Manifestation Series Golden Rule #1- Never Doubt Your Intention
Manifestation Series Golden Rule #1- Never Doubt Your Intention
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will – quote on the internet
Imagine yourself walking into a Subway, reading the menu, making a choice of Sub, ordering it, waiting for it, and then relishing it as they serve it to you at the counter.
As you make a definite choice of the Sub, starting with the type of bread, the sauces, veggies, proteins, hot/cold, sides, drinks, etc., you never doubt the outcome and are sure to get what you asked for.
The intention is clear with undoubted faith.
Similarly, the first step towards manifestation is to set a clear intention of your desire without any doubt.
Most manifestations fail due to conflict in the intention and the self-doubt of receiving it. We are conditioned to see or rather dig into imaginary setbacks and convince oursel
ves of the failure even before it happens in reality.
For example, “ I want to score highest in Math, this year, oh! But I have never done it before. Can I do it? What if I fail to remember a formula, or what happens if I don’t get enough time to practice?…? The series of such inhibiting thoughts are never-ending.
Law of Attraction begins with shattering the years of self-destructive conditioning that we develop since childhood.
We have heard too much of “You can’t do it.” “You can never accomplish that” “You are not suitable for it” since our childhood from our parents, siblings, teachers, friends, etc. Our subconscious starts believing it, and we act accordingly throughout our lives.
Break that cycle and set confident unrestricted, uninhibited, doubtless intentions.