Deesha Soni

Inspirational Others


Deesha Soni

Inspirational Others

I'm Used To It Now...

I'm Used To It Now...

1 min

Getting used to things and start living with certain the greatest blessings which make living easier... there is a break-even point in life when success nor failure affects an individual.... and it is getting used to things around happening with them...

When one faces losses, failures, tragedies, trauma.... initially it comes as a shock and makes one's heart sink......

Death of dear ones, failing in exams or contests, financial crisis, and unfulfilled dreams to be rich one day, being bullied by influencers...doing unliking jobs, losing the only love, getting up early, childlessness, being single and longing for a companion... incompatibility in marriage....and many such events... when things don't happen as per one's wishes..but with passing days, months and years one tends to....getting used to things... with the time going by....makes one's sufferings easier...

Many things do heal or lessen with time.... the scars and pains which have been past experiences and now in memories...People tend to get used to setbacks, scarcities, unfulfilledness, loopholes...and start accepting and living with these...

When one doesn't have a choice or the power to choose or gets tired and tends to surrender, struggling with.......situations... until it becomes a part of their lives...

The biggest medicine is time.... which helps to heal... though not completely....yet by and large... when one says I'm used to it now...

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