Psychoanalyst and Love
Psychoanalyst and Love

Maruf went to sleep at his mahallah and he saw a dream,
Day 1
Maruf is a psychoanalyst in the dream, like Freud.
Case Study 1: The patient came and lay down on a bed while Maruf sat beside them, reminiscent of Freud. The room was dark. The patient uttered, "I loved a girl a lot, and one day I saw her talking with a boy whom I perceived as a potential threat. As a consequence, I kissed her cheek. I'm not sure why I did it, but I apologized to her later."
The following year, the same patient came, and Maruf sat in the same position as the day before, while the patient lay down on the sofa.
Case Study 2: The patient shared, "I fell in love with a new girl, and I saw her talking with a few boys who I consider threats to my beloved. I felt intense envy inside and went home, sitting on the staircase in desperation. My friend told me that one plot could help me win her over, which involved speaking ill of those she was talking to."
Another year passed, and the same patient came and lay down as before.
Case Study 3: The patient expressed, "I loved her so much, and I perceived some potential threats that triggered intense feelings of competition. It became overwhelming, and I ended up abandoning her in pain."
Case Study 4: After another three years had passed, the patient came and said, "I met a few others, and I experienced the same intense feelings with other girls, one after another."
Maruf took notes and asked the patient to come back on Friday. The patient returned on Friday, and Maruf began to explain.
"You may be familiar with the concept of evolution, how one cell evolves into different species and plants. Similarly, according to Freudian theory, your feelings of love and envy evolved from your relationship with your parents. Each time you fall in love, the person represents your mother, and the men you perceive as threats act as a conditioning factor, resembling your father. That's why you experience emotions of jealousy and envy. Your love only becomes intense when these boys are around the girls. In reality, these girls have no exceptional qualities. The entire concept of love is simply an evolution of your parents' relationship, known as the Oedipus complex. You were living within a matrix. The evolution of the ideal God is also a result of collective consciousness. Freud and Jung were mistaken in their analysis, suggesting that God evolved from a permanent archetype or from the act of killing the father. Instead, this collective unconsciousness can be traced back to early ancestors through the process of evolution."
Maruf woke up and went to the library. The next day he came and slept and saw the dream in a different way but same content.
Day 2
Maruf paused, observing the patient's reaction to his words. The room remained enveloped in darkness, with only a dim lamp casting eerie shadows across the walls. Maruf's voice carried a sense of authority, yet with a touch of empathy, as he continued his analysis.
"Your experiences with these girls and the emotions that arise within you are not solely based on their individual qualities or actions. Instead, they are deeply rooted in the complex dynamics of your unconscious mind, intertwined with the evolutionary forces that have shaped our very existence."
The patient listened intently, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as he absorbed Maruf's words. It was as if a veil was being lifted, revealing a deeper understanding of his own psyche.
Maruf leaned forward slightly, his voice becoming softer but more profound. "You see, your feelings of love, envy, and even abandonment are not isolated incidents. They are echoes of the relationships you had with your parents, particularly your mother and the figures you perceive as fatherly influences."
The patient's brows furrowed, his mind grappling with the connections Maruf was drawing. It was a revelation that sent ripples through the foundations of his beliefs about love and attraction.
"These potential threats you perceive in other men, they are symbolic representations of the challenges and conflicts you faced in your early familial bonds," Maruf continued, delving deeper into his analysis. "Each time you fall in love, it is an unconscious attempt to recreate and resolve the unresolved emotions and dynamics that exist within your own psyche."
The patient's voice quivered as he spoke, his vulnerability seeping through the darkness. "So, you mean to say that the intensity of my emotions and the way I perceive these girls is all a result of my unconscious desire to heal my past wounds?"
Maruf nodded, his presence exuding wisdom and understanding. "Indeed, it is a form of what Freud called the Oedipus complex, a concept that suggests our romantic inclinations are shaped by our childhood experiences and the relationships we had with our parents."
