An Unforgettable Friendship...
An Unforgettable Friendship...

Mina: So, you said you are going to narrate your unforgettable friendship story, right?
Me: Yes, of course, so lets begin....
It was the first day of 4th standard, Every year our classroom was shuffled, and I met my new classmates, some of them were my friends and some were whom I never met before. I was peeking inside my backpack while a girl who had short hair and a nice smiling face came by and sat near me, She kindly asked, "Is this seat taken?" I replied, "No, you can have it." As she sat near me, We talked a lot about each other and our likes and dislikes during the lunch time, her name was Kiara. I asked her, " Well, When is your birthday?" She replied, " 14th of June, When is yours?" I stopped eating for a while as I was shocked, I managed to speak," Really!! Mine is just two days before yours on 12th of June!! She said, "Wow! that's a coincidence, I guess, We can be friends!" "I think the same" I replied. And the rest of the day went just talking and laughing...When I reached home my mother asked how my day was, and I told her all about my new friend, As weeks and months past, we grew closer to each other, She introduced me to her friend, Hazel and I introduced her to mine who was in my class. We were almost always seen together, whether it is in the break or in the class. We mostly had same interests, and of course, as children we loved to be superheroes, and have a spy agency, where we would have secret languages, and we would save people and our identities would be hidden, what fun it was in those days!! And also, we liked to do crafts too!! We were a part of outdoor class board team before independence day. We had to decorate it by poster and colourful messages and themes, but the problem here was that we were given the responsibility of decorating the board within one week and we had done nothing, it was blank for some day, then we got to work. We also had to attend our lectures and doing both things parallel was not easy, in fact it was impossible to do it in just 4 to 5 days for 9 year old children, and we could not even stay after classes in the schools. It was the last day and the last period and one-third of the board was still left,
Mina: Now what?, how did you complete the board? It is just impossible!
Me: It was impossible but not for a a team in which friendship and teamwork was in the highest amount...
Mina: Oh...Now I see! Well, What happened next?
The lecture was a substitute lecture so luckily we had sometime. We rushed towards the board and we almost had to give up then, but with our full dedication we managed to finish it, and guess what? It looked amazing, like the best outdoor class board ever!! We did have up and downs just like any other friendship but I always kind of felt from inside, that our friendship was unique. Few months before our finals of the term I had a conversation with my father --
Father: Do you remember our new house that we are going to shift in?
Me: Yes I do, When our we going to shift in?
Father: You're excited, right? We'll be getting our possession by the end of January...
Me: Oh...
I just excused myself and went into my room, and thought for a while that though I was excited I was sad too, the reason was that as we will be staying there I would be leaving this school and Kiara too. By this thought I went in my balcony and remembered that day we became friends, it seemed years since we became friends, though at that time it was only like 9 to 10 months. I went to school the next day, she saw that I was not enthusiastic as I was on other normal days -
Kiara: What happened? What made you so sad?
Me: Its a thing to be sad, why shouldn't I be sad?
Kiara: What happened? You seem different... please share your sadness with me...
I told her all about th
e thing that happened last night, she herself was as sad as I was, but we simply couldn't do anything, she shared this thing with Hazel and soon the news spread throughout the whole grade. Everyone knew about my shifting by then... We simply couldn't stop it. Weeks went on and it was the final week for this grade and also the final week in this school for me (before exams). She came to me and said --
Kiara: So, its final that we can't stop your shifting but at least we can cherish our special moments which occurred this year...
Me: Of course we can, but you know the reason, our benches are so far and plus we meet only in the school...
Kiara: True, but we can request our class teacher to let us sit together, and if she questions us we will say that is it your last week so you should stay with your best friend...
Me: What a great idea! Let's go...
Our classwork was finished so we went to our teacher to ask, we were very shy to ask her for a favour, but as always we would always do just anything for our friendship. We asked her that can we sit together for just one week together, our teacher was strict but she saw the friendship between us throughout the year, hence she let us sit together because after that our exams were approaching, but she had a conditions that she would let us sit together only if we don't talk and complete our work. Our happiness was beyond the bounds, I shifted my bag to her table and we did the classwork quickly and I gave my diary to her and told her to write something in it to make this day memorable...
Mina: What did she wrote?
Me: Let me tell you...
She wrote that "Our teacher said that we can sit together only if we would not talk but we sat together to talk only." That one week passed away swiftly and at last it was our final exams, our exams were conducted in such a way that according to the roll numbers half of the students sit in one class, while the other half in other classroom. Hence, me and my friend were both in different classes, but Hazel was in my class, so she never let me felt lonely, that one week of exam was passed rapidly, we would finish our exams and then I would meet Kiara everyday in the 10 minutes break in the hallway. Finally it was the last day of my year and this school, so I had given my exam and I was discussing the answers with Hazel. Soon after that, she handed my a big cloth bag and told me to keep it in my bag quickly, I felt it strange so I asked her what was in it, she replied "something special", I peeked quietly in it and saw that there was a envelope and a big wrapped gift. I told her to take it back because there was no need of it but she didn't take it, I kept the gift in my bag and took the envelope out and opened it, and guess what? It was a farewell card!! I felt so blessed to have such a friend that very moment that I hugged her tightly and went into the hallway, Kiara was waiting for me there I showed her the card and she was very happy to see that, she held my hand and whispered to me in my ears, that she didn't have a gift for me but she said that our friendship was a gift given from her... I was so glad by hearing this that I told her that there was no need of any gift and indeed our friendship was a gift, so I promised her that our friendship will always remain in our hearts and not in distance... and this was the very last time I met my best friend. I stepped out of my school and looked back at it. I remembered all the memories with Kiara in a flash. This school was my first school indeed and I had spent my first 6 years of my student life in this school. The last year was a memorable one, with my best friend, our friendship was to be continued in our hearts...
Based on true incidence
~ Written by Anukriti Singh