Ninety Days
Ninety Days

Once upon a time, I (Vijay) was thinking about what to do to earn and save some money within ninety days. The money earned within ninety days should take care of remaining two more years of my graduation and hence, there would be no financial difficulty during my study. I have to study, so what shall I do now within a short period. ………... How can I finance my education for the second and third years? I want to study …… only study ……… only study.
I made a rough calculation of how much money is needed for the 2nd and 3rd years. Approximately, I thought Rs15,000 is necessary for the next two years (this includes expenditure on books, re-admission fees for both 2nd and 3rd years, and some other fees in the college that I have to pay including minimum pocket money). The expenditure required was very minimal as I was pursuing my graduation in an aided-college situated in the rural area. The cost of living here was minimum as well. Then I predicted how many days I have to work just to earn Rs15, 000 apart from all expenditures if I take up a job anywhere else.
I went from people to people (who are known to me) who stay in various parts of India and gathered some information from them. I asked them:
"Where do you work (means in which state)?"
"What kind of work do you do there?"
"How much do you earn monthly?"
"How much do you spend on consumption including house rent?"
"How much do you save out of your monthly earnings?"
Then, I find that approximately, people earn Rs 6, 000, on average and spend less than Rs 2,000 monthly, on average. Then I thought it is possible for me to save Rs 15,000 in ninety days if I do overtime (OT) duty. I can also save more by cutting down unnecessary spending. Nevertheless, keeping all the information in mind, I asked myself some questions;
"Whether I will go out of the State?"
"If I go out of State, then, where shall I go?"
"If I go, with whom I shall go?"
"If I go, then what about college?"
"What about study?"
"If I go, can I get work instantly?"
"If I go, can I save Rs 15,000 in ninety days?" And so on.
However, the question is now with whom I shall go as I have to go out of the state for the first time.
Again I asked myself that…. If I go, then, "whether I will inform my mother or not?" Finally, I decided to inform my mother and informed her also. Anyway, I strongly determined that I will go out of the State. I was also quite nervous and fearful about the new place since the place will be strange for me. I was just trying to build up a self-confidence by saying;
"I can…... I will …Yes, I must……...go"………...
Now, the headache is with whom I shall go. Luckily, I came to know that my sister's husband (Kartik) is going to Hyderabad. I mean that he is about to depart to Hyderabad. Thus, I decided that I shall go with Kartik for ninety days. Within this period, I have to earn Rs15, 000 to cover my future expenses required for my education. Honestly, I had no intention to go to Hyderabad.
I was residing near to my college. I went to my home on the day on which I am ready to go to Hyderabad. Just I went home and said to my mother that I am going to Hyderabad. She became emotional, tears started rolling from her eyes ………… my eyes too were full of tears. I wanted to continue my study…...…......... But if I study only, then who will bear my required expenses? Hence, no alternative choice apart from going to somewhere else to earn the same, …………………. However, it was tremendously sorrowful on my part that I am going away from my mother. My mother was everything for me, who was a guide, a philosopher, a visible and tangible God. Even, it's not possible on my part to pay back her contribution to my life. Finally, I went to Hyderabad with Kartik. Strictly, my ultimate objective was to earn Rs 15, 000 in ninety days. The money I want to spend on my study in the second and third years of graduation. Here, ninety days means ninety days, not even ninety-one day.
Journey Begins
It's time to go, my mother cried piteously. No words could come from my mouth, I was painfully in silence. Finally, I could not control my tears. We both shared unspeakable feelings and emotions. At that moment, honestly, I had no interest to go to Hyderabad. However, it was forceful on my part as I have to study, so I have to go and earn the money. On the other side, Kartik had already booked the train ticket for my journey as well.
We both reached at the station before the scheduled time and sat for a moment. The train arrived at the station, we boarded. I was thinking about the train journey for a long time. Immediately I became nostalgic and thinking about my college, classes, etc. Meanwhile, a question came to mind; "is this a right decision that I have taken?" I was bit confused at that point of time.
