Abheepsita Mishra

Tragedy Comedy Inspirational


Abheepsita Mishra

Tragedy Comedy Inspirational

My Dream

My Dream

2 mins

"Jhimun, sleep neither you can't go to the school " my small brother, acting as if he is my father .......

I said -"  Vella don't show off, I know it's you..." I grumbled.

Laughing loudly he(Ishu) enters the room and says -" How did you know that it was me??" I said -" I am your elder sister and I know you more than I know me . Now sleep ". 

He slept ... But something was uttering me. Suddenly, I discovered I am going to faint ... it happened so.. .

From childhood, I believe blindly in god ( Krishna).

Playing of flute, uttered me. Suddenly, I discovered lights of different colours falling on me. A large sound , as if someone is speaking through the mic, said -" This  is going to be a rememberable dream." 

Lights vanished and the playing of the flute was also stopped.

I saw:-

I have passed all my exams and have become a topper. I, at that time, my age would be 25. I was studying at 2 am.

Suddenly, my cell phone rang and I was distributed. 

I said -"Hello" 

 A melodious voice came from it, saying- " Jim, you are qualified and now you are going to experience a space mission." 

Excited and in a humble voice I said - " Whaaat? Is it true? My

14 years ago dream is now coming to be real ."

Sound came -" yes , it totally true " 

Two days after ...

I went and experienced a beautiful space exploration. When I came down I saw people clapping at me.

My dream was then stopped because someone called me - " Wake up, get ready, the school van will come ".

I suddenly woke and by doing my works went to school. I couldn't be attentive as my dream was making me disturbed.

My teacher asked -" What happened ?? Are you worried? " 

I said all those things which happened to me.

She laughed and said -" The dream which is uttering you is not just a dream. It will come true. You will be an astronaut" 

I said -" What?... Astronaut means??

Teacher said -" The person who goes to space " 

My curiosity began and I asked -" What means space ??" 

Mam said -" Listen carefully, space is the place where each and everything is present. It has no end ." 

I asked - " Means is it the area where the earth is also present" .

Mam -" yess"

When I grew up I got to know that  I want to be an astronaut...


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