Between Two Worlds
Between Two Worlds

The dusk brought about a picturesque landscape. The napalm sky was beautifully painted with shades of blue, pink, orange and violet! The fresh smell of the earth after the rain incited my senses, and the beautiful rainbow shone amidst the white clouds! I felt so homely in my newly decorated Bohemian style. I started to paint the beautiful Landscape. And I stared at the beautiful wallpaper on my bedroom. Strangely though, the flowers appeared to me like a tiara. I recognised that tiara. It was of the Fenistia! Well of course you haven't heard of the Fenistia, so let me tell you. It is a magnificent creature, with the body of a tiger and the head of a lion, covered in a beautiful shade of violet with gleaming ivory stripes. It had glorious emerald eyes and a bright sapphire mane , with a diamond studded floral tiara, stunning in its fragrance! The thought of seeing the creature again made my heart leap. I absolutely loved it!And sprung forward the Fenistia smiling at me. He said"The queen of the glorious land of Gemarius, Her majesty, the ever radiant Azura wants her Knighthood to visit the kingdom again. " I nodded. Oh! By the way, my name is Valentina. I was the favourite knight of queen Azura, and I was transferred into this world for the protection of art. You need not be a special person to enter the land of Culture, you just need one thing-respect for talent and art. So, coming back to the story, I sang to the Fenistia in special notes that translated, "What is it?" It sang back,
"You shall know". Without wasting another moment I climbed on its back and it soared up on the sky. I couldn't even enjoy the feeling because of my urgency. It was a beautiful land, made of thousands of colours, where talent was respected and cultivated. The sky had a different colour each day, the clouds were of silver. The realm was covered with mountains with trees of varying colours and scents.. The land was absolutely covered with doodle and mandala, the houses were beautifully painted and decorated, Dresses were beautifully illustrated and shiny. But you have yet to hear about the Queen.. Azura. Her skin was a bright blue in colour, with eyes that shine likes the brightest sapphires and always ornately dressed, in armour in war and in silk and velvet in peace. The castle was beautiful, made of coloured glass with mandala, that shone like a sparkling diamond within the beautiful Kingdom.
On top of it stood the symbol of the kingdom a combination of a painters brush, a flute and coiled with twinkling stars and a pen. It symbolised the four main sources of joy-art, music and dance, lights, and education. The kingdom always echoed with the melodious voice of the people and the soulful voice of azura! It was the time of Christmas and the landscape was very beautiful. I thought to myself, "there wasn't any problem here, so why would the Queen seek an audience with me?" Anyway, now it was time for me to change my ride. A long distance was yet to be covered. So I summoned the Pelicaun, it was like a unicorn.. a beautiful shade of pink, lime green hair, hazel antlers and orange eyes, with pearl studded hooves. Unlike the Fenistia, the Pelicaun moved in land. Well, it was very thoughtful of Queen Azura as I was already suffering from air sickness.
I sat down on the pristine landscape for some breath and then rode with the Pelicaun. After 2 days there (ideally which is 13 days here), I reached the water of enchantment. It was a holy water which was gifted to us by the spirits of light, sound, art and literacy. It had to be crossed only by special creatures huge but mystical creatures, the most magestic of all, the protectors of the realm, the Nevires. They were a combination of Phoenix's and dragons, golden yellow in colour and emerald accessories. Rainbow eyes and Dark green scales, they emmited a violet fire and had beautiful transparent wings. I bowed to one of them reverently, and wanted to proceed. But they were confused. I showed them the mark on my forehead the one which gave me the power to provide joy. Yes, I was the daughter of the Spirits of Joy.
After that they took me, and we sailed through the crystal clear water. Finally we reached Azura's palace, still so pure, still so pristine. Inside, I met the lovely Azura, radiant as ever. She sang to me, which translated, "This journey would be to your own inner self, to a truth about existence that you never knew, and this is important". I nodded and I was given a beautiful dress, and a tiara( I was very surprised , b
ecause I was usually given my armour and my sword). But the dress was really beautiful, a gleaming ivory colour with sapphire studs and lace trims. And a diamond necklace. Well, a grand affair was awaiting me perhaps!I boarded an Agamoss, a pegasaus like creature, but completely transparent. They were known for its black beautiful eyes and their beautiful harnesses. Each unique, each beautiful. My one had a platinum and diamond harness, which weirdly complemented my attire.
I sat on it and rode off, well, flew off! I had been given a map. My first destination was Kismet , where I was supposed to find the ring of Future. When I reached there, I was astonished!It was beautiful, not exactly traditional but very sleek in nature. Everything was of violet and red. It provided a beautiful message, "The future is mysterious". I rode to the castle. The ruler treated me with kindness and asked me "How may I help you, dear one?"I told her that the Queen wanted me to have the ring of the future. She nodded as if she knew what was the reason for it, though she spoke nothing. With the ring I proceeded to the kingdom of the present. It was of dark blue and yellow, which provided the message "The present is all you have knowledge about and it is unending, because the past was once present and the future will be present". So I went on, probably loking for a castle, but to my surprise, there was no castle, there were a cluster of houses, so prim and proper. One of them was most extravagantly decorated.
I tried the door there, and then a man came out, well not a man-A man with wings. We called them Ellaras. And if I describe them, you would be awestruck!They were known for their appearances, but I never had imagined one so good! They were like a man, but they dresses in heavy armour and had sturdy wings, some had fire on their wings, some had power of water, some had medicinal properties, in short, they were exactly the type of creatures that would be beneficial to all! So I asked him about the ruler. He took in my attire and also stared for a long time at my mark, the glittering one on my forehead!
Finally he spoke politely, "There is no ruler, but I take care of these people, and I do everything to keep them happy, but I don't consider myself superior to them!" I was impressed. I politely asked for the tiara of the present by taking the name of the Queen. He handed it to me but spoke"You are going on an important mission, use your patience and strength, because you might need them". I bowed to him and then marched to the mountains of the past!It was not an extraordinary kingdom, but simple and beautiful, everything green!It gave the message, "The past is the beginning to everything". It was true. So I went to the only cabin in the land, a very rustic cabin. There was a beautiful woman with a kid! They took care of the whole land, though there were no people, they took care of the nature there. I told them that as a representative of Queen Azura, I have come to take the bracelet of the past.
They hesitated at first, but seeing the divine Agamoss, a symbol of trust and honour, they handed it to me. Now was the most difficult part of my journey, as Azura had told me. I had to go to the Cloud of Souls and had to wear the three gems. I went there. The mountain was fully white, pristine and pure. I performed the honorary rites to the spirit of the mountain and wore the three accessories. Instantly, a scene flashed before me. There was Mirandelle, the holiest nymph on the three worlds. I had heard only stories about her. She had married a noble knight, pure and loyal. They had a daughter together. The daughter was destined to be a queen and the holiest in the three worlds. There could have been only one holiest person
. So Queen Azura told the nymph to discard the child. But she kept her child and surrendered all her holy powers to her. Then she was taken away by a mystical white light. The husband couldn't bear her grief and passed away. Azura named the daughter Beveralda. As she grew up, she was influenced by the Queen's champion, Gabrielle. He called her Valentina !I stood still for a moment. My heart couldn't bear the shock. The Queen had always told me about Beveralda, that she would be the savior of the kingdom. But I never realised it was me. I went back as fast as I could. Ignoring everyone, I went to Queen Azura, her guilty eyes. I bowed and then said "Why? After all these years!". She stood still and said stolidly, " Because I am dying. "