Over And Over Again
Over And Over Again

Jed Santos was a 17-year old boy who went to a nearby college to study. He was already independent and paid the college fees with his own money which he earned by doing part time jobs at the bakery or nearby restaurants. He was an American who had come to London to become an anesthetist and was working very hard for achieving it. He had been living in London since last year as a paying guest in a nearby house. One day he was walking towards home after college when Lucas, one of his friends invited him to a party which was taking place in the abandoned train tunnel under the bridge later that evening. Jed replied saying that he had to work at that time and wouldn't be able to come. Lucas pleaded to him a lot and finally he agreed to come but would reach there a little late. After coming to an agreement both of them parted their ways.
That evening, Jed was working at the local pie shop which surprisingly had too many customers than usual. He was running MORE late for the party than he had expected. As soon as his shift ended he got home and changed into his party clothes .By the time he came out of the house it was already nine. His friend, Lucas was waiting for him in his car outside as he didn't wand Jed to be anymore late to the party. The main road had a huge jam and reaching the party on time felt more and more impossible. Then Lucas told that he knew a shortcut through the forest which would have less vehicles. Jed told him to go ahead and take them through his shortcut. the route through the forest literally had very less vehicles and by that I mean had no vehicles at all. It looked very creepy but they
didn't have time to think about all this as they were getting very late. 15 minutes passed by and they still hadn't reached the party. Jed started blaming Lucas that he had made them lost.
That's when a woman was hit by their car. Both of them got of their car in an astonished state to see the woman they had hit with their car, her head had hit the car and was bleeding heavily. Both of them decided to call the emergency services. Once they had called them they looked behind to see the woman but she was no longer there. There just lied a pool of blood. Soon the Police and the ambulances arrived at the site of the accident. Jed and Lucas explained the situation to the police. They said that she might have left the place in a bad state of mind but might not have gone too far. So they sent people looking out for her. Lucas had forgotten his phone in his car and went to take it to call his parents and explain what had happened when he saw the woman they had hit in the backseat of the car.
He was shocked and stumbled out of the car. When he said this to the Police and Jed they looked inside but found no one in there. He swore that he had seen the woman. The chief of Police understood him and called a sketch artist to draw how she had looked which would help the people who were looking for her. Soon the sketch was over and the Chief came to take a look. He was shocked when he saw the sketch, looked as if had seen some ghost. He took two steps behind and stumbled and fell. After recovering he said that the woman in the sketch looked like his wife who had been killed in a car accident five years ago.