Jay. P. Shah

Action Crime Inspirational


Jay. P. Shah

Action Crime Inspirational

Aayush: The Fearless

Aayush: The Fearless

4 mins

Before Reading : The Story is A Fictional Story Made By My Creativity, All My Stories Till Now Are Made By Me and My Creativity, The Names used in My Stories Are Real But Not Related to Any Person Living Or Dead. I Will Continue to Entertain all My Readers With My Creativity Always. 

Aayush, A 10 year old boy who is a very brave boy. His father is one of the richest man of the city, His Father Pradeep had learnt Karate when he was of Ayush's age. So Mr Pradeep Taught his Son Karate, so that if the Rival Company tries to Harm or Threaten Aayush by Sending Goons, Aayush Can fight For Himself. 

So, one Day After his School Was Over, Aayush came out of his Class and saw it was raining heavily. He took out his Umbrella and walked out of the School Premises. A little distance from the School was a huge tree, where he used to spend most of his time with Friends after School. He had a talk with his friends as usual and was going to walk his way to Home, his Friends had almost reached their homes. 

Suddenly Aayush felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He turned behind to see who was it, he saw a Police Inspector whose Name Was Vikas Das. The Inspector held a photo of a Criminal. The Poster of the Criminal had all the vital information about the Criminal. 

The Criminal's Name Was Charles Winston. He and his Gang were from Africa, and were arrested on the charges of Drug Peddling. But they all had escaped from the Prison, Mostly they did Drug Peddling. But with Drug Peddling they also did Extortion and contract Killing. Aayush was scared reading The info on the Poster, but still thought he had the courage to fight with such Criminals. 

While he was entering in the lane where his Home was located, suddenly from the adjoining street a blue Van came and stopped in front of him. Guess What! He saw Charles Winston and his Men in the Van. They Came out and covered his mouth with a cloth and silently took him into the Van, Aayush was Un conscious for some time. Till he and the Criminals reache

d their Hideout. Once they reached their hideout, all were going out of the Van. Aayush slowly pressed a button in his school bag. It was a GPS tracker which sent a Message immediately to his father Pradeep, that he's in Danger. After a While of discussion and teasing of Aayush, Charles and his Men call on the Phone Number of Mr Pradeep and Ask him to give 10 crores to leave his son from the hideout unharmed, else they would kill his Son. 

However Mr Pradeep was knowing his son's location / their hideout, so he didn't get Much Tensed and informed the Police about his case. Inspector Vikram Sent some Police officers with him, they all wore Civil dresses, so that Charles and his Men do not identify them. They all sat in a Normal Jeep as they couldn't use a Police Jeep in this Situation. 

In the Hideout, Aayush was left untied, He Was knowing Karate very well and as he had planned to defeat those Criminals and hand them to the Police. Aayush First Fought with The Members of Charles Gang and Once He Defeated Them, Aayush Took His Umbrella, He Pressed a Button In It, And The Umbrella turned Into a Cane.

 As The Boss Charles Winston Was Strong, Aayush First Fought With Him Using His Karate Skills and Then Took His Cane and Hit Charles till He Got Tired. All of them were defeated in some minutes, and all this was being Viewed by Mr Pradeep and The Police Officers, as they were Standing at the door of the hideout. Mr Pradeep was very Happy Seeing His Little Champ Fight So Nicely and Even The Police Officers were Impressed seeing the little one's Courage, The Police Immediately arrested Charles and His Men. Mr Pradeep and the Police Officers said very Good and Applauded Aayush for the Courage and the skills he used to protect himself. Once Aayush and Mr Pradeep Reached Home, their Family members already were knowing the Scene That happened with Aayush, as The Police reported the Whole Scene to the News. The Family Members Applauded Aayush and Mr Pradeep and All Enjoyed Aayush's Return to Home. 

Thank You

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