My fears
My fears
1).Sleeping alone
Like any other African child,I do not remember sharing a bed with my parents
But I do remember sharing with my 'peers'
Sleeping alone was a test of bravery which failed terribly in every way whatsoever
I could feel presence of beings I can't neither see staring unblinkingly at me somewhere within the room
I was so afraid that I could not toss or turn only feeling afraid of alerting the being
2).The dark
Whenever lights went out I would pull the blanket over my head and cover my face whole
I usually preferred to be asleep before the lights went out so that I do not have a hard times sleeping but for someone like me screaming 'mama weeee!' If something/someone touched me in the dark is proof I never embraced my fear of the dark till now.
3).the cane
Home,dad used to call it 'mushulah'
School it was the 'black mamba' it was a teachers best friend to me it was quite the opposite
In my eyes I saw an Adolf Hitler holding an AK whenever I saw a tea
cher with it
Kwanza with every stroke it made my heart would jump with fright within my chest case
Even if it was not I who was facing it
4).The monsters under my bed
I've always been afraid of what might be under my bed than what might be in closet
I am one of those people who would peek under the bed to confirm nothing was hiding beneath the sleeping me awaiting to crawl out when the lights are out and i,ve shut my eyes
Damn! I hate it when I have nightmares to date
Especially those associated with traumas I've underwent
They were the worst
Most were so frightening that I at times I did sweat or screamed from my sleeps
heartbreak of betrayal hit the first day my mother lashed my backside
My first love canned me hard
While Love heartbreak Hit had at puberty all the way to my teenage years, I can not explain the pain this caused
My current fear
Is losing my self and forgetting who I am.