Abeer's Creation

Abstract Drama Inspirational Comedy Children Stories Fantasy Children Thriller Romance


Abeer's Creation

Abstract Drama Inspirational Comedy Children Stories Fantasy Children Thriller Romance

Hazel's Double Life- Surprise

Hazel's Double Life- Surprise

2 mins

                               Chapter One 

                         Surprise of Freedom 

My name is Hazel, 15 years old. I'm a supermodel living in NYC. I'm very famous and live in a gigantic house. You may feel I've all the luxuries of life and I would be enjoying it. But no! It's terrible! I've to do photoshoots all the time. I'm not free at all. I just want to live a normal life like everyone else. 

Once, I was on my bed, watching some videos to control my tears. That's when I got an amazing idea to get freedom. But, for that I've to convince my dad.

Hazel- Dad, mom, I can't stand these photoshoots and modelling anymore. I want to live a normal life like everyone else.

Dad- (shocked) Are you serious? You can't do that. You've so many fans. You can't just leave your career like this. 

Hazel- I'm not saying to leave it. I just want a break from it. 

Mom- Chris (Hazel's father) she can get a break from it. I agree with her. 

Dad- (reluctantly)Ok fine, but how will you go out. Everyone will be just asking you autographs, photos and blah blah--.

Hazel- Leave that on me. I'll have two identities. I'll wear a disguise. 

Dad- Fine. You can do it. I'll look for a school. But any

mistake, you'll come back home again. So, be careful. 

Finally, my dad agreed. It felt like a dream. I wore a disguise and changed my name to Iris. I got enrolled in Jacksonville International School. 

First Day at School

I entered my classroom, and no one was paying attention to me. I felt invisible and that's what I wanted. I sat on a desk near the window. Just then a boy came up to my seat. 

Unknown boy- Hey you. Get up, it's my seat. 

Iris- Then where should I sit?

Unknown boy- How am I supposed to know? Sit on the floor maybe. 

Iris- Of course not. I'll find a seat myself. 

He was grinning and I hated it. Then another weird girl entered like she was the princess of England. Also. I seemed to recognize her. 

Unknown girl- (talking to some children) Do you know? Hazel's breath smells very bad. She doesn't brush for days She.........

She kept telling lies about me. Well, the model me, Hazel. Just then that unknown boy stood up.

Unknown boy- It's not true. You're only jealous of her because you lost the competition. She's amazing and much better than you Claire. 

Noe, I remembered who she was. We had a modelling competition, and I was competing against her. I won in that competition. That's why she was telling lies about me. But I wonder why that unknown boy protected me. I'll find the answer very soon. 

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