Aadishree Singh

Children Stories Classics Fantasy


Aadishree Singh

Children Stories Classics Fantasy

A lesson for Mia.

A lesson for Mia.

3 mins

There was once a girl named Mia. Mia was a great devotee but she also wanted many things that she didn't need. She would pray everyday to god for something new. The god was fed up and made a plan. One day when Mia was praying to the god, a beam of light flashed and the god appeared. " My dear child", said the god, "I have heard your prayers and I am pleased with your devotion. I have a gift for you. A genie that will grant your every single wish. You will no longer ask me for anything." Mia looked extremely pleased. The god was holding a golden lamp decorated with precious stones. The god rubbed the lamp and smoke filled the room. A genie appeared dressed in golden robes and jewels. "I am the king of genies," said the genie," My master, as you have summoned me I shall grant all your wishes” 

“Dear genie, I am free off all desires but here, little Mia is not. I want you to serve her and fulfil all her wishes.” “Sure, My lord.” replied the genie. After this, god explained something to Mia, “Child, you will be free from all desires with the genie’s help but one, no one will care and love you. Are you willing?” “Without a doubt!” exclaimed Mia with delight. At this, god took his leave.

When Mia went to her mother and told her about it all her mother said only one thing, “What

do I do, you little brat!” Mia was hurt but she was responsible for it. She then went to her friend and said, “Hullo! You want to know a cool thing?” Her friend replied, “For heavens sake, leave me alone!” The candies she had ordered from the genie were now tasteless. Still, she thought, “ Whatever! I do not care!.” She wished for many things and the genie granted all. Mia went to her brother who she loved the most and offered him many things. Her brother said, “What do you want Mia? You got all what you desired. Why don’t you leave everyone alone and enjoy your luxuries.” This penetrated the little girl’s heart she started crying. “Mistress, why do you cry? Do you want something? Tell me!” said the genie.

“Can you make everyone like me again?” questioned Mia. “I’m afraid I cannot do that.” Mia kept sobbing. At last god appeared before her. “What is it child? Do you not have everything thing you wanted?” “My lord, take everything away and make everyone love me again, please!” replied Mia.

God smiled, and suddenly everything went black. Mia opened her eyes and she was still in bed. “Mia! Will you sleep forever? Wake up, I made you your favourite breakfast!” came her mother’s sweet voice.

 “Thankyou god for everything, the more you desire, the less people desire you.”

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