Ananya Mahajan

Drama Inspirational Tragedy Children Children Stories Fantasy Classics Abstract


Ananya Mahajan

Drama Inspirational Tragedy Children Children Stories Fantasy Classics Abstract

My Lonely Days

My Lonely Days

3 mins

How do you all feel locked up: happy, sad, or angry? You all may think lockdown is a bane. But in reality, it is a boon. 

Life was simple. Class five was almost over. It was a Thursday and I had to attend my annual day practice duty so my friends and I rushed to the auditorium for we had a responsibility of monitoring the class 4 and helping with props. We were so excited because on Saturday it was their Annual Day. We went home after school ended. The next day we were not able to go to school. A message came that the schools are closed, and we are supposed to stay at home. This was because the COVID-19 had reached India so all schools were taking precautions. I felt trapped and lonely. Out of the blue, this all happened. I had even prepared for the tests and really wanted to give them. But why was God giving all students this dreadful punishment? 

I felt solitary and isolated. Why me and why them? I hate China. These thoughts entered my mind while I was getting spiritless and hopeless. I made a timetable which I followed and I studied very hard for class 6. One day on March 18 the school declared that we will complete class 5 through online classes on teams. It lasted for a week and then class 5 was over. Then we had a small holiday where I got some pens and books and my father enrolled me in advanced classes over the holiday due to schools. 

After 2 April our schools reopened, and we had our meetings on zoom. It was much comfortable and easier to learn. Our teachers used to give us homework, and we used to always complete it. Our teachers even enrolled us in essay competitions and poem competitions. We had a fun and frolic week. On 21 April it was my birthday but in lockdown, which made it even special and unique. My mother woke me up early and I dressed in new clothes which I had got before the lockdown. My mother had also baked a cake for me and made delicious food. I even had a party with my friends through zoom. 

After my birthday the schools started taking some small tests for assessment and I performed really well and got good grades. Later onwards I thought that, do I really need to hate China? Is this lockdown a boon or bane? Is it helping me be better or worse? Do I really understand all this? Am I still feeling lonely? Life is simple but it gives us challenges, and we have to accept them or every person in the world can be rich or educated but no. Sometimes we fail the challenges and sometimes we pass. Even if, we are the richest person in the world we still cannot be happy. Coronavirus taught us to be patient and gave us a hint to the coming challenges waiting in the line. Do we still blame China for all of this? We are still greedy and selfish. We are still not giving up bad habits. Some of us are still addicted to theft and drinking and smoking. Are we doing anything? No, we are just thinking by putting the blame on others are problems will be solved. One thing we should stop is "STOP PLAYING BLAME GAME''. If we stop it half the problem will be solved. 

Russia has finally made an antidote to the virus. We still do not let the poor people buy things first. We always buy everything and then nothing is left for others. Is the behaviour justified or not? Can this be solved or it will keep on being like this? I hope no. When you read this you will feel and understand your mistakes.


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