both goes for Hyderabad Junction and waits for the arrival of train. While, Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy sees some important documents in her phone. As the train arrived at the junction, the man part ways. Hence, Vaishnavi Reddy and Nikhil Reddy goes inside the train to reach Coimbatore. When going, Nikhil Reddy messages his friend Sai Adhithya that: “He is arriving to Coimbatore around 3:30 PM one and a half days later.”



3:30 PM:

The train reaches Coimbatore Junction sharp at 3:30 PM where, Bhuma Nikhil Reddy searches for Sai Adhithya everywhere. While, Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy asked him: “Brother. You told that, Sai Adhithya would be sincere in his time. Is he this inefficient?”

“I am not inefficient Vaishnavi Reddy. If I say one words, that’s like saying hundred times” said Sai Adhithya, who have been to the left side. He is wearing full-hand green shirt, a titanic watch in his left hand and steel-rimmed spectacles to cover his eyes. He have a tattoo of Rock Star in his right hand.

“Buddy. How are you da?” asked Nikhil Reddy.

“For me, I am always good with a small bike showroom, decent earning. I take care of my parents well and have a KTM bike of my own money” said Sai Adhithya. Irritated by this, Vaishnavi Reddy said: “Hey, hey! Your list is going too long. Kindly stop it!”

As he looked at Vaishnavi, she gives him the luggage and dress bag saying: “Keep my luggage and dress bag inside your car quickly. I will wait at your car.” Thinking that Adhithya was broken with her rough behavior, Bhuma Nikhil Reddy consoled him telling: “Hey. She is like such only da. Leave it. When days go, she herself, will come to normal.”

Adhithya turned at him laughing and said: “Hey. In my life, these things are so common da. Getting scolding, getting appreciation and getting avoided. I am least bothered. Come. Let’s go to our home.”

“You never mend your witty nature da. Hmm!” said Nikhil. When driving, Sai Adhithya turned to Nikhil and asked: “Then buddy. How was your trip to Rayalaseema? I heard from some of my friends that, your mother-father passed away. Sorry da. I wasn’t able to call you due to some prolonging works.”

Vaishnavi’s brow tightened as Sai Adhithya reminded off the violent regime again. However, she calms down after reminding off the Bhagavad Gita mantras. While, Nikhil Reddy said: “In my hometown, killings and deaths are common da. Leave it.”

They reaches Sai Adhithya’s home and meets his parents, who are around 65-70 years of age. He have an younger brother Arjun, who is studying in Suguna International School. When going for a round in Singanallur Sai Adhithya, Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy and Bhuma Nikhil Reddy are blocked by some people, who were protesting for some issues.

Bhuma Nikhil Reddy asked Sai Adhithya: “Who are these people da?”

“Some girl named Aaradhana committed suicide, before five days ago da. She belonged to SC community of Hindu. As she studied for free in a Christian school, her hostel warden and school teacher forced her to convert as a Christian and tortured her it seems. So, she committed suicide and left a last record of confession. Someone recorded it and uploaded it in youtube. So, protests for arresting the people, responsible for this.”

“Even here, these issues are there right?” asked Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy to which, Sai Adhithya said: “Vaishnavi. God have no religion actually. It was we, who have separated ourselves in the name of community, caste, religion, etc. Until and unless we are united, these death would continue and common man have to suffer. In today’s world, Religion had become a business.”

“How can we stop these things?” asked Vaishnavi Reddy, to which Adhithya said: “We have to be calm and patient, before taking a proper decision regarding these problems.”

Nikhil and Vaishnavi have some peaceful journey in Coimbatore, exploring the natural scenarios of Valparai, Topslip and Chalakkudy. The trees, river, waterfalls and mountains gives a sense of calm in his mind, making him to get rid of his dark past at Rayalaseema. When they came to Marudamalai temple for a visit with Sai Adhithya the third day, Nikhil notices a quotes about God somewhere in the temple: “When I wake up every morning, I thank god for the new day. God gave us the gift of life. Life is good because god is great.”

Near to Lord Ganesh, he notices a girl, explaining this to six-year old young girl, who have asked about the purpose of visiting the temple. That girl is a gorgeous belle, having thick blue eyes. She have a tattoo of Lord Shiva in her left hand, a chain, resembling Hinduism in her neck and is wearing a traditional Sari, Hindus usually wear. Her face is like a pure papaya and her hair is black.

Nikhil goes near to her and said: “Well said mam. Really liked your words. I need your blessings.” However, the girl laughed and said: “Sir. I am not a Swamiji. I too is just a visitor.”

“Oh! That’s good. I thought you are a swamiji, having seen your Lord Shiva tattoo, traditional sari and a chain, resembling Hinduism!” Nikhil exclaimed.

