Alone In The Dark Part-2
Alone In The Dark Part-2
As we were thinking how anyone can sell this beautiful house at such a low price as we were totally unaware of the story behind it and suddenly an old man shows off out of nowhere and jump right into our conversation as he was totally known about what made that incident happen as he was one of the oldest living man of the society and the story he tells us was totally shocking! He knew how this beautiful place turned in to a totally horrific experience and the story was so shocking he told that when he was a kid in that house a new couple who had just done their marriage arrived and they were totally a good person as the neigh
bor totally like how they were but as they were facing some issues with having kids and the women got in something strange called the devil prayers. She worshipped devils instead of gods she was worshipping devils to give them kids, so later that day some cinematic horror scene was created in the house later in that night as it was raining outside and some prayers were coming loudly from that house and the voice was so loud that the next livers can totally hear that and instead of light the candles were light and she just giver her husband to the devil in want of the kid.
Stay tuned for part 3