He took a moment, allowing the patient to absorb the weight of his words. Then, he pressed on, introducing a new layer to the analysis. "But let us not stop at the individual level. Just as our individual psyches are interconnected, so too is the collective unconscious, which shapes our perceptions of the divine."
The patient's eyes widened, a mix of fascination and confusion in his gaze. Maruf's words opened up a world of possibilities, challenging the notions he held about his own existence and the nature of the divine.
"The evolution of our understanding of God, as Freud and Jung proposed, is not simply a result of permanent archetypes or the killing of the father. Rather, it is deeply rooted in the collective consciousness of our ancestors, imprinted within us through the process of evolution itself."
Maruf's voice carried an air of conviction as he spoke, his words resonating in the depths of the patient's being. The intricate web of connections between his personal experiences, the evolution of his emotions, and the collective unconscious began to take shape, like a grand tapestry weaving its intricate patterns.
"As we continue to explore these intricacies in our sessions, we can delve deeper into the depths of your psyche, unraveling the complex threads that have shaped your experiences of love and envy. Only then can we begin to understand and heal the wounds that lie beneath the surface."
The patient nodded slowly, a newfound determination shining through the darkness. With Maruf's guidance, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to untangle the complexities of his mind and find a path toward healing and wholeness.
And so, in the dimly lit room, the patient and psychoanalyst delved into the depths of the human psyche, navigating the intricate labyrinth of emotions and unconscious desires. Each session brought forth new revelations and insights, shedding light on the patient's patterns of behavior and the underlying motivations behind them. Maruf skillfully guided the patient through a series of therapeutic exercises, helping him connect the dots between his childhood experiences, his romantic relationships, and the evolutionary imprints within his psyche. Together, they explored the deep-seated fears, insecurities, and unresolved conflicts that had shaped his emotional landscape.
As the patient delved deeper into his own psyche, he began to recognize the patterns that had played out repeatedly in his romantic encounters. The intense emotions he felt towards certain girls, the envy that arose in the presence of other men, and the subsequent feelings of abandonment—they all started to make sense in the context of his personal history and the universal forces that guided human evolution.
Through patient introspection and Maruf's expert guidance, the patient unearthed buried memories and emotions, confronting the complexities within himself with newfound clarity and understanding. He came to realize that his experiences were not merely a product of chance or external circumstances, but rather a reflection of his inner world seeking resolution.
In their Friday sessions, Maruf expanded their exploration beyond the individual realm. They delved into the vast landscape of collective consciousness, discussing how societal expectations, cultural influences, and shared experiences shaped their perceptions of love, desire, and the divine.
Maruf challenged the patient's preconceived notions about God and spirituality, encouraging him to view the evolution of religious beliefs through the lens of collective unconsciousness. They delved into the archetypal symbolism found in various religious and mythological narratives, examining the underlying psychological significance and the ways in which they resonated with the human experience.
As the patient embraced this holistic perspective, he began to perceive his own journey as an interconnected part of a larger tapestry—an intricate dance between personal and collective evolution. He realized that his path toward healing and self-discovery was not separate from the greater unfolding of humanity's search for meaning and connection.
Months turned into years, and the patient's transformation became evident. He found solace in understanding the roots of his emotions and the unconscious forces that shaped his relationships. Armed with this newfound awareness, he approached love with greater compassion and empathy, untangling the webs of envy and jealousy that once ensnared him.
Maruf, too, underwent a transformation of his own. Through the intimate exploration of his patient's psyche, he gained profound insights into the complexities of human nature and the interconnectedness of individual and collective consciousness. He refined his therapeutic approach, integrating the wisdom of Freud, Jung, and his own unique insights to guide others on their paths to self-discovery.
The dark room that once enveloped the patient and Maruf in secrecy and introspection now felt illuminated with the light of understanding. Patient after the patient entered, seeking solace and insight, and Maruf guided them through the intricate tapestry of their own psyches, helping them find the threads of healing and self-re
In this dance of psychoanalysis, the patient's journey merged with the collective journey of humanity, exploring the depths of the human psyche and unraveling the mysteries of love, desire, and the evolution of consciousness itself. And in that dimly lit room, amidst the shared stories of growth and transformation, Maruf and his patients discovered the profound interconnectedness that binds us all together in the tapestry of life.
