Manisha Venkatesan

Abstract Romance Others Fantasy


Manisha Venkatesan

Abstract Romance Others Fantasy

Red Land: A Painful Surprise for the One I Love

Red Land: A Painful Surprise for the One I Love

2 mins

For years, I asked you what your favorite color was, and each time, you replied with "Red". I always tried to make you happy by wearing your favorite color, but it never seemed like enough.

One day, I came up with an idea to surprise you. I took you to "Red Land", where everything was painted red from floor to ceiling. I made sure every detail was perfect so that you could finally be truly happy.

As we walked through the red landscape, you held onto my arm and pulled me along to see everything. But as you were laughing and smiling, tears streamed down my face from the pain I was trying to hide.

Despite the pain, I felt content watching you be happy, knowing I was able to fulfill your wish. As the day drew to a close, you asked if we could leave, but I asked if I could lay my head on your lap for a while.

Under the bright moonlight, you ran your fingers through my hair as I rested my head on your lap. It felt like heaven, but then you asked how I managed to create so much red.

I debated whether to tell you the truth or lie, but I realized this might be my only chance. I asked you to close your eyes and gave you a long, tight hug and a kiss. When I laid back down, I told you to open your eyes.

As you did, you noticed my eyes were closed, and I had deep red cuts on my arms. You begged me to open my eyes, but I didn't. It was then that you realized the red wasn't just paint - it was my blood.

You held me close, tears in your eyes, realizing that all this time, I had been trying to make you happy while silently suffering.🩸🥺

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