Destiny Shankar

Classics Inspirational Children


Destiny Shankar

Classics Inspirational Children

Listen Women!

Listen Women!

2 mins

Hey, beautiful ladies out there! 

Let me ask you gorgeous souls-

What is that one thing that swings across your mind as your first desire? 

Money, love, education, beauty?! 

Ahem! Ahem! 

I smell a lot of dissatisfaction in the air regarding the author's myopic view. 

This is what I hear. 

Well may be this is what I want to hear. 


One thing I am for sure about is the thing which all of us desire deep in our hearts. 

It is


Whether independence to make decisions regarding our body, or apparel over it or the work we choose to do, words we want to speak, opinions to be heard

Above all independence to have our own identity, made by us and no one else. 

Did you feel something? 

You early bird, the teenager

Respected Ma'am, approaching your silver lining

Well whether you are 15 or over 50 or anywhere in between. 

You can break free. You will break free. 

Once you realise (in case you haven't yet) that you want to break free. 

Well today happens to be "international women's day".

What a coincidence! 

Let's make every day our day. 

You girl! Stop pondering over how you can look good for others. 

You are amazing in yourself. Get physically fit and chase that ambition. 

Honourable mistress, the message is for you too. Independence is your right too. 

What about kids and family? 

Well you did a good job, but don't forget to be gentle and caring to your own body and dreams too. 

Search the net, get in some work, teach the world your experience, inspire people around. 

You are the most powerful as you shape 75% mindset of your community. It all begins with  the family, then the neighborhood and rest of the world. 

So get up gorgeous women, it's your time to shine! 

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