Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf

2 mins

She was a lone wolf roaming about in search of her tribe. Each day was a long tiring day for her. She met so many on her way but every one left her with even more scars. Soon the pain of all this made it impossible for her to move. So, she had to find a place to rest. She was scared to trust anyone at this position in her life. At the same time, she had no option but to trust again and so she decided to halt at the next place she saw.

It was a dimly lit place but felt like it was the best place to be in. Finally with a hopeful heart she approached the place and entered it. She was in two minds but knew it is best to trust again. Her first step inside was enough to lighten her soul of all the pain. The place and few people were not at all welcoming towards her. Yet she was surprised to know that she had a fe

w people who were shielding her against all those attacks.These few people were the first ones to get into her tribe. She did not lead them yet she was very important to them.

Her presence was always welcomed, even requested for. She healed sooner than expected and decided to leave the place but she could not do it before winning over the dark hearts she was not welcomed by in the beginning. She left the place with her heart filled with loads of positivity and love. With this newfound energy she resumed her journey with a new zeal in herself. She was now even more energetic, flaunting all her past scars similar to a warrior who does it to show everyone the battles he has fought. There was no looking back since then. It all was possible only because she was a lone wolf roaming about in search of her tribe.

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