Finally, I thought to leave this brain-teasing anticipation and hope …...whatever it may come, let it happens. After few minutes, I went to the entrance door of the train. In reality, I had a bad tendency that whenever I travel by train, I stand at the gate. At the gate, I became unspeakable delighted, and cheerful looking at the naked beauty of the mother nature. I began to sing a song in my mind with colossal happiness. I convinced myself through the song as well that I am making a convincing journey for the betterment of my future.
"Life is so beautiful
never-never-never sadful".
"Life is so lightful
Never-never-never darkful".
"Life is so hillful
Never-never-never holeful"
"Life is so winful
Never-never-never quitfull".
"Life is so loveful
Never-never-never hateful".
"Life is so dayful
Never-never-never nightful".
"Hi, don't think about any problem, problem comes and goes like tides in the sea", I said to myself.
"So, enjoy your life."
This song encouraged and inspired me. Really, today is a quite different day for me. When I stood at the gate I was remembering all my past and hoping something for the future. I got enough breeze at the entrance, my mood changed completely. I started singing multiple songs, mingling songs. Moreover, I also began to make whistles by mouth. I enjoyed enormously the train journey. Whatever food Kartik offered me inside the train I ate, then I enjoyed myself. Kartik was quite different. He was sitting like a normal 40-year-old man. Whenever he saw any food seller, selling food in the train he purchased. I too enjoyed eating the ketchup and delicious food with him.
Finally, we landed at the Secunderabad railway station after 24 hours of the journey. At the main entrance and exit of the station, TC (Ticket Collector) checked my ticket and he asked me for ID. I show him my 10th class certificate as I had no voter ID card. No sooner I show him my certificate he calculated my exact age. He found a mismatch between age mentioned in the ticket and age mentioned in the certificate. According to the certificate, my age is seventeen but it was twenty on ticket. This mistake happened because the ticket was done by Kartik. He had no idea of my exact age.
However, TC kept us standing around one hour, and then he asked for Rs1,000 as fine. It was quite a humiliation on my part as I was tired of 24 hours of Journey. I had no much patience. However, after a long request, he reduced the amount into Rs 500. We are also running short of money. TC didn't allow us to go as well. After we had immense higgling and haggling, he reduced the amount into Rs 200. Kartik paid Rs 200 to TC as I had no money. Finally, I reached at Hyderabad. We both had to stay with Babu who was my uncle's son with the condition that after a few days, we will arrange a rented room. Meanwhile, I had already spent two days out of ninety days.
The very next day, I became ill and feeling unwell, having fever and vomiting. I was unable to walk. I was also having severe stomach pain. It seemed to me that one adversity followed by another. I think I will die surely since for the first time, I am facing such a kind of health problem, not at home but completely in a new place. Not able to say anyone because I thought they will get angry on me. Babu went to duty. Kartik and I went in search of work. We both went to a small chemical factory first. It is around 1 km from our rented room. However, it was so difficult on my part to walk even, but was no alternative ways. We have to look for job each for own self. Kartik asked a Gatekeeper at the gate of a small factory.
"Are there any vacancies in this factory? We two wanted to work", Kartik said.
"I don't know. you have to wait half an hour for MD Sir. Sir will come after few minutes and then you can talk with him", Gatekeeper replied.
"All right, we are waiting", Kartik said.
I immediately sat down there, no voice, I am completely weak by that time. However, MD sir came. Kartik talked with him.
"Sir we both wanted to work", Kartik said.
"What is your name?", MD said.
"My name is Kartik and his name is Vijay", Kartik said.
"Where are you from?", MD said.
"We both are from Odisha", Kartik said.
"Which part of Odisha?", MD said.
"North Odisha, City of Balasore", Kartik said.
"Were you working somewhere else?", MD said.
"No sir, we both are new here", Kartik said.
"No problem, you have to work for eight hours (From 9.00 am to 5.00 pm)", MD said.
"Alright, Sir", Kartik said.
"There is no holiday. Even on Sunday, you have to work", MD said.
"Ok, Sir", Kartik said.
"If you take leave, please inform me. You are not allowed to take many leaves", MD said.
"Fine, Sir", Kartik said.
