



King and kingdom

King and kingdom

4 mins

   Once upon a time there was a great King who had an amazing Kingdom that he ruled so well. The king was benevolent who took good care of his citizens. He made sure that all their needs were met adequately. In the same stretch of events for the benefit of the citizens, one day he ordered both his sons to build two large aqueducts that would be useful to supply to his country men and to his country estates too. The estates were in poor state due to a drought caused by failed monsoon. To avoid further loss of crops the king decided on this measure.        

     The first son got ready to start the project. As a part of it, he collected some money from the kingdom's treasury and even gathered a major group of the kingdom's military and set out on a journey towards the North of his father's kingdom. He ordered the people of that place to work hard in building the aqueduct, oversaw every work in progress with utmost care, paid the workers well and was able to complete the proposed project well on time. Proud of his work he returned to the Kingdom only to find people rejoicing and celebrating. It was the crowning ceremony of his brother who had completed his project within a year a year ahead of him. This was a big surprise to the kings elder son.

On enquiry he found out that his brother had gone South and had hired lesser number of people for the work and so the money he spent was also less when compared to him. But on further investigation he found a number of irregularities that were not at all right and so the elder son immediately went to his father, the king and narrated his observation in detail even while asking his father to refrain from making his younger son the King. The King was stunned to hear his sons words who went on to say that he did love his younger brother but since he had adopted a number of methods that were not fair while building the aqueduct, he wanted to make his father aware about his younger son's blunders.    When the King asked him to explain it in detail the elder son said that his younger brother that is the Kings younger son had built the aqueduct deviating from the original plans. He created so many outlets that barely halts the water that arrives at the estate. He confronted our Prime minister in front of the villagers and did not bother to even apologising for this act. He even used the soldiers and villagers as his labourers. May be this seems to be the start for his arrogant rule.       

The King listened very patiently and then very affectionately said" listen son whatever you said is only one side of the coin. Your observation of the whole issue may be right as per your understanding. But, there is another side to it also. Your brother had the required knowledge that helped him to take the initiative of modify the original plan. He was able to convince the villagers to work hard and quickly with less pay. He had the courage to confront our prime minister as he could defend what he felt was right. His commitment was so great that he himself joined the villagers and the soldiers forgetting his princely status and comfort. If he had wished he could order people to do the work by paying more money and could take his own sweet time to complete the project. That is the reason that he is more than a King . He is one among the people and he is the true leader.            

         Listening to these words the Kings elder son realised how different his brother was in dealing with the given issue. He understood his foresightedness and how important these qualities are for a leader who is going to be the king and takes and protects his Kingdom in every way. He joined the people in crowning the King and shouting the slogan " long live our leader our King".

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