The Mystery Of Humberland
The Mystery Of Humberland
When you are comfortably sitting at home and sipping some hot chocolate, far away in a land of mysteries lies the most astonishing truth. I was only five years old when I got obsessed with Faipi's. They are half pixies and half fairies.
There was a myth that when you travel beyond the Nile and reach its ending point a person with a pure heart would get the entrance to Humberland. Many tried but failed. I also dreamt of spending my day at Humberland. My heart was entirely somewhere else. A few months ago, I dreamt about faipies chasing after me with a potent which is weapon, they use to destroy anyone who enters their land without permission. The next day I forgot about the dream. Weeks passed, and the sudden obsession of faipies rose in me again and I was persistent to go meet them. I traveled to the end of the Nile and stood there. I waited for an hour when suddenly some bells appeared out of nowhere. Then, a door appeared with crooked engravings on it. Pure may enter, greed may fail. Suddenly, I was lifted in the air by a windy object and taken inside. It shocks my heart and I knew I was in the middle of a Faipies meeting. The Grand Faipi was giving a lecture and I had read that one should never disturb a meeting so I decided to creep away. But unfortunately, the faipies saw me and started chasing me with a potent and at that moment, I felt Deja Vu. I remembered the dream and I knew the only way to escape was to reach the door. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and fled from there.
I still remember the memory of the incident but the one thing that made me happy was that I was so far the only person who saw real-life faipes.