Vrushali Date

Drama Inspirational


Vrushali Date

Drama Inspirational

Nani’s Bhagavad Geeta - Death Of A Loved One

Nani’s Bhagavad Geeta - Death Of A Loved One

6 mins

Bala and Neela stopped at the guest house at the corner of the busy market road. From her car window, Neela noticed that it was a well-maintained old one-story small bungalow built with local black stones. The Bungalow was on a slope lined by beautiful short flowering trees, presently blooming in the season with pink and white flowers. Its access was through a short path in the front yard leading to marble stone steps. Neela liked the cottage instantly; Bala could sense it. The property had a cozy, warm feeling to it. They inhaled the fresh air and walked towards the entrance.

It was almost afternoon. The caretaker helped them unload the luggage and settle down in the spacious room on the first floor, behind the front yard. The room was airy with white cotton curtains and freshly washed red carpets. The color of the walls was pastel green. Bala observed the white soft cotton bed in the center of the room, a writing desk by the window, and a pitcher of cold water. The ambiance was calm and serene, and they instantly fell in love with it.

Neela was thrilled to reach the destination finally and more glad that Bala was with her. After placing her things appropriately in the room, she asked Bala, “Do you mind if I take a bath now?” He nodded assertively and went up to the window to look outside. She opened her trunks to take her changing clothes. She picked a sky blue color robe to wear and a mulmul towel to rub herself dry. Neela pulled her long dark hair up with her hands and tied them in a bun. She then opened her vanity and picked a scented soap, an incredible mix of Chandan and rose petals. An aromatic oil lamp burnt in the washroom's corner, adding comfort. 

Neela gently closed the door and filled the tub. She played with the foam for some time and finished her bath with a long dip. Instantly feeling rejuvenated and refreshed, she stepped out of the tub, picked up her mulmul towel, and gently dabbed herself dry. Her hair was still in a bun and wet only towards its ends and sides. Her cheeks were glowing pink with the steam and oils in the washroom. Her lips were extra soft, and her eyes were brighter than before. She gently slipped into her sky-blue robe, tied the knot, wore her slippers, and took a final look in the mirror before stepping out of the washroom.

Bala was still at the window looking outside. He had his back on her when she came out. ”Bala,” he startled when she called his name. Her calling his name broke his spell of thoughts, and he turned around to look at her. For a moment, he lost himself in her beauty. She looked fresh as a Daisy; her toned straight shoulders were wet with the water dripping from her slightly damp hair. Her sky-blue robe reflected a gentle softness on her face. She was still holding the mulmul towel and playing with it unknowingly. With great difficulty, he could take his eyes off her. 

She questioned his gaze with her eyes, and he replied,” nothing” in the same way, through eyes. Neela felt a gush of wind as though Bala’s strong hands were touching her. She turned around and went to the kitchen to boil the water for some tea.

Bala tried not to think about her beauty while talking to her. She started a normal conversation with him. After having warm tea and a good chat, he left. He lingered for too long but slowly pulled the door and closed it behind him. He couldn't take the image of freshly washed Neela off his mind.

Neela, his beautiful dead wife! Neela was here in his thoughts again! 


Bala’s kin worried about his mental health. Ever since the death of his wife, he has hallucinated frequently about her. Nothing pleased him anymore. “He is clinically seriously depressed.” declared the doctors. 


“Let me meet him once.” she pleaded, frail and old. They were skeptical. “Please let me in; I can try to treat him. He listens to me.” The old lady persisted.

Finally, the doctors at the mental asylum allowed Nani to have an audience with Bala. “But make sure that you don't elevate the situation,” they warned.

Assuring them that she wouldn't bring any harm, albeit something positive, she went into his ward, her old eyes searching for his familiar face.

“Nani.” She heard his deep sad voice. There he was, sitting on a bed in the ward, with bloodshot sleepless eyes, a loose t-shirt exposed his lean, weak body, and unkempt hair.

“Bala, my dear boy. What have you done to yourself?

“She left me... Nani.” words somehow fell off his dry mouth. “Who left you?” Nani questioned, walking towards him. “Her, Neela.” He responded gravely.

“Neela ain't gone anywhere.” raising her voice, Nani asserted. “They say she is dead. I lit her dead body myself.” he looked puzzled. 

“Oh! Bala. My poor boy. Neela is here. Trust me.” she helped him sit comfortably on the bed, patted his tired back, and kissed his forehead. “

Untrusting her, Bala pushed her away. “Liar,” he exclaimed.

“No, my dear, I am not lying. Neela is here with you.” she paused and sat beside him on his bed. “Do you remember once I’d told you a story about body and soul and death?” He nodded, “Yes, Nani. I remember a bit.”

“Bala, Neela’s soul, has not left us; nevertheless, her body has perished. Look at me, my boy; remember - ‘The body is perishable, but the soul is eternal. Nothing can create or destroy the soul. Fire cannot burn it, water cannot drown it, and..” “Air cannot blow it,” Bala completed her sentence, now listening attentively. “Yes, Bala! The air cannot blow it. The soul never dies. It sheds the old body and moves into a new one like we change clothes.” She continued.

“Bala, Neela’s body, is dead, but Neela’s soul is undestroyable. That is eternal; you shouldn't grieve for the soul’s onward journey. Release her from your affectionate bondage and let it go to its next destination. We all were nothing but her co-travelers in this short journey; her soul has moved on. Let her go, my dear boy, let her go.” Nani wiped her moist eyes and looked at Bala. He was staring at her blankly. “But, that means I will never see her body again, her physical form?” he questioned. 

“Physical body and presence are mediums to satisfy our senses, my dear boy. You are in love with the comfort that she provided to your senses. They are temporary. The eternal joy lies in the infinite and permanent truth! Learn to love her soul, not her body! Accept reality and move on. Her soul is trapped unless you open the gates of the cage. Do you want to suffer and be trapped in this endlessly? Or do you want her to progress toward her higher goodness? The decision is yours.” Nani closed her speech by affirming the benefits of understanding the true meaning of life and death. “If we rejoice in birth, we shouldn't grieve in death.”

Nani and Bala sat for a long time on his hospital bed silently. Bala never doubted Nani and her wisdom, and today was no exception. “Nani, I get you. But I will need some time to accept the reality. I will need time to forget her physical presence and my desires. However, I promise you, Nani, that I will respect her soul and not be a roadblock in her journey. May she find eternal rest and move on. I am letting her go from this moment onwards.” Bala stood up and placed his hand in Nani’s hands and promised. “God bless you, my child.” Nani kissed his hands and blessed him with the strength he needed to overcome the trauma and realize the ultimate truth of life and death.

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