Ramya R

Action Classics Inspirational


Ramya R

Action Classics Inspirational

Friends Love Story

Friends Love Story

1 min

Friends Kashvi and Samesh lived in Panipat kingdom. Both lived for each other and planned to marry coming year along with the consent of their parents. 

They worked in an IT company as software engineers in Pune. Every weekend or on festival leave they travel to their home town. 

Both friends are attached and were very affectionate with each other. They planned to earn and save the earned money to buy a dream house. 

They discussed with each other and with their parents. Both of them were helping one another and supported society welfare activities.

Their love made them unite and begin many new assignments after their marriage. They joined together and worked hard to be successful in their lives. They joined to build a dream house with their earnings. 

They were very happy to build a house for them. They did pooja for their new house. They supported their relatives and house workers for serving tiffin and lunch on that auspicious pooja day. They lived happily hereafter in their dream house. 

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