Children Stories Fantasy Thriller



Children Stories Fantasy Thriller



7 mins

Egyptians making advanced and futuristic weapons to attack AMAZONIANS….


Why Egyptians wants to attack AMAZONIANS, let us know…,

Egypt is one of the greatest civilizations in history. But, we don't know that Egyptians   want to rule this planet with the help of A.A CIVILIZATION and the most powerful stone in the earth (NATURE STONE). NATURE STONE is the only stone that can change desert to a rainforest, also it has the ability to create or destroy a universe and it controls the past, present and future. This is one of the mysterious and powerful stones in the world. For thousands of years this stone has been safe in the protection of AMAZONIANS in the mysterious place of AMAZON RAINFOREST ( EL DORADO ) the city of gold. Nobody knows that where this 


                           On every lunar eclipse Egyptians store the energy in the pyramids, which comes from the moon. With the lunar energy, Egyptians created something in their basement. One day in AMAZON RAINFOREST an AMAZONIAN is killed by a creature but nobody knows what it is actually. The next day AMAZONIANS are ready to kill that creature. After some hours the creature is killed by the holy animal of M CIVILIZATION and it is known as a JAGUAR. The creature looks like a wolfman. Now the secret of the lunar energy is revealed, Egyptians making fusion between animals and humans to attack on AMAZON RAINFOREST. To make those creatures invincible Egyptians used lunar energy.

      JAGUARS are more powerful than wolfman creatures because they absorb the power directly from the SUN and they have the fire power. After some years the day comes Egyptians are coming to attack on AMAZON FOREST along with A.A CIVILIZATION and they entered into the AMAZON FOREST. If Egyptians want that NATURE STONE first they wanna face JAGUARS. Egyptians get into the war with advanced weapons and attack the JAGUARS but, JAGUARS are killing Egyptians by splitting fire on them. Then Egyptians went back to their team and A.A CIVILIZATION sent their soldiers into war. JAGUARS fire attack doesn't affect soldiers because they have an advanced suit that can tolerate the fire. Then JAGUARS are attacking with their bone crushing teeth that can break the advanced suit easily. Soldiers of A.A CIVILIZATION step back and send the wolfman team again but this time the wolfman team have the solar and lunar powers they are attacking on JAGUARS with the combined beam of solar and lunar power. JAGUARS, AMAZONIANS, P.P CIVILIZATION and M CIVILIZATION soldiers are reducing slowly by the attack of EGYPTIANS, wolfmans and A.A CIVILIZATION. Wait……….

 How did NATURE STONE come to AMAZON RAINFOREST ? Let us go back some billion years…..

    Some billion years ago there were two planets named as KEPLER 452B (K452B) and KEPLER 62F (K62F). These two planet civilizations are so friendly but one day KEPLER 62F civilization held a meeting in KEPLER 452B. In the meeting K62F civilization leader informed them that they had a strange powerful stone in their planet that could change this entire universe and they wanted to create a new universe instead of the present universe. Before they create a new universe they want to destroy the present universe but the K452B civilization leader doesn't accept that because if they destroy this universe so many life forms will die. The K62F civilization leader angrily said i came here to inform you of this matter not to know anyone's opinion and he went back to his planet KEPLER 62F. Some years after the meeting, according to the plan, the K62F leader (EVERSOR) started to destroy the planets in the universe. After a deep thinking K452B leader (MAMORU) designed a marvellous stone that looks like NATURE STONE and he carries that stone with him also takes a decision to rob the NATURE STONE from KEPLER 62F. 

le="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">        MAMORU went to K62F planet and said i am declaring a war against your civilization. If we win this battle, you're going to stop destroying this universe and you want to surrender the NATURE STONE to me. The challenge is accepted by EVERSOR. Before one day of war a stranger with a blue armour suit entered the K62F planet and started killing people. After some hours he went into the chamber of NATURE STONE and robbed successfully but alarms started ringing, then he was caught by a soldier. EVERSOR came to the stranger and removed the mask. He was in shock because the stranger is not someone he is the leader of K452B planet MAMORU. MAMORU offered that he will surrender the NATURE STONE if they will leave him from their planet. As per word EVERSOR leaves the MAMORU and he was going to leave K62F planet he said one thing with a smile "now it's my time ". He went back to their home planet K452B and he informed all the people that they are going to earth for some reasons. As MAMORU said they all landed on earth in AMAZON RAINFOREST, before they came already the life forms are evolving. In K62F  EVERSOR again went to destroy planets with the NATURE STONE but this time it didn't work because MAMORU gave him marvellous stone instead of NATURE STONE. Marvellous stone is just a design copy of NATURE STONE. Now EVERSOR has no powers to destroy planets and he alerted the soldiers of their planet to make arrangements to go on earth. 


        NATURE STONE has one weakness that if the stone is arranged in the middle of gold it can work. It is already known to MAMORU and then he created (EL DORADO) the city of gold to arrange the NATURE STONE in it. He successfully arranged the stone in the EL DORADO and to protect that stone he shares 90% of DNA to chimpanzees. Now humans are born and migrate to various places on earth but, to protect the NATURE STONE AMAZONIANS and M CIVILIZATION decides to live in AMAZON RAINFOREST.

        K62F civilization has landed on earth in EGYPT to search for NATURE STONE and he saw the humans then he shared his 95% of DNA to EGYPTIANS. A new civilization is born as EGYPTIANS. They have become more intelligent than ever before and they are working for EVERSOR to find the NATURE STONE. 

     After a longtime they find the NATURE STONE and K452B civilization in AMAZON RAINFOREST…..


 War continues, the soldiers of P.P CIVILIZATION, AMAZONIANS, JAGUARS and M CIVILIZATION are reducing slowly then a giant 200 feet snake named as COLUBER has came from the AMAZON RAINFOREST and killed the A.A CIVILIZATION, WOLFMANS, EGYPTIANS…..

 Here A.A, P.P and M CIVILIZATIONS are no one but A.A CIVILIZATION is KEPLER  62F civilization, P.P is KEPLER 452B civilization and M CIVILIZATION is known as MAYANS…..

                   EVERSOR has not died completely and MAMORU comes to EVERSOR and asks how do u create NATURE STONE then he was shocked by the words of EVERSOR because he said "i didn't create NATURE STONE it is naturally made. Before we came to the KEPLER 62F planet we lived on earth for two million years with the help of NATURE STONE". 

              MAMORU asks EVERSOR "how do you find this STONE tell me". EVERSOR "I was watching the space through a telescope then I saw something falling forcefully on earth. I went to the fallen place and I found this NATURE STONE"…. EVERSOR is dead.

   All CIVILIZATIONS are still confused.

where this NATURE STONE comes from……


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