Rainbow Road
Rainbow Road

Once there was a girl named Vibhuti, she had just shifted to a new house with her parents. She was 8 years old. So, one night, her father and her, went for a walk down the road after dinner. The chaaiwala was standing there and watching them. It was a foggy winter night, and they soon disappeared in the mist. Well, sometime later, the chaaiwala saw that only Vibhuti's father had come back and Vibhuti was not with him. The chaaiwala thought, "It's none of my business to ask him where his daughter is. Maybe he just dropped her somewhere."
10 years later
A young doctor named Rahul had just shifted in town. He lived in front of a road named Rainbow Road. Well, after dinner one night, he thought he must explore that place. As he went there, he couldn't see any people around. It was rather a deserted area. He thought to himself, "Let me ask the history of this place to someone who has been living here for a long time. He went to some people who were standing at the gate of the society and he asked them, "Do you live here?". they said, "Yes, how may we help you?". He asked them why the rainbow road was named the rainbow road. They didn't reply to him and one of them said,"I wouldn't even ask about that place if I were you, it would be better if you go home". But Rahul was determined to know the truth. So, he went inside that lane, and soon as he walked further but couldn't see anything abnormal or hear any noise. He was sleepy so he went back home. But, again, the next day he went to that place again. But again, he cou
ldn't find anything weird. He went going there at 12:00 am every day for one whole week.
Last day of the week
He went to that place again on Sunday. This time, he heard something.......It was like children were laughing and calling out to each other. He heard shouts of, "This is so much fun, right Indra?, "Yes, it's so much fun, Vibhuti!". When he heard these shouts he went in the direction of the shouts and suddenly out of nowhere he saw 6 children in a circle who were saying in unison, "Ringa ring roses, pocket full of roses......". They all seemed to ignore Rahul. He was surprised to see the children playing all alone at this time of the night. He called out to them saying, "Dear children, what are you doing here at this time of the night?". No reply.....They completely ignored him. He noted down the names of the children he had heard. He noticed that when he lined up all the names, they turned out to be VIBGYO! If some of you don't know what VIBGYO is, I'll tell you what it means. It means the 6 colors of the rainbow, Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Orange. Now, you must be thinking, where is the R in the end? That's what Rahul thought. He then thought of going back but suddenly, all the children in the circle came towards him. The circle of children was moving like a wheel towards Rahul. He ran as fast as he could but the children caught him.....He was now the R which stands for Red in the circle. The circle was complete! But, still, if anyone goes to that road, they are NEVER to be seen again.........