"Your payments will be cut on leaves", MD said.
"Ok, Sir", Kartik said.
"Monthly payments you will get Rs 5,000 and he (I) will get Rs 4,000 for the first month and then your payment will increase gradually based on your performance", MD said.
"Ok, Sir", Kartik said.
"Alright, then perhaps you can work from today onwards", MD said.
"Ok, Sir", Kartik said.
Ultimately, I got job. Kartik will get a higher amount because he is much older than me. I was much younger (in age) and also looking much younger as I was short and thin. Anyway, Kartik agreed and started working just after the discussion with MD.
"Kartik, I can't work since there is a pain in my stomach. I will join from tomorrow onwards", I said to Kartik.
"Sir, Vijay will work from tomorrow onwards as he is feeling unwell today", Kartik said to MD.
"No problem", MD said.
I sat there but Kartik started working. I am afraid to go back to the room alone because I have to cross a mountain in the mid-way to reach in the newly rented room. Finally, I sat for sometimes, and sometimes I slept till 5.00 pm in the factory. The clock ticked at 5.00 pm, the working hour was over. We both came back to our room.
In the evening, Babu and Kartik cooked for dinner and ate. The next day Kartik went to duty but I could not as I had a serious health problem. I went to a medicine store and bought some medicines. I took rest throughout the day but I was thinking about monthly earnings. What shall I do? ………. I was completely sure that I can't earn Rs 15,000 in ninety days. No way, I could ever achieve my goal. If it is, then my life is going to be miserable in the future too.
I am completely new here and I don't know anything about the nitty-gritty of Hyderabad. Thinking that how can I earn Rs 15, 000 within the next 86 days after netting out all my expenses as I am going to receive only Rs 4, 000 monthly. If the factory increased the monthly salary, how much it will increase. At best it may increase by Rs 5,00. Then, I will get deviated from my determination of earning Rs 15,000 in total as targeted. If I deviate, then no benefit of coming to Hyderabad as the same financial problem will have to be faced in the future. Therefore, I can't concentrate properly on my study.
However, no sooner I recovered from my health problem, I joined the factory and started working there. As usual, the duty time run from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Meanwhile, Kartik had some personal problems in his family and thus, he went back to his home. I became alone and stayed with Babu. In the factory, MD forced me to work up to 5.30 pm or sometimes up to 6.00 pm. This kind of behaviour of MD was humiliating me silently. I honestly respect time in the sense that I always go to the factory on time and similarly, I wanted to leave factory at the right time as per my agreement. Even not a single minute more, I wanted to work. In the same factory, another three boys were also working, namely, Bapi, Manoj, and an operator. As I was new completely in factory, their nature and behaviour were different towards me. All three were busy in chatting. It means they were not doing their work properly. It was really painful for me.
One day what happened I was carrying chemical waste in a bucket to pour in a disposable reactor. The waste chemical is very dangerous. If it falls on human skin, the first reaction would be inflammation and an inching sensation. I don't know about the future impact of the waste chemical on the body. When I joined that factory, they strictly instructed me about the hazardous chemical and its impact on the body skin. Also, they instructed me what to do and what not to do if chemical falls on the skin. Unfortunately, the waste chemicals fell on me. When that liquid chemical touched my skin, it started inflammation and inching sensation on my body. Then I took off my shirt and put it in a water bucket since that water bucket was closer to me. I also cleaned my skin with soap immediately but inching sensation continues to remain up to two days. Further, still I had some black marks on my body skin where chemical had fallen. All these occurred in the front of the eyes of the MD and Operator. However, they scolded me with bad languages since I put my shirt on a water bucket and washed my skin with that water. Honestly, a tremendous amount of anger generated in me but still, I remained in painful silence as I am a stranger and need money to materialize my ambition.
I was neither speaking Hindi clearly nor Telugu. As a result, one day what happened as follow;
"Hey you (Vijay), bring a lakadee", MD said.
"I brought a metal (as I thought lakadee means metal)".
"What is this nonsense, don't you know what is lakadee", MD said.
"No Sir", I said.