Within the hallowed walls of Maruf's practice, a diverse array of individuals sought solace and understanding. They came from all walks of life, carrying their own unique stories and burdens. Maruf, with his unwavering compassion and expertise, became a guiding light for those navigating the labyrinth of their own psyches.
One such patient was Sarah, a young woman haunted by a series of failed relationships. In their sessions, Maruf unraveled the threads of her past, uncovering the familial patterns that influenced her perceptions of love and self-worth. Together, they examined the wounds she carried from her childhood, gently peeling back layers of pain to reveal the path toward healing and self-acceptance.
Another patient, Michael, wrestled with a deep sense of existential crisis. Through their sessions, Maruf guided him through the intricate terrain of his psyche, illuminating the intricate dance between his individual journey and the collective yearning for purpose and meaning. As Michael began to recognize the interconnectedness of his own growth and the broader human experience, a newfound sense of purpose and clarity emerged within him.
Patient after patient, Maruf wove his wisdom and understanding into the fabric of their lives, helping them find their own truths and forge paths toward wholeness. The dark room transformed into a sanctuary of self-discovery, where the complexities of the human experience were unraveled and embraced with unwavering compassion.
Yet, as Maruf guided others on their journeys, he continued to deepen his own understanding of the human psyche. He delved into the works of pioneers in psychology and philosophy, seeking fresh insights and integrating them into his practice. Maruf's own evolution as a psychoanalyst mirrored the evolution of his patients, as he expanded his knowledge and honed his intuitive understanding of the intricacies of the mind.
Outside the walls of his practice, Maruf became an advocate for mental health and emotional well-being. He held workshops and seminars, sharing his expertise with others who sought to unlock the secrets of the human psyche. His words resonated with those hungry for self-discovery, offering them a roadmap toward embracing their complexities and finding inner peace.
As the years rolled on, Maruf's reputation grew, and his practice flourished. People from far and wide sought his guidance, drawn to the profound insights and transformation that unfolded within the sacred space of his therapy room. His impact extended beyond the individual, as his patients, armed with newfound self-awareness, radiated their healing into the world.
Maruf's legacy rippled through generations, as his teachings were passed down to new psychoanalysts and therapists. The insights he uncovered, the holistic approach he embodied, and the unwavering empathy he exemplified became a beacon of hope in the field of mental health.
And so, within the tapestry of human existence, Maruf stood as a steadfast guide, illuminating the depths of the psyche and inspiring others to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery. Patient after patient, he traversed the labyrinth of their minds, reminding them that their stories were interconnected with the grand narrative of humanity itself.
In the dimly lit room, amidst the whispers of secrets and the unraveling of unconscious desires, Maruf's psychoanalysis became a testament to the power of self-reflection, compassion, and the eternal quest for understanding. And as his patients found solace and transformation within the depths of their own being, the legacy of Maruf, the psychoanalyst, lived on, etching its indelible mark on the ever-evolving tapestry of human consciousness.
Maruf woke up from sleeping. This is indeed a strange dream. He took psychology subject and maybe that's why he observed such a dream. He took a shower and he was naked in the bathroom. He suddenly wonders who he is. He looks at his body and wonders if he has consciousness now and he sees his body. Trillion neurons in his body and it gives signals from his head to the tip of his leg finger before the second. He moves the tip of his leg finger then he moved his hand finger. Strange...Maruf never thought like that. This body consumes carbon and it has been developing for the last 30 years. Strange... He is not his body....who is he then? If he dies, his body will be gone within a few weeks ..... Who is he? His body is not his own. Did someone get authority? How hand or leg will be witnessed against Maruf on the day of judgment as Quran mentions? Strange...The body Maruf owns, millions own bodies as well and nobody will be here permanently in these the soul really exist then? Freud and modern psychologists are wrong in that way. Why consciousness exists? Is that just a result of evolution? Maruf finished the shower and came back room. Dressed up nicely and went to Library.
