Meenakshi Mavuluri



Meenakshi Mavuluri




7 mins

Not every day is for the miracles to happen. Every once in a while, things that are impossible to explain will happen. Those events were left unexplained even by the brilliant minds of these world. After a constant bickering and questioning we will become tired and carry on with our routine lives. But, that once in a while, miracle might be someone’s long lasting dream or fate or life. To the people who just had a glimpse of it, which is us, it is just a story. Might become a cock and bull story for our children of future generations. Well, that doesn’t make it any less real, is it? Since I was a kid and up until now, I’ve always dreamed of life and the emotions, feelings and everything else that are packed in it as a miracle. It is because I really am not a person that adjusts for routine, or may be the stories of my grandmother really messed me up. She believes in miracles more than anybody else on this entire planet, so what else could be expected from her. Anyways life is not always roses and lilies, especially not for a 21-year-old woman. The pressures of getting settled and getting married and every damn problem arises and seems to attack at this age. Things become hard and complacent. The urge to look like a grown woman both physically and mentally is tiring. This is exactly one of the times every woman out there eagerly wants a miracle to happen in her life. Isn’t it ladies?

Okay, now let’s get back to the day when my misery as an adult has finally come to an end. It is 5:55 pm, I still remember the dark black dense clouds that covered the clear sky in just a few minutes. The clouds were moving way two fast as if they were scared of someone out there in the sky. I feel the pressure of heavy breezes all over my body, even they seem to be afraid of something that is about to happen. As far as my eye can see, all of my neighbor aunties were racing to pick the clothes they have dried on the terrace. In a snap everybody disappeared. Now I see nobody nowhere. Surprisingly I feel at ease especially knowing that there’s no nosy human cameras around.

Suddenly I was captivated by the sun set. All I can see is reddish orange sky filled with distorted clouds everywhere and a clump of tall coconut trees. The view bewitched me. I knew that I am getting obsessed but I couldn’t move either my eyes or my feet. I just stood there watching it without noticing the time. It seemed like another world. Suddenly I was interrupted by a loud noise, it was the transformer of our street. As expected, the whole colony blacked out in seconds. Everybody is in panic, but I felt as light as a feather. I was confused for a moment, but when I checked I was actually in the air moving towards the sunset. I said to myself that I am in a dream but I don’t have to wakeup since dreams like this are way better than reality even though they aren’t real. So, I left my burdens and started to be excited about what I am going to see. While travelling in the sky I tried some things that I have always wanted to. After a tireless surprising journey, I reached the world I talked about. It was a beach with clear blue water. There was a huge sand castle glittering and sparkling as if it was made of gold. The reason for the shining might be Mr. Sun, yes, its sunny in here. Trust me I wasn’t shocked at all since it was all a dream. I walked up to the castle, there was a huge gate and I opened it. As I enter the castle there was this big garden full of life, which I meant for flowers, fruits and all types of trees and plants and so on. I left a wow for the person who took care of that garden. I walked further and what I saw there left me breathless. It is a man who is unbelievably handsome, I don’t even care if he is aged or a monster or an alien. My eyes were suddenly filled with passion but I covered the feelings since he might mistake me for a pervert. Even before I moved my lips, he asked me how I was. That surely left me in shock. I am a woman who hasn’t been in love since I was born, at least not even a single guy chased me professing his love. Again, the guy said I have been waiting for you and I have built this castle and everything involved with it according to your taste. I was almost dead this time, trust me. I was speechless, and almost about to cry because now I’m not ready to acknowledge that it was just a dream. He came forward and took my hand to give me a tour of his place. I went along. He showed everything he made for me. I fell in love with the ship especially he made to sail along with me. I asked, Are there anybody else in this place? He said it was just him waiting for me. Then I lost it. I don’t want to wake up from this dream ever. I never saw him or knew what kind of a person he was? I just don’t care. I knew that I don’t find anybody like that if I wake up. I never knew what love is but he made me feel a lot of things in just a few minutes. Now after this I don’t intend to know anything about love, all I need is him in my life and I am absolutely ready to give up everything for that. But deep down I knew I was just being selfish because the reason that I don’t want to wake up is due to my loneliness and my problems in real life. I asked him, would you run away if I disappear again? He said, I have the hope to wait for a life time for you. No matter how hard the situations get or how lonely would it be for me, I’d not run away. If the life offers me nothing but despair my love for you gives me the courage and boost to face it. You here right now is an enough example for me that miracles still happen, and I believe there are still more left. Even if you disappear, I pray and wait everyday for another such miracle.

Now I understood. I wanted to tell him, …. Suddenly I feel dizzy and I became unconscious.

Later I woke up, but in a hospital bed. I came to know that I wasn’t sleeping but actually in an almost dead state before they revived me. I forgot to mention that I have a heart condition. Loud noises and sudden shocks can actually kill me. To me I just woke up from a very good dream.

 What if I don’t get convinced by his words?

 Would I be dead?

 Or Would I be still alive in his world? 

These are the questions I asked myself a numerous time. I never get the chance to tell him my last words or to ask his name, but then I remember his words ‘that miracles are still left’. It gave me hope. 

Miracles aren’t always about visiting different worlds, flying in the sky, seeing sand castles, gardens, meeting your perfect partner and so on. Some times even a day or a minute you continue to live no matter how hard it is hoping for it to get better is a miracle for you and for the ones beside you. You might meet all kinds of hardships on your way but still the moment you lay down the dream you are going to be in is a miracle. A good night sleep is a miracle. A good meal to a hungry stomach is a miracle. For you to acknowledge the miracles you need to suffer a little pain. So, everyone out there just hang on to that little hope, sooner a miracle is about to happen.

                                                                THE END

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