Ronnie Gill



Ronnie Gill


Office Worker Meets Her New Love

Office Worker Meets Her New Love

10 mins

Tuesday, October 12, 1999

Today is a great day for Gale. All weekend long, all she could think of is meeting the new boss at her work. She has heard from work friends that knew Gale is a lesbian, and all she heard all weekend was that her new boss was single and a lesbian, and how much she would like to get with her new boss.

When Gale arrives at work, she parks her car in her spot while she sees this new car that someone parked in the boss's spot. Gale gets out of her car to introduce herself to her new boss.

Gale's new boss turns around and says, "You must be Gale, nice to meet you." Gale, "What's your name?" "Oh! My name is Amy, nice to meet you too."

"Amy, what kind of things have you heard about me?" "Well, I have heard that you are a very hard worker and you get your things done on time and get them done with great speed without problems. I could use someone like you in my office. Let's go into my office and talk." "Amy, at what time do you need me to come into your office and talk?" "Let's say about 12 pm, does that work for you Gale?" "12 pm will be perfect, see you then Amy." "Gale, I will order food and drinks for us too so you won't have to skip lunch. Lunch is on me." Gale: "That sounds great. See you then."

Gale walks into work, goes to her desk, and logs into her computer to start her work. A couple of hours pass for Amy, and she was getting really pumped up for her meeting with her new boss.

At 11 am, Amy calls her favorite pizza place to order pizza and drinks for her and Gale.

"Good morning, thank you for calling Pizza Max. How may I take your order today?" "Yes, my name is Amy. I would like to order 2 medium pizzas with everything, 2 2-liter bottles of sweeter cola, 2 salads with French and ranch dressing on the side, an order of breadsticks, and an order of your delicious cheese sticks. Is that all you need?" "Yes, thank you." "Your total will be $34.95. That's fine. Will this be for pick-up or delivery?" "Delivery, please. The address is 1560 Kept Drive, Polar Valley, CA, office 6th floor, first office on the left." "Will this be cash or charge?" "Cash." "Oh, the food should be there in about 1 hour. Sounds good."

12 pm comes, and Gale receives a phone call. She picks up the phone, "Hello, thank you for calling the Polar office. How may I help you?" "This is Gale, your new boss. Would you please come up? We need to talk." "Oh! Amy! Oh! I forgot, sorry." "That's okay, Gale." Gale goes in the elevator to Amy's new office. When Gale knocks on Amy's door, "Who is it?" "It's Gale. Come on in and have a seat, please. Our lunch should be here any minute."

"So Amy, please tell me a little about yourself." "Well, I am from Ohio. I moved here to California in 1997 to find a job in an office setting. So here I am. I've been working here since September of 1997, and I enjoy everything about it. I have never looked back." Gale's phone rings. "Would you hold that thought for a minute, Amy? Take your time, Gale." Gale picks up the phone, "Hello, this is the front desk. I have a food order for you." "Oh! Yes, please send them up. Sure thing."

Delivery person: "Where should I go?" "6th floor, 1st office on the left. Thank you." "Gale, the food is on the way up. Are you hungry?" "Oh! Yes, I can eat. Thank you, Gale." The delivery person takes the elevator to the 6th floor. When she gets off, she heads to the first office on the left. Knock knock. "Who is it?" "It's your delivery, come on in." "I'm sorry to be a little late." "That's okay. The money is laying on the left-hand side for the food, and your tip money is laying on the right-hand side. Thank you, and God bless you, miss." The delivery person leaves the office. "One more thing, please close the door behind you."

"Now where were we at? You were asking where I am from, and I said Ohio." "That is right. So how was life in Ohio growing up?" "Well, living in Ohio was a little rough for me and my parents. We grew up poor. When I was a kid, my father died when I was 13, but what we didn't know is that my father left us with a very healthy life insurance policy after his death. We were pretty much set for life." "I am sorry to hear about your dad." "It's okay, Amy. It's in the past now, but I still think about him every day."

"By the way, how is the food? This pizza and everything you got us is delicious, the best food that I have ever tasted." "Where is this pizza from?" "Pizza Max. They have the best pizza and food this side of the United States."

"So tell me a little about yourself. I am from northern Ohio. I came from a very wealthy family. We had everything that we ever needed and wanted. So what brings you to California?" "Well, at the age of 18, my father and my mom kicked me out of their house because they found out that I was dating a girl from my high school." "Oh no, that's bad." "So I packed up my things. I told the girl that I was dating that I had to leave Ohio because my parents kicked me out of the house. And to come to find out that she was cheating on me with my best friend for the last 2 years behind my back. That little slut. I thought that she loved me. I guess wrong. And that's why I am here in California, trying to find love and start a new life."