As Maruf went for a contemplative walk, his mind mulled over the intricacies of the human psyche. The words of his patients echoed in his thoughts, blending with the gentle rustling of leaves and the rhythmic sound of his footsteps.
He pondered the idea that suffering and blind will, as expressed by philosophers such as Schopenhauer, could be traced back to the illusions created by our primal desires. The human experience, in many ways, was shaped by our innate longing for connection, companionship, and sexual fulfillment.
Reflecting on his patients' stories, Maruf considered the influence of early experiences, particularly those involving their mothers, on their perceptions of love and self-worth. The dynamic between mother and child, the first relationship formed, laid the foundation for their future interactions with others and the world at large.
He contemplated the parallels between the patients' experiences and the lives of great thinkers like Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche's concept of the Übermensch, the idea of transcending societal norms and embracing one's own will to power, was often attributed to his own personal struggles, including his unrequited love for Lou Salomé and his complex relationship with his mother and Wagner's wife.
Maruf recognized that the intricate dance of love, desire, and the illusions they create was intertwined with our primal instincts and the human quest for connection. He understood that our perceptions of the world and our place within it were often colored by our own desires and the experiences we had with our caretakers in our formative years.
Yet, as he continued his walk, Maruf also contemplated the transformative power of awareness and understanding. While illusions and primal desires may shape our experiences, they need not dictate our paths indefinitely. Through self-reflection and the guidance of psychoanalysis, individuals could gain insight into the origins of their emotions and beliefs, leading to greater self-acceptance and the possibility of transcending the limitations imposed by their primal instincts.
Maruf recognized that the journey toward healing and self-discovery was a complex one, requiring patience, compassion, and a willingness to confront the illusions we create within ourselves. By exploring the depths of the human psyche, he aimed to help his patients navigate the illusions of love, desire, and suffering, leading them toward a more authentic and fulfilling existence.
With each step, Maruf found solace in his own introspection, knowing that the work he did as a psychoanalyst had the potential to unlock profound transformations within the lives of his patients. The illusions of love and desire, while powerful, were not insurmountable obstacles. Through self-awareness and the unraveling of unconscious patterns, individuals could find a greater sense of purpose, connection, and inner peace.
And so, as Maruf continued his reflective walk, he carried within him the hope that his work would contribute to the ever-unfolding tapestry of human consciousness. With each patient he guided, each insight he shared, and each illusion he helped dispel, he played a part in the collective journey toward self-realization and the transcendence of our primal desires.
He returned library after hours of walking. He thought and wrote on the Whatsapp group. Only he sees this message for later:
Maruf: Nietzche's girlfriend worked with Freud later. I read the later work of Nietzche after he went to a mental asylum. It seems that the Russian girl had sex with Wagner, Nietzche, and later with Freud. She wrote masterpieces and had a book on psychoanalysis also...
Maruf: He literally depended on this book it seems and Jung's collective unconscious and Freud's hypothesis of killing father seems coming from Geneology of Morality as I read that book...They just took from evolution theory and Nietzche and mix up with Dostoevsky's characters and adopted in psychology...
Maruf: Actuallly Freud and Ibn Arabi both focused on the unconscious. Ibn Arabi had no halal and haram concept for sex. Freud got similar thought
Maruf: Behavirism and Ibn Taymiyya's thought of following the Quran and Sunnah seems kind of literal interpretation of Islam and psychology...
Maruf: That's why actually Imam Gazali went for Sunni Sufism...kind of practicing Sufism while maintaining Sunnah....but Rumi, Shams, and Ibn Arabi went further... I remember one quotation from Rumi, He said, " If Shams drink wine, it is halal, but if your daughter drinks even a drop of wine, that's haram"
That's called actually affirmation and negation tecnique coming from Ibn Arabi to reach his conception of Allah.
Maruf can't think anymore. He went to pray at the central mosque of IIUM.