MD got angry with me and abused me as well. He called Bapi, then Bapi brought a lakadee. Bapi said to me that Lakadee means stick.
Another day, what happened;
"Hey you bring that chemical bucket", Bapi said.
"What are you doing? It's your work, please do it by yourself", I said.
Bapi got angry with me and threatened me that I shall say to MD that you abused me. I replied to him that ok, you can go, it's going to be late for you. He was becoming more and more angry with me. However, MD was absent on that day, so Bapi could not complain against me. I thought Bapi will forget this issue. Meanwhile, I had already spent 22 days in factory. On my twenty-second day, I was just roaming around my room at evening after doing my duty in factory. I met a man who talked to me. His name was Ghuna. He asked about me. I said him that I am working here in a small factory.
"What is your name?", Ghuna said.
"Vijay", I said.
"Where are you from?", Ghuna said.
"Balasore, Odisha", I said.
"How much are you getting monthly?", Ghuna said.
"Rs 4,000 only", I said.
"Will you work in a big factory? You may earn more than Rs 5500 monthly", Ghuna said.
I began to think and think……what shall I do? If Ghuna will cheat me, then what will happen to me? I am new here. Whether I will inform Babu or not?....... Finally, I prepared mentally that I will go with Ghuna without informing Babu. After thinking hard, I asked him.
"Where do you work?", I said.
"I do work in a big chemical factory", Ghuna said.
"Yes, I will work in your factory", I said.
"Then you meet me at 5.30 am, as he joins up for his duty at 6.00 am to 2.00 am, first shift in that factory", Ghuna said.
The next day, I went with him to do work at 5. 30 am. I reached main gate of that factory. He talked with his supervisor. Everything was finalized and I started working from the very same day without any late. My duty was in morning shift or first shift from 6.00 am to 2.00 pm. I entered the firm with my job card that supervisor gave me. This was a very big chemical factory comparing with first one. I showed my card to security and he entered my name in register. I was getting heavy chemical smell which made me think negatively. However, no matter …. I was thinking. My duty is in Block-C of that factory. Block-C was a very large building with plants, pharma, many pipes on the wall, etc. I entered the main building and felt it's
too difficult to work in this chemical smell. I got afraid as if I'm out of the frying pan into the fire.
The kind of chemical smell was unbearable on my part. That building comprised of so many rooms. I could not manage to get away to go outside for the first two to three working days. I started thinking about whether I will work here or not. The impact of chemical smell was such, my whole body was becoming weak. I will die as I am becoming weak here. What shall I do? The place was more dangerous. Just by invoking God. Oh God, please help me …. Please save my life…... I am helpless God.
However, when it comes to my duty, my work was so light and comfortable. First, between 6.00 am to 8.00 am, we have to clean all the rooms and then we will go for breakfast to the canteen. I used to go to canteen, had food. Upon my comeback, I used to start working. The work involved drying up and packaging medicine powder. This was inside an AC room. I work up to 1.00 pm and then used to go to canteen for lunch and then come back to the working place and sweep the floor. Work is over for the day. I felt somehow comfortable at the end of my duty. While I was on bed, I am just comparing between working in a small factory and working in a big factory. It was very easy to work in a big factory where there is no much work pressure. Moreover, you also can take rest for a while. However, working in a small factory was tough on the one hand and the payment was low on the other hand. It seemed to me that harder was the work, lower was the payment and with the shift of my job, lighter was the work, higher was the payment.
In the evening, I said to Babu that I am going to this chemical factory. No sooner did I say, he started to rebuke me and finally, he said; many people died in that chemical factory because sometimes it sets fire, sometimes ammonia drum blast, sometime broiler blast, etc. Sadly, whoever dies in that factory, they throw into broiler. I was completely silent …………... my eyes were with full of tears. I was speechless.
However, I did not care at all, I continued my duty in this big factory. Gradually, I acquainted with the ambiance of factory. I got OT duty as well. In the first four days, I got two OT duties. Meanwhile, thirty days I spent out of ninety days.