"So enough about me, how about you? Have you ever been in a relationship?" "Why yes, I have." "May I ask who it was with?" "Yes, you may. Well, before I tell you, I'll tell you that my mom was very accepting of my lesbian relationship. Me and this girl, we started dating each other back in high school. We fell in love with each other. We planned to be together for the rest of our lives until I came home and found her in bed with my best friend. So for the last 4 years, I have been without a girlfriend and lover. So that is what brings me to California too."

"Amy, Gale, how about now? How does your mom view you being a lesbian now?" "We keep in contact with each other. She was sorry to kick me out of the house, so she is more accepting now more than ever."

"The real reason that I brought you up here is because I want to talk about your promotion. You have been

 with this company for a while now, and you have worked your ass off every day for this company. As much not a thank you or kiss my ass. That's about ready to change. So Amy, how would you like to work in my office beside me? And how does a $50,000 raise sound?" "That sounds great, Amy, thank you. Let's talk about some of your new responsibilities. You will be over 20 people on this floor. I will make the schedules, and you will have to approve them. You will take memos to each desk each day and work assignments to each employee on the floor. And your new dress code for you, you can wear a blouse and blue jeans to work every day, and if you want, a dress with dress shoes." "Gale, do you have a problem with that?" "No, that's fine, Amy." "Did you clock out, Gale, for your lunch?" "Oh no, I forgot." "That's okay. Since you are my new employee in my office, you don't need to use the time clock anymore." "That sounds great, Amy."

It's 2:30 pm, Gale heads back to her desk, all pumped up, and sits at her desk. When Candy asks Gale, "So Gale, what took so long in Amy's office?" "(Amy) If you want to know, we talked, and we had lunch in her office, and I got the promotion that I was promised 2 years ago and never got because we had a bitch of a boss that didn't see my skills and didn't appreciate me. So you are telling me the girl that I have sat by for the last 2 years and got to know won't be sitting by me anymore." "No, sorry Candy." "What's wrong, Candy?" "I am just going to miss you sitting by me. But it will be okay. So when do you start?" "I start next Monday, so I am moving from the first floor to the 6th floor, and I'll be getting paid $50,000 more a year than I do now." "That's great, I am so happy for you."

Before Gale leaves for work, she gets another call from Amy. Gale, "Amy, can you please come up after work? I would like to get to know you a little better." "Okay, I'll be up a little after 5. Okay, see you then, Gale." "Candy, who was that?" "That was Amy. She wants to see me after work to get to know me better after work." "Just be careful, Amy." "I will, Candy." "Because I've seen how she was looking at you when she was going up to her office. She was looking at you like she has a crush on you." "I was told by some other friends that she is a lesbian and single, so I already knew that she might have a crush on me or you. So she wants to see me after work." "Just be safe, Gale." "I will."

5:00 o'clock comes, Gale clocks out from work, goes up to Amy's office, knocks on the door. "(Amy) Who is it?" "It's me, Gale. Come on in." Gale walks in, closes the door, and walks into Amy's office to see Amy dressed in a low-cut nightie, some flowers and candles lit, and a bottle of wine. "Gale, what's this? This is so sudden." "Why so early for?" "Well, because when I first met you in the parking lot, I couldn't stop thinking about you. And when you were in my office, I noticed that you couldn't stop looking at me in a sexual way. I knew that you were wanting me, but we couldn't act on it because the office was packed. Now, since we are alone, we can get to know each other a lot better." "Amy, do you have a problem with that?" "No, because it is true. When I first laid eyes on you, I knew that you were the one for me, Amy." "Could I please use your restroom?" Gale takes her backpack into the restroom and she slipped into her nightie. She also comes out of the restroom. "Please take me now." Amy and Gale start to kiss with the doors locked behind them. The next morning comes, and they were still in the office, and it was Friday morning. They both wake up and realize what day it was. Amy and Gale get dressed and they kiss each other good morning. "(Amy) I'll see you tonight, right?" "See you tonight, Gale." Gale heads back to her desk, logs in, and Candy asks Gale, "So how did it go last night?" "It went well. Well, it is a little too well." "So you are telling me that you and Amy stayed in her office all night long?" "Yeah! Oh my! What went on?" "(Gale) Candy, it was the most beautiful experience that I ever had with another woman." "(Candy) Your secret is safe with me because I knew all along that you were a lesbian, and that didn't stop me from being friends with you."

Part 2 is coming if this gets approved.

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