Abhiram Devisetti

Abstract Drama Classics


Abhiram Devisetti

Abstract Drama Classics

Slaves of the polluted metropolitan

Slaves of the polluted metropolitan

3 mins

Ours is the most beautiful city; here, the air is immaculate, river water is transparent and very pure, and public places are tidy. We know that air, water, and food are essential for survival; so, we look after these very carefully; there is an industry to purify water in our city. A city must have an accurate power supply; we have power stations that produce energy; the names of those power stations are "Mitocia Power Stations.". Like all other cities, our city has a sewage treatment plant; that plant is owned by my friend Kim, sanitation workers; there are hospitals to treat people who get sick; there is a WBC military to counter the enemy attacks.

The administration in our city is different; we have a king, Arjun, and obey his all commands. We don't have holidays or day-offs; we must work constantly; if we don't work, the city will be in turmoil. By the way, my name is Lan; Currently, the city's conditions are not good at all; if our king had not made that one mistake, our city would be so much better off.

If a city should be economically good, trading should be done. Trading takes place between one city and another; in such trading, our king made a mistake hoping for pleasure. He permitted some companies that increase pollution to open a branch in our city; the city has been polluted ever since those companies set up their branches; I do not know how much good is done by them, but many bad things have happened. Those companies are releasing some gas into the air, and the people inhaling are getting sick. Those companies were built on the banks of the river, and the waste of the companies was released into the river that gave us water; eventually, those who live on that river water are getting sick; not only that but the employees of the water treatment plant also fell ill a

nd died; the Sewage treatment plant was shut down because my friend Kim died. Seeing all this, we went to our king; we said that there are so many problems in the city; people are getting sick, some are dying, you have to do something; we asked him to ask for another city's support; he said he would ask.

The day came to talk.

'Hello, Doctor,' Arjun called.

'Tell me, Arjun, what is your problem.' the doctor asked.

'Sir, I do not understand what happened, but something is wrong with my lungs (Lan); I can't breathe with ease, I kind of feel like a burning sensation inside my lungs.', Arjun said.

'Do you smoke?'

'Yes, sir.'

After the doctor did some tests

'You have emphysema; better try quitting smoking; Otherwise, there are chances of getting cancer.'

'Sir, am I going to die?'

'You will not die but live in pain; you have lost a kidney (Kim), right.'

'Yes, sir.

'Avoid alcohol too; otherwise, you will be confined to bed and will have to undergo dialysis.'

'Sir, I will not smoke from now on; give me any medicine to reduce it.'

'I will give you medicine that produces antibodies in your WBC to prevent the infection inside to some extent, but you should quit smoking.'

'Sure, Thank you, sir.'

Thank God those polluting companies are getting closed one by one, and everything is returning to normal conditions. Even though it is becoming normal, will my dead friend return? We sometimes feel like going far away from quitting our jobs. Even if our job kills us, we have to do this job; this is God's curse to us; compared to others, our actions are involuntary; we must work under any circumstances; we are forced to work; regardless of day or night, we are the slaves of the polluted metropolitan (body).

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