Sangeetha devi



Sangeetha devi


Ghost in Operation Theater

Ghost in Operation Theater

4 mins

Where do we see our self in between the truths and myths, one or the other times we have been brought up by our grandparents who share their stories to grandchildren's, sometimes ghost stories to make us sleep and sometimes their real-life stories to make us face the world confidently, I was another opposite who stopped believing God or Ghost until I truly felt the existence in Operation Theater

It was 8:55 in the morning, I was rushed from home to a private hospital where I was getting my treatment on the colon , I couldn't pass my stools either through my colostomy bag or naturally, its too early for my second surgery, I have few more surgeries left to get 95% recovered, I was admitted right next to an old man who was screaming in pain, I still couldn't forget the face who shouted at doctor asking for pain kill since he couldn't bear it in his age, I was seeing him and crying since he was the priority in the emergency room I was handled by an assistant doctor, my stomach had colon outside which is the only way I could pass stools before the reversal of colon surgery, that is one tragic story of my life!

Myself and old man was crying in pain, he seems to lose his consciousness, he saw me even in that pain and said, papa do not worry say " OM SAKTHI ", my mind says not to pray where I had lost the faith in God, I was just saying to myself, do or die. The pain was unbearable it's like opening your stomach with a knife and pulling out the colon, after seeing him closing his eyes and praying I told him not to worry doctor is taking you to Operation Theater, you will be fine. it was me who he saw finally when he lost his breath, yes he is no more, he couldn't fight back. I was thinking it's my turn next. 

The doctor advised for immediate surgery on the same day at 4.30 PM else I would be in more pain nor will not be back to normal life soon, all I want in that 11 am is to see my 3 months old baby who couldn't understand what's happening around him, my baby considers my mother as his mother were he spent maximum time with my mother because the day he born from the day I was in bed ill still getting treated, without her I wouldn't have come this long. Happy to see my son, I wished to give him breast milk before I get to the OT, all the arrangements before surgery was happening inside a normal ward, my heart still raising for the old man who passed away in front of my eyes, Its 3.45 PM its time to say bye to my poor boy who is the reason I am proud to be his mother after all the struggles gone through, I gave tight hug to my mom and told her to take care of him if anything happens to me, she scolded and said say " OM SAKTHI " nothing will happen. I still refused to pray.

Its 4:10 PM, I was taken inside the operation Theater, I was totally blanked still I could not remove an old man from my mind, meanwhile they undone my dress and covered my body with the nursing cloth, the anesthetist was waiting a little far from my bed to get doctor's permission for general anesthesia procedure,I was surrounded by bright light on my top i could seet forceps, surgical scissors, clamps, and oximeter, and there is a team who was ready to give General anesthesia, still I couldn’t pray even in emergency , its two minutes before general anesthesia I could hear the old man crying near my left ear , papa papa ( Many Tamilians call their daughters or women like this) don’t worry, “It's me not you “, and suddenly I don’t know why i suddenly started praying “OM SAKTHI “, I was given general anesthesia , I saw him , I could see him , the same old man standing right next to me touching my right hand , what should I do, doctor, a doctor he is touching my hand(lost my consciousness)

Around 10:45 pm, I saw two nurses coming towards me asking “ are you awake “, is it paining, don’t worry we will give an injection, I was moved to the general ward where my mother and sister was waiting to receive me with the joy of tears, I made it to the next phase.

Though it was painful and horror experience, I started believing “If ghost exists so do the GOD, we should not use the word “GHOST” to the people who left the world, they were once a human or a good soul who is loved and being loved after their end, we living humans are ghost and monster sometimes, There is no ghost or monsters in this world, they were human and now spirits going towards their Afterlife!

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