Soma Singh

Fantasy Children


Soma Singh

Fantasy Children

Shuban And The Beautiful Mynah

Shuban And The Beautiful Mynah

2 mins

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Shuban. He loved nature and according to him the best creations of God are the beautiful and colourful birds. He longed to fly in the beautiful sky. One day a beautiful Mynah came to his balcony. She was hopping and chirping. Shuban brought her some food. He asked her what is your name. She said I am Mira the Mynah. Thank you for giving me the food. "You are welcome" Shuban said. Will you become my friend? Mira said Yes, why not?

Soon they became great friends. Every evening Mira would come to his balcony and they would talk for hours and hours. One day, Shuban asked Mira "I wish I had wings so I could fly in the sky," Mira said if that is your wish I will give you my wings for one day. Shuban was very happy. The next day, Mira gave her wings to Shuban and hid in a small hole in the tree trunk. She reminded Shuban to come home before sunset and return her wings so that she can go back home on time where her kids are waiting for her.

Shuban took the wings and he flew from the morning to evening throughout the world and at last, he came home. Then he thought, why should I return the wings? If I keep the wings I can fly whenever I want. So he hid the wings inside his cupboard. The next day again he flew and came back. In the evening while running on the stairs Shuban fell down and sprained his legs. He was told to be on the bed the whole day. He felt terrible as he was unable to walk. After being in pain he realised the pain of Mynah as he had taken her wings.

He called his mother and shared the story. His mother listened to the whole story and hugged Shuban and said: "I am glad you realised your mistake". Let us go and apologize to the Mynah. Shuban took the wings and went to the Mynah. He apologized to her and promised never to betray her. The next day, Shuban opened his eyes to hear a bird chirping and it was none other than Mira her best friend in the balcony, with the same love and affection for him.

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