Now, I need some money for house rent and other expenses. I went to that small factory for my twenty-two days' wages. Two times I went, each time I came back in empty hand. As one month I spent in room, I have to pay for room rent and meet other expenses of around Rs1,055. But as I did not get money from that small factory, I could not pay room rent. So Babu scolded me.
"That factory will not give your wages. Why did you leave that factory? You will die in that big factory. You go back to home. You can't' stay here", Babu said.
"Anyway, I need room rent and other expenses, otherwise I don't have any issue", Babu said.
"Give me just more 10 days I will pay you", I said.
"Then, you have to pay with the interest of 10 days", Babu said.
"Ok, I will pay you the amount with interest", I said.
After two days, again I went to that small factory for my wages of 22 days. Fortunately, I found MD was there in the office. I became very happy that I will receive my wages at least and then I will have to pay to Babu as my room rent and other expenses. I met MD and said I have come here to take my wages. But MD raised a problem regarding Bapi and me. That is, Bapi has said to MD that I had abused him. In the meantime, Bapi has said many lies to MD against me as once I did not listen to him.
"I will not give your wages", MD said.
It again seemed to me that as I surmount one problem, another problem was standing in front of me. I lost my thinking, lost all hope of receiving the payment from that factory. I requested a lot him and I cried piteously in front of him. He spoke to me many nonsense things. Finally, MD said, idiot, hold your ear in both hands, be up and down 50 times. There was no option what to do, finally, I hold my ears and did up and down 50 times.
"Again, kneel down for 30 minutes", MD said. There was no alternative to do anything in my hand. I have to get my money anyway. I knelt down for 30 minutes. While I was kneeling down, I was thinking why did I come to Hyderabad. It's very painful. I am really tired of fighting and struggling all the time.
However, my situation compelled me to come to Hyderabad and let's look back.
I (Vijay) was a seventeen years old boy and lived in a village (Patna in Balasore, Odisha). My father was an illiterate and belonged to a marginal farming class and my mother was a housewife. They are hexagenarians. The family faced an acute financial problem. My father never spent money for my education. I was earning money from a variety of works including farming, selling vegetables, climbing up trees, and working as a daily labourer from time to time, and pulling rickshaw, etc. However, all the pain I was taking in my life, the main motive was to educate myself and to wear good dress eventually, and live independently. I continued these works from my childhood. My mother's contribution towards my life was unspeakable. She had lots of love and helped me in buying the dress, paying school fees, buying books, etc. My mother was an iron lady and incarnation of Goddess for me. However, I enrolled for higher secondary examinations (11th and 12th). One month before the12th Standard final exam, my father inspired me to study hard.
"If you secure first-class, then definitely, you will pursue higher education in a town college. Moreover, whatever money that you earn was meant only for your studies", my father said.
In fact, my father never pocketed any expenses for my education .
I am surprised when I listened to these stimulating words from my father's mouth. For me, there was nothing greater than his exciting words. I was lost in gladness, happiness as I had been waiting for the last ten years to listen to such words. I began to contemplate that I will study in a town and many more things as if I am in a celestial or in cosmic place. I will study in a big college and will be free of any physical works, only, only, only……… study, study, study ………Even I dreamed beyond that………. thank you, God ………. Really, you are great. It's because I always wanted to study without any pressure in town. Thus, my dream was going to be materialized.
In the meantime, my 12th exam was approaching. I was left with only one or one and a half months. I had to work in farm. Since my father did not know how to ride the by-cycle, I also went to market every day to sell vegetables. Apart from work in a day, the rest of the time, I devoted myself to studies until the completion of my 12th standard examinations.
I waked up at around 4.00 am. After finishing my typical work, I used to go to market to sell vegetables. The market was quite far (around 20km) from my home. Fortunately, within two months I earned more than Rs 80,000 and gave to my father. Simultaneously, I also got first class in 12th exam. I became extremely happy as I secured a handsome mark in the exam and at the same time, I also earned a large amount of money that would be spent for my higher education.
Now, it's time for further studies. I went to an Industrial Training Institute (ITI) for my enrolment as I aimed to obtain a technical education. After a few days, it was the time for admission in ITI. Hence, I asked for money to my father.
