Nikhil Maturi



Nikhil Maturi


A Day by the Water

A Day by the Water

5 mins

As the leaves rustled in Kevin's backyard in Bloomington , Indiana. Kevin was staring at pictures from previous vacations in his tree house that his dad made for him last year. Kevin enjoyed spending time in his tree house and was happy his dad made it for him. He missed travelling and wanted to go somewhere. However, the budget was tight this year and his parents couldn't afford a big vacation. Thus , why Kevin was sitting in his tree house instead of exploring the world.

But one thing was bothering Kevin and that was that Mom and Dad discussing a lot about something, and they didn't share it with him. Kevin thought this was odd as they usually share everything with him. Anyway Kevin went to bed wondering what his parents were conversing about but eventually slept out of exhaustion. The next morning Kevin woke to a lot of loud sounds and instinctively went to the kitchen and saw nothing so he went back to his room. Before he entered his room he saw that his parents door was ajar and went to see want they were doing and to his surprise they were packing suitcases. In deep thought he wandered back to his room . While Kevin was peeping inside his parents room he only caught a glimpse of the contents of the suitcases. However , he did see sunscreen , swimming clothes along with a few other pair of clothes. After recollecting he realised there is no way they were packing for a vacation as they never go to the beach on their vacations.

The thing that happened next was completely out of the blue. Once Kevin finished his shower and went down for breakfast he saw a note stuck on his door written by mom , so he read it thinking it was important but it simply said " I have left Breakfast on the table for you , eat fast and come to the driveway. " Kevin finished his breakfast and saw the car filled with suitcases and mom and dad talking while gorging on a Bagels. When they saw Kevin they started walking towards him . Kevin asked " What Happened ". His mother explained they were going on vacation but to an abnormal place. Kevin started to respond but his mother stopped him and asked him to go get the bag they packed for him in their room. Kevin bounder up the stairs and brought the suitcases to the driveway and handed it to his mom.

His parents asked him to hop in the car and then dad ignited the engine and they got started . Once they were 5 minutes into the drive his mother said she was open to questions. Kevin asked where they were going and his mom replied saying Lake Michigan. Kevin was Flabbergasted and shell-shocked. He was speechless and sat quietly for the rest of the ride. In the middle of the ride he got tired as it was 9 : 00 pm and hit the hay. He woke up the following morning as the sun crept over the horizon. When he glanced out the window he realised that they were near their destination. After another half an hour of driving and they arrived .

They started removing all their luggage and went to find their place of residence. He asked his mom what they would be staying in and she said a small cottage. So Kevin was on the lookout for cottages. After a couple minutes of walking they came upon a few small cottages along the lake's shore . Kevin then found a sign saying No . 780 - 800 go right. Then his father said their Cottage number was 786 so they went in that direction. When they came there Kevin saw a rundown cottage that was old and fragile looking. He then and there gave up on this surprise trip. He then trudged by the house and felt a large gust of wind and saw the water glittering along the lake shore and all his previous thoughts washed away. He stepped on the lake shore and knew this would be a great trip.

The day was now coming to an end and it was time to eat and go back to the cottage a few hundred yards away. Once they opened the door they all went and took a shower after their long ride and few hours at the shore. Afterwards they settled around the table for dinner and then they all hit the sack.

The next day Kevin woke up excited and rejuvenated. He was excited for today. He gobbled his food in a hurry and asked his dad what they were doing today and his dad said " Anything is Fine". So Kevin decided upon rock skipping and swimming for the beginning of the day and finding out what to do later afterwards. Kevin gathered a couple of rocks and started skipping without any idea of how he was supposed to skip. Until he dad came along and taught him some form and got him started. Now Kevin had an idea of how to skip and improved rapidly . After some time he started swimming until his skin was wrinkled and understood he should go get lunch. After a filling lunch he found himself at a booth where you can register for water sports. He asked his dad if he could do that and his dad replied saying yes. Soon Kevin was ready with his gear and ready to water surf. He was filled with adrenaline and enjoyed this experience thoroughly. He decided to end his day with a calm activity. Kevin once again found himself in the perfect place , staring at a fishing pole. He thought that was perfect and decided to get some bait and find a chair to sit in. He got everything and started to fish. His parents soon came and sat with him for some time then went to get some food. This left Kevin alone sitting in a big lawn-chair as the sun set over the horizon fishing. It truly was a " Day by The Water "

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