A midnight’s dream
A midnight’s dream

Dear friends, this is a real dream I had some years ago. I lay in the dark (in my dream) trying to sleep when something happened. A ghostly figure appeared out of thin air and I sat up feeling jumpy.
Before even I could blink my eyes, two hands came out of the black, ghostly figure. Indeed, it was moving, it seemed to come towards. Me my throat had forgotten any word or noise to make. I felt vulnerable and so very aghast. The figure came towards me, while my family lay sleeping peacefully. I could give no signal.
I was petrified. When it came
to me, I looked at it. So scared, I was. The figure was probably a ghost. It came towards me ,drawing out its hands. Picked me up. All of this had chilled my blood. I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t yell. No noise had been made by me or the ‘ghost’. The ghost was particularly unearthly. No face so no eyes, no nose ,no mouth, no nothing . It was nothing but a strange figure with queer hands. He carried me till the end of the room. The room was pristine nothing had been touched by the ghost. And guess what happened? I woke with a jump. “Dear me!” I thought, “What a nightmare!”.