"I need Rs 5,000 for enrolment in ITI", I said to my father.
"I don't have any money with me", He replied.
My father's statement made me desperate and sad. I became hopeless. Everything went in vain for me. I felt that my dream will just remain as a dream. God took away all my happiness within a blink of an eye. I could not decide what to do. Do I commit suicide or do I leave the home? I became insane, desperate, hopeless, and so on …. for a while. At that moment, there was no alternative option in front of me except weeping from my heart.
Finally, I thought my father cheated on me as he had promised to bear the expenses for my higher education. It was beyond my capacity to comprehend the financial condition of my family at that moment. Then, what I did immediately, I borrowed Rs1, 000 from a neighbor and I enrolled for BA (Bachler of Arts) in a general college rather than in ITI. I could not enroll in ITI since I did not have enough money with me. I did not dare to borrow so much money to pursue a technical course.
In reality, my father did not give me any money, because he spent all of it on my sister's marriage. For her marriage, he also borrowed from neighbors as well. Thus, he had no money to pay for my admission.
Regrettably, I took the admission for BA in the same college where I was studying higher secondary. I…. really…. hate…. hate…. hate……. this college. Because it was hard to get to listen a single class in a day. It was suicidal for me. No class……. no learning ……... no learning ……. on the one hand and there was no money as I went to college instead of going for work. Finally, I passed many days without any gain. Hence, again, I became worried, downhearted, destitute …………… lost hope to do anything in life.
Eventually, I left my home. Although college was near to my home, I was going to my home once a month for hardly one hour. In the meantime, I took up part-time work, that is, money collected from different shops in the evening. It was under a cheat fund agent. I used to get Rs 20 each day. I did it only for two-three months.
I was staying nearby the college in a house of worship. I stayed there for a few months and studied. After a few months, I went to my sister's house and stayed there for around six to seven months. One year elapsed, I completed my first year of BA. I was roaming hither and thither and thinking what shall I do……what shall I do?.......... What shall I do?..............
One day, I was sitting on the bank of a river (Subarnarekha). I was thinking about doing something as the exam was over. Wondering, what shall I do now? ……. don't have the interest to stay in my sister's house. Suddenly I thought, let me go somewhere else for a few months where I can earn some money and thereafter I can study without any financial problem for the rest of the years. I made a plan for the next ninety days and came to Hyderabad to fulfill my dream.
(Now come back to the factory)
Finally, MD said never to make such a mistake. But I don't know what kind of mistake I did practically. It was quite painful in my life. I have worked and I should get my remuneration. But instead of remuneration, I got the punishment of working 22 days in a factory. ,
"Yes, Sir I will never make such a mistake in my life", I said.
Then MD calculated my wages for twenty-two days and gave me Rs 2, 300. I was about to get Rs 2, 900. He did not give Rs 600.
"You have not worked properly", MD said.
I remained silent and said, ok Sir. I did not say anything at that moment. He gave me Rs 2,300 and I became still very happy that I can pay room rent and other expenses now. I took money from MD and came out of the gate. Immediately, what happens Bapi came out of the factory and said brother give me Rs 500.
"Why?", I said.
"I do have some problems at home. I have to send money; I don't have money to eat even this month", Bapi said: I gave Rs 500 to Bapi and he also promised to return after 10 days.
"No issue", I said.
Still, I have Rs1,800 with me. I came to the room and I paid room rent and other expenses for last month to Babu.
"Thank you, God!", I said.
After two days I got around Rs 1,200 from the newly joined factory as in the previous month I worked 4 days and 2 overtime duties.
So, total earning in the first 30 days added together become Rs 3,500 only. Out of that, I paid Rs1,100 towards the room rent and Rs 400 spent towards the pocket money for other expenses.
