Gita Parihar

Inspirational Others Children


Gita Parihar

Inspirational Others Children

#Thank you Teachers

#Thank you Teachers

2 mins

Dear Teachers

I express my deepest gratitude to your unflinching, selfless services for your students. I proudly acknowledge and salute all the hard work you put in day in and day out to see your students progress. I wonder from where did you draw the strength and the positivity to keep you zealously grooming us for our future!

How wonderfully you dealt with troubled students , showing not a wee bit temper. Yuo always took the additional load yourselves. .

When the exams were round the corner you never took time off for yourselves, every day we were free to contact you even after school hours whether there was an emergency or not.

 Many of you suffered from chronic neck, back and shoulder ache caused primarily due to correction work that you did so meticulously.

You have to stand long hours in classrooms which definitely might have caused strain to the spine but hardly you enjoyed any medical leave.

Dealing with such stressful work under crucial times you kept your calm and maintaned composure.

 Besides taking classes,  preparing lesson planning, syllabus-related work, assignment checks, data entry, and other administrative work that you took care of, might have added to the stress but it never reflected in your behavior.

You influenced so many lives. you did your best to make your students mentally, emotionally and socially powerful honing their latent potentials and trying to provide conducive atmosphere for individual identity. You were the inspiration and motivation and so you will remain.

Your humble student

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