His Rapunzel - Week 2
His Rapunzel - Week 2

No. This isn't any story of Rapunzel.
She was neither born by the virtue of the witch, nor abducted by a witch. Neither lived in a dark tower room in a mysterious place, nor imprisoned for half of her life. Never had the sheer golden locks, nor made it a piece of ladder.
Yet, she was like Rapunzel, with differences.
Virtue of knowledge made her a witch, abducted her, carried away her. Mystically charming, she lost herself and fell into her prison of thoughts.
The long tresses are wavy, soft, strong yet dark; mysteriously dark, black than the evil night. The long black locks waved to the oozing breeze, magically revering to the overwhelming charms.
Fascinated by the length of her gorgeous tresses, the s
ame old prince, rather a knight fell for her. All he knew was just the fragrance and fragility of her hair. Seduced by her locks, he lost him in her.
And the END!!
Why? What an abrupt end?? - He yelled at her. She spilled an evil smile!
This isn't fair. You should complete the story.
Why do you think it is incomplete?? He was fascinated by her and she knew it. Isn't it fine?
He posed a grim face!
She gave him a "Post it" note.
"The prince met her and gifted her something expensive and exclusive. It was a precious jewelry, she never had! The prince gifted her, FLOWER CROWN, just like you."
A smile rushed from him and he silently uttered, "You aren't Rapunzel, more than her!"