Ronnie Gill



Ronnie Gill


Julia And Lover

Julia And Lover

8 mins

Monday, October 14, c. 398 BC

On this day, a beautiful, good-looking woman named Julia had just turned 18, and all the men in the country were after her. However, every man she encountered was turned down because she knew she wanted something else in her life. All her life, she knew she was only interested in women. The men who proposed to her began to ask questions, wondering why the most attractive and beautiful woman on the known planet Earth was turning them down. They started to follow her, discovering that she would go to a village of queens where only 300 women lived, with no men present. The men reported to each other that she might only like girls. They were surprised to hear that the most beautiful woman, the daughter of a king and queen, liked other girls sexually.

The next day, the men who were following her went to the king and queen to report that their daughter Julia was going to the village of queens not to work but to see her lesbian lover.

"What? Our daughter, the princess, is going to this village called Queens to see another woman behind our backs? But why? The queen and I have taken good care of her since she was born. We have raised her better than this."

The king and queen were downstairs in their castle waiting for their daughter. Before Julia left, they called her over to their thrones. 

"Miss Julia, our beautiful princess, tell us something. Is it true?"

"What is true, Mom and Dad?"

"Is it true what we hear about you?"

"Oh! What is that, Dad and Mom?"

"Is it true that you go to the village of Queens to see another woman and not to work?"

"Julia, what are you talking about? I go to the village of Queens to work and nothing more. By the way, who told you that?"

"We can't tell you at this time."

Julia left the castle and headed to the village of Queens. The queen and king called their servants into the castle.

"I want you to do us a favor. Follow my daughter and report back to us what she does during the day."

"Okay, we will."

When Julia reached the village of Queens, her lover met her at the gate and let her in.

"Julia, we need to talk, honey. You know that I love you, don't you?"

"Yes, Julia, I know that you do."

"We need to tell you something. My dad and my mom might be on to us."

"But how?"

"Well, I have my dad's and mom's so-called spies. They have been following me for the last week, and they have been telling my mom and dad everything that we have been doing."

"Oh no! What are you going to do about it, Julia?"

"I don't know, but I love you. I don't want to lose you."

"I don't want to lose you either, Julia, because you are so wonderful to me, and you treat me right. Unlike some guys who have tried to have their way with me, I refused all the time."

"Julia, same here."

At the end of the day, Julia left the village of Queens and headed back to the castle, only to find her mom and dad waiting for her.

"Now we are really upset with you. We heard what you and your lover have been doing."

"So the rumors are true that you have been spying on me, isn't it?"

"Yes, the rumors are true."

"So what should I do, Mom and Dad?"

"We want you to break up with this young woman."

"What? You want me to break up with her?"



"Because it's your job to bring us many grandkids so that your dad can have someone to take over for him when he dies."

"Julia, I can't do that because I am deeply in love with this young woman. She's the only one who has ever treated me right in my life."

"Well, my Julia, we have only one thing to say to you. You have until the morning to get out of our castle and never come back."

"Well, good. I don't want anything to do with this family or the castle anymore."

The next day, as Julia left the castle for the final time, she arrived at the village by midday to meet her lover at the gate. Her lover approached her, threw her arms around Julia, and Julia was crying.

Her lover asked, "What was wrong?"

Julia said, "When I got back to the castle last night, my mom and dad were waiting for me. They tried to tell me to leave you and break up with you."

"But why?"

"Because they want me to stay home, marry a guy, and have a lot of children. When I told them that I couldn't do that because I loved you and only you, that's when they threw me out."

"That is not good. I love you, Julia."

"I love you too, honey, but where are you going to go?"

"I don't know."

"Lover, you can stay here for the night, and I will ask the queen if you can move into the village tonight. Would you do that for me, honey?"

"Of course, I will."

"My queen, you know that I worship the ground you walk on, right?"

"What is it?"

"Well, I am here to ask you a question."

"Go ahead."

"You know the young lady I have been seeing for the last couple of months? You mean Julia, right?"

"Yes, her. Well, her parents, the king and queen, found out that Julia and I have been seeing each other, so they kicked her out of the castle last night. I am here to ask your permission for her to move into the village of Queens."

"Since she's your lover, I don't see why not. So is that a yes?"

"Yes, it is."

"Thank you, my queen. I love you so much for it. Now you are dismissed."

Julia's lover headed back to the castle's bedroom where Julia had been sleeping for the last couple of hours, waiting for the queen's decision to let her stay. Julia's lover walked over to the bed and cuddled next to Julia.

"So what did the queen say, honey?"

"She said yes, Julia. So, I have a place to stay?"

"Yes, you do, my love. You will always be my love, Julia, no matter what."

Julia requested the doors to be closed by the servants, and the servants closed the door behind them as Julia requested.

The next morning, Julia and her lover woke up. Julia's lover asked, "How was your night, Julia?"

"My night was great, dear. And yours?"

"It was magical. It was a night that a princess should have in bed with her love without judgment from her lover, and that is you."

Julia and her lover left the bedroom and walked down to the queen's chamber. The queen greeted them.

"Julia, I have heard a lot about you, and it's all good. So, I understand that you have been involved with my precious daughter and that you are in love with her, and she is in love with you. Julia, my love, why didn't you tell me that you were the daughter of the queen?"

"Because if I told you that I was, I was scared that you wouldn't love me anymore."

"That is nonsense. I fell in love with you for who you are, not for who you are. You could have been the daughter of a welder, and I would have still loved you."

"Do you mean that, Julia?"


"Well, you don't have to worry about anything here because we are a village of 300 lesbians. You don't have to worry about any guys coming to our village and trying to get us to go with them."

"Julia, I don't know what to call you, my queen."

"Just call me mother, Julia. Since you are involved with my daughter, you are my second daughter now. So, just call me mom when you address me."

"Okay, I will."

"So, Julia, do you have any questions for me?"

"Not at the moment, mom."

"Good day. You are both dismissed."

(Julia) "I really didn't know that you were the queen's daughter, but I love you so much no matter what."

(Julia) "So, how did this village of Queens come to be?"

"Well, my dad threw us out of his castle when he found out that we both liked girls. We found an empty castle and started our own kingdom with 300 women. We discovered that they were all lesbian couples, so they held a vote and voted my mom as queen. So, here we are as queen and princess of this village that we call Queens."

"Julia, I am so glad that I don't have to go back to my controlling parents. You should be allowed to be with whomever you want when you turn 18 without your parents' say-so. So, what do you have to say about this, my love?"

"I also agree that when you turn 18, it's none of your parents' business who you are with. It can be a guy or a woman; it shouldn't matter, Julia, as long as both people are happy with what they are doing."

"That is so true, Julia. It should be up to the people and not the parents."

The next day, Julia went to the queen's chamber.

"Mom, I need to talk to you for a minute, please."

"Julia, come on in. You can ask me anything."

"I know that this is uncommon, but I have been seeing your daughter for a couple of years now. Can I ask for your daughter's hand in marriage, please?"

"Oh! Why yes, my daughter the princess will be so thrilled. Is that all that you were going to ask me?"

"Yes, that's it."

"Julia, you are dismissed. If you have any

 issues, feel free to come to my chambers at any time, my daughter."

"I will, Mom!"

The next day, Julia saw her lover, approached her, and got down on one knee.

"Will you marry me, Julia?"

Julia's lover said, "Yes, I will marry you. Because I love you so much that it would hurt not to be with you for the rest of my life."

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