Love Kavya
Love Kavya

It happened eleven months ago. I was out for cycling to get some fresh air in the summer evening. I halted at my best friend's home, looking to the balcony where I saw right into her eyes. I had seen her earlier at the building but I was never infatuated and it was normal with me just like it was with any other girl. That day, 11 months ago when we first locked our eyes, something strange happened to me and my life changed forever . . . . . She lived in the door next to my friend's home in the same building. I got to know her name from my friend- Kavya.
Since then I made every possible excuse to visit my friend's place .Daily. I would shout for my friend and Kavya would turn up at the balcony hearing my voice. I believed it to be just a matter of coincidence which was happening daily until one day my friend revealed to me that he has given Kavya slight indications about my feelings for her.
I had made out of my imagination a completely separate world in her name. Every thought and every moment I would think just about her as if she is the only destination of my soul. With times the feelings grew deeper and deeper but fear had made its way into my mind
“What if she doesn't think me fit for her?’’
“What will be the purpose of my life if I can’t win her love?''
I had dedicated everything for her- my mind, my heart, my soul, everything . . . And the mere wonder of losing her gripped me with innumerable fears.
All doubts got cleared when she sent a chocolate for me along with a ‘Sorry’ for having earlier called me a cockroach.
That day my joy knew no bounds .The very fact that she has fallen for me made me cherish .There then used to be many days when I could not reach my friend’s place and when I did, she would not turn up .But every time the thought struck that Kavya does not love me, when I would turn back to return form my friend’s building, Kavya used to stare at me constantly. For just a glimpse of her sight, I would be mad all day, and in the evening seeing her made me happy all the way. A fresh boost of energy imbibes in me whenever I see her- “That’s The Power of Love”
But today, I longed to connect with her. In the next six months, I would b
e away to another state for higher education. Sometimes I feel it would make no difference but I was wrong. The separation will rise even further no matter how close we are Heart to Heart……
Both of us would just blush seeing each other but in Heart of Hearts both of us want to connect…. With each other.
I devised various plans; suggested her various ways but all in vain. If at least these dialogues were possible, it is due to my friend. Eleven months and we never talked Face to Face. People say Love does not Happen This Way. I reply,
”What do you call love then???
Flirting, dating, Chatting & then then u get to know the girl is not your type &Breakup????”
My story, my passion and my life; all are extraordinary. Ordinary things lack quality and are thus impure. It’s just because of my dedication is pure and my heart is strong. Kavya had become a part of my life; my purpose of life.
Perhaps people say I exaggerate when I claim Kavya to be the only angel of this world.
But that doesn’t mean I played with my dreams to get her. I passionately strive to fulfill my objectives so that I can have a secured future with her. I have seen how relationships fall apart but my case is not a relationship. I don’t call Kavya my girlfriend but my Love.
Where there is a relationship, love grows out of it.
But where there is love, two souls are entangled in many bonds for a relationship to make any difference.
One may get another girlfriend if he loses one, but if the only love is lost once, then the objective of life is gone forever.
These feelings within just breed continually and always come refreshed as if I never met Kavya eleven months ago but just eleven days ago.
My love remains ever new, alive and fresh and I make sure I keep it forever as such.
But sorry, I could never say this to her face to face :(
All confessions of my heart scribbled in countless pages, the words of which were never read…..
The only thing I would say now keeping hopes aside:
Kavya, I know you are reading this and I want to say that I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!