Fire Flies: show me the way
Fire Flies: show me the way
The woods are dark
My story, you please hark
I am running with fear
Truth of which you may hear.
If you believe in God
Know that God is Love.
Where there is Love
How can there be Jihad?
It is ok you have no love
But to live with hatred, it doesn’t behove!
I had lost all track of time. All I know was I had been running for my life. The monkey brigade had been chasing me. It all started when I was speaking to a group in the camp abetting the forest about how Ram Rajya was but only a myth. From no where these monkey brigade descended on the camp. They were dressed like monkeys sufficiently inebriated and were armed with sticks and were beating up people.
Suddenly I recognised one of two of them. He was Lakshman, the brother of the girl I got married to recently. By the way I am Kabir. Fell in love with Lata and married her against all opposition. You can easily guess the reason. I realised now this brigade has come quickly on my trail like hounds. Probably I was the target. This narration was not an episode from the Netflix. This was real life and I was running for my life.
Lata has been sent away safely to a city down south. People were not bothered about Ram Rajya and related myths. Their the agenda was how to move up the economic ladder. If you keep abreast with some general knowledge you would know that south was far ahead in human development index (HDI) and unlike the cow belt was not steeped in casteism, love jihad and mythological worship. They had cast away these constrictions and had committed to development.
I had been to the forests many times. I know if I can run or walk up to about 6-7 kms towards north I could escape via a foot bridge to the other side. I would be safe and could find my way thereafter.
I could hear the monkey brigade and the distant between us was getting greater. Probably their drunkenness and the terrain were hindering their progress. I keep fit with my running and yoga.
History was getting distorted these days. Muslims have not looted the country. Mughals stayed back in India and ruled India. In the 17th century India was one of the richest regions. One could say it was the British that looted India and took away her wealth. For the Hindu bigots it suits to put the blame squarely on Muslims. In so far as science was concerned the human DNA was more or less the same to the extent of 95% across human races. I have felt at home in Bangladesh. In Germany when I walked with Pakistani friends, we all looked the same. Yet a wedge was sought to be created. With 15 % of us in India, how could anyone ignore our development or wish us away. Try telling these politicians who have brought on this agenda of division to whip up Hindu sentiments and capture votes. Unfortunately, they were succeeding.
I feel exhausted now. Probably the monkey brigade got exhausted too. I can’t hear them anymore. Suddenly I see green light as if an alien satellite was descending. It took a few seconds to realise it was a swarm of fire flies. I saw in the watch it was 3 AM. Not bad I have managed to stay walking for about five hours now and must have reached very close to the bridge I wanted to reach.
“Thamaso ma jyothir gamaya” a prayer escapes my lips and I tell the swarm. Are you surprised that I know the Hindu prayer? Not for nothing I was named after Kabir! As if the swarm heard me, they started moving in the direction of north. I dig into my back pack and bite into the peanut chikki which I always carry. My favourite snack that was full of health and energy. I took a swig of water too. I follow the swarm refreshed and full of hope.
I knew that moment that I will live to unite with Lata.