Total I spent Rs1,500 in the first month. I saved only Rs2,000, out of that also Rs 500 taken by Bapi. Whether he will return the money, I did not know. Ten days elapsed, I went to Bapi's room, he said I will give your money tomorrow. I said: ok. The next day I went again, he said tomorrow I shall return you your money. I felt very irritating that going again and again to him for money. What the hell is going on? However, still, I said, all right. The next day I also went again, Bapi said, I will give money tomorrow. Oh, what the hell is going on. Actually, Bapi had no intention to return the money I felt. Then I called Bapi and he came with me a few meters. With huge irritation and anger, I said to him directly, if you don't return my money by tomorrow, I will kill you on the mountain. The very next day, he became a golden boy and returned my money. Thank you, God, I said. Finally, in 30 days I could able to save only Rs 2,000.
Now, I have to save Rs13,000 after all the expenditures within 60 days. I was getting Rs 5,200 monthly after all the deductions. Then, in the next 60 days, I will earn only Rs10,400 and out of that Rs3,000 would be my expenditures. Therefore, I can save only Rs7,400. Then, a total of Rs 9,400 I can save after 90 days. I thought it was meaningless to come to Hyderabad. I started up thinking about how can I earn Rs16 000 in the next 60 days, out of which I can save Rs13, 000.
I calculated that I have to work for the remaining 50 duties in 30 days. It means 30 regular duties and 20 duties as OT. Therefore, I used to go for the first shift at 5.30 am and did work from 6.00 am to 2.00 pm and I used to do the OT from 2.00 pm to and again I did OT in the third shift from 10.00 pm to 6.00 am. I continuously worked for 32 hours.
At 3.00 in the night, I suffered from severe pain in my stomach. To whom shall I say? My mind was blank at that moment but I had to continuously work. What happened to me on that night as follows;
It was a night shift, it was around 3.00 am, I was neither able to stand nor able to sit. What I did, on the ground I was trying to sleep by pressing my stomach with both hands. Still, the pain was coming which was unbearable on my part. No tears in my eyes but only pain. A chemist came and said;
"What are you doing there? Hay you, get up. Do work, otherwise, I will dismiss you", He said.
No words. He forced me to do the work but I could not.
"I will dismiss you", He said. However, he couldn't.
I said everything to a supervisor, he settled the issue.
Anyway, I came to the room at 6.30 am and took the rest for a few hours. Again I went for the second shift from 2.00 pm to 10.00 pm and thereafter I did also the third shift from 10.00 pm to 6.00 am. No rest I took; I also did the first shift from 6.00 am to 2.00 pm. After staying 32 hours inside the chemical factory I came to the room for rest. Within 6 hours I have to take a bath, eat, take rest, and sleep as well. In 30 days, I earned something Rs 9,000. I paid around Rs1, 000 towards the room rent and for other expenses. I saved Rs 8000 and no other expenditure in the second month. However, I was having continuous pain in my stomach in the night. It was really painful in my life.
With the same force, I did work for the last month. I earned Rs 8, 000. I gave Rs1,000 for room rent and other expenses. I saved Rs 7, 000. Total savings became Rs17,000. My target was Rs15,000 I could be able to generate Rs17,000. However, in the second and third months, I was continuously having severe pain in my stomach during the night shift. I lost my weight more than 6 kg. I was just 52kg, but within 60 days, I became 46 kg. when I was doing work for 32 hours continuously, my hand was trembling, my leg was bending sometimes. It was too difficult to sit when I used to go to the canteen. If I sit at the dining, my leg and hand were trembling severely and was bending. If someone was sitting next to me, I told him to hold one of my hands for a few minutes.
Meanwhile, Babu made a call to my home and said to my mother that Vijay will die after a few days. Vijay has become a skeleton. He is working day and night. He is not coming to the room. It's not good to work for a long time in a chemical factory. He is going to die …... However, On the 91st day, I board the train at Secunderabad railway station and reached my home on the 92nd day. My mother became so happy. Happiness in my mind too couldn't be expressed in simple words. My mother fed me water rice as I felt very hungry. On ninety-two days, I too joined the college. It gave me immense pleasure. However, as my attendance was nil, one of my teachers asked me; "where had you been for a long time? Your attendance is zero". I spoke the truth to my teacher. Thereby, he managed everything regarding my attendance. I continued my education for the next two years happily without any financial burden. I became happy …...cheerful ………All is well that ends up well.