Stretch your limits...The Mom.... Stretch your limits...The Mom....
Summers should be loved for Their raw mangoes which flourish on trees... Summers should be loved for Their raw mangoes which flourish on trees...
Children are just don't fall soft prey to abuse, ridicule, comparisons, bullying frustrations, ignor... Children are just don't fall soft prey to abuse, ridicule, comparisons, bullying...
A clear fluid floating in the jorum of the eyes... rolling down the cheeks..... A clear fluid floating in the jorum of the eyes... rolling down the cheeks.....
There's a very beautiful phase... between childhood and youth.... adolescence... There's a very beautiful phase... between childhood and youth.... adolescence...
Think out of the box Think out of the box
Merely speakings are not plentiful Merely speakings are not plentiful
The modest sweeper with high spirits... The modest sweeper with high spirits...
Soon a bioscope is brought... Soon a bioscope is brought...
Nice... Nice...