“That’s fine. And myself, I am Keerthi Iyer- Keerthu from R.S.Puram, Coimbatore district.” As she gave him a shaken, Nikhil Reddy too shakes his hands with her and said: “Myself, I am Bhuma…Sorry. Nikhil from Nandyal, Kurnool district.”

As he said this, Roshini said: “Oh. That sounds good. Andhra is my favorite place.” They keeps talking and goes for a round, accompanied by Vaishnavi Reddy and Sai Adhithya. 

Roshini Iyer takes them to her foundation and tells them: “I initially wanted to start this foundation to educate our children. But, later on changed my mind after seeing several problems in our country and started to create an awareness about the social issues.”

“Are you an ardent believer in religion Roshini?” asked Adhithya, to which she said: “My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. Man cannot live without a spiritual life. True wisdom leads us to please god. In today’s world, religion have become a business and people misunderstand each and every problems.” Nikhil realizes that, Roshini is trying to resolve a lots and lots of social issues in India and when he digs deeper into this, he comes to know that: “Her parents were brutally murdered in Anti-Brahmin conflicts before few years in Tamil Nadu. Since then, she stands against the politics and is trying to reform people.”

One day, Nikhil is met by a teenager Ashwath in his house. As he have got a competition to do during the Independence day and asked him to narrate a story to which, Nikhil narrated his life events in Rayalaseema, titling it as: “War and Peace.” But, with different persecutory. When he finished saying this, Roshini said to him: “Peace is not achieved by controlling nations, Nikhil. But mastering our thoughts. You should avoid pin-pricks and it’s the virtue of civilization.” Nikhil realizes his mistake through her and decides to solve the issues sooner in his district.

However, Yeddula Vivekananda Reddy comes to know about the critically acclaimed story “War and Peace” which was published in Telugu, Kannada, Hindi and English versions too in other schools. Upon reading the story, a partially recovering Vivekananda Reddy calls out his son Yogendra Reddy. He says to him, “I wanted to know about the guy, who wrote this particular story.”

Meanwhile, Adhithya comes to know about the factionalism backdrop of Nikhil and Vaishnavi Reddy. Despite knowing about this, Adhithya proposes his love to Vaishnavi Reddy, due to their close bonding during these days. However, when speaking Nikhil Reddy notices cars, coming towards Ashwath’s school and immediately goes there. Without killing the henchman and insisted by Adhithya, he spares their life and comes to know that, Yeddula Vivekananda Reddy is alive.

Shocked, Adhithya says to Nikhil: “Nikhil. Vivekananda Reddy have came to know about your location. He definitely don’t spare you and Vaishnavi Reddy. Please go away from here da.”

“I have started this war da Adhi. I should only finish this. If I leave from here, who would protect Roshini and Ashwath? Their safety is also important.”

With the help of his few friends, Adhithya arranges some tighter security force to Nikhil Reddy and Vaishnavi Reddy in his house. At the same time, Nikhil goes to meet Roshini, as he have delayed in proposing his love to her. She says to him, “Time waits for no one Nikhil. Because Lost time is never found again.”

He realizes his fault and decides to console Roshini, but in vain. Meanwhile, a few politicians, who dislikes the activities of Roshini in creating an awareness among Hindu groups about religion tries to kidnap her. When one of the gang member tries to humiliate her by raping, Nikhil gets in and beats them up saying, “It’s not Assam to rape a girl, as you wish da. This is Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu, the king of South India. How dare you touch a girl?”

As he beats them up, one of the gang says: “Hey. You don’t know who we’re.”

“Even she doesn’t know who you are. Your status doesn’t depend on your state, language or caste. It depends on your attitude. We are all Indians. I speak Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, English and Malayalam fluently” said Adhithya, who gets in slapping one of the gang members and said, “Even Nikhil is fluent in these languages.” The guys save Roshini from their clutches and Nikhil gets inside the house of the politician, who did this act.

Upon seeing Nikhil, the politician recounts few brutal events of Rayalaseema(Nandyal and Banaganapally) and tells him, “They won’t interfere with the girl hereafter.” When asked by the PA, he said: “You don’t know about the region of Rayalaseema. If you come to know about his dark side, you won’t ask questions to me.”

Wiping off his sweat, the politician seeks the help of Yogendra Reddy, who kidnaps Ashwath and Roshini Iyer simultaneously, upon being asked by his father to do so. At the same time, Bhuma Nikhil Reddy, Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy and Sai Adhithya goes to Hyderabad and meets Minister Lakshma Reddy at his party office.

“I wanted my region to be peaceful hereafter. Tell me the solution for this sir” said Nikhil.

Sipping a coffee, Lakshma Reddy said: “Nikhil sir. Peace is not achieved through violent means. We drink coffee using cup and a saucer. However in your place, people walk in the pool of blood. Violence is in their blood. They would threw bomb to me, although they accept for peace.”

During the time, Nikhil gets to know that Roshini is kidnapped by Yogendra Reddy and tries to stop him. But, Lakshma says: “Go sir. Go and fight each other. It’s your routine right. Leave a river of blood like Kurukshetra war, where 99 Gauravas and 5 Pandava groups killed each other.” Nikhil sits and warned Yogendra through his phone. Feared, they leaves Roshini and Ashwath, in the middle of Coimbatore district.

They comes to Hyderabad and Nikhil apologizes to her for the misery caused. Ashwath is sent back to his house with safe security. Lakshma Reddy accepts to do peace and calls Yogendra Reddy.

They meet along with Keshava Reddy and during the meet, when Yogendra tried to kill Nikhil Reddy, he beats up his henchman in retaliation and spares him, without killing anyone. Yogendra himself now says to Nikhil: “Whatever we(New Generation) try our best to keep our old generation off from violence and factionalism, they never hears our words. You believe my father would accept?”

Nikhil Reddy says: “Trust is everything. So many days, you obeyed his orders. Now, let him obey your words.” Yogendra realizes his mistakes and decides to stop the 35-year long feuds. However, his father doesn’t give a chance to this and instead, murders his own son saying: “I want power da. Not peace. If our people are peaceful, how can we do politics and violence to remain in our position. I am sorry, my son.” Now, Vivekananda Reddy further kidnaps Sai Adhithya, Roshini Iyer and Nikhil’s sister Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy.

Yogendra’s death spreads like a fire and this leads to a violent conflict between two villages of Kurnool, again. Since, they assumed that: “Nikhil Reddy killed him.” Vivekananda now challenges Nikhil to stop the 35-year war by saying: “In our neighboring state of Tamil Nadu, our Telugu people rules for decades. Other people Kannada and Malayalam guys too. Even here, faction politics would rule for centuries. New Generation or Old Generation. It never matters. Violence is the one, that speaks for century. How would you change this da?” He takes a sword and comes towards Nikhil.

As he said this Nikhil said: “We are separate by language. When Jallikattu ban came, all Hindus united to protest in Tamil Nadu, nevertheless of caste and community. I still, hope there could come a change.” Angered, Vivekananda Reddy slashes the arms of Roshini, stabs Vaishnavi Reddy in her right chest and brutally beats up Sai Adhithya to a pulp, by dragging him mercilessly in a mud. With Roshini and Vaishnavi Reddy lying in the muds, Roshini said: “I have came to know about your life here Nikhil. Majority of women are affected due to these factionalism and violence. Enough is enough. We can no more tolerate these things. The end for this should be written by you Nikhil.”

An injured Sai Adhithya and dying Vaishnavi Reddy looks at her and Nikhil. Nikhil says: “This graveyard would be the same Roshini. We can’t change anything. Only war, blood and hand grenades speaks here. What to write! I wanted to stop this war. But, few selfish and crooked people want this war to prolong for centuries. What to say!”

Realizing the mistakes, Vivekananda’s men reform and takes the trio in the car to hospitals. While, Nikhil Reddy confronts an angry Vivekananda, who tells him: “Until I am alive, nothing can be solved here.” He stabs his abdomen, hits the nose of Vivekananda and burns him alive in a wheat lands. Since, he have killed his own son to make the violence continuous in Rayalaseema.

Nikhil hopes that, “Vivekananda’s death would stop the ongoing violence.” To stop people from indulging in violence, Vivekananda’s wife comes and says: “My husband and son killed each other due to the greed for power and thirst for position.” Hearing this, all people threw their swords away and takes an oath that: “They all would be united forever hereafter and says the slogan- All Indians are my brothers and sisters.”

Nikhil Reddy peacefully walks inside the hospitals, where Sai Adhithya, Roshini and Bhuma Vaishnavi Reddy are being treated for their injuries. Sai Adhithya and Vaishnavi Reddy holds their hands in happiness. While, Nikhil embraces Roshini by holding her hands.


Now the head constable asked Sai Adhithya, "Sir. Is Rayalaseema still more prone to factionalism?"

Sai Adhithya smiles and replied him, "It's still more there. Politics, violence and factionalism is prevalent all over India."

The guys, who shouted inside the house then escapes by breaking the glass after which, Bhuma Nikhil Reddy comes and warned them, "Never to make politics on God and Religion." He walks from the place, accompained by Sai